Putin discussed with the heads of news agencies and print media elections in the Russian Federation and international issues

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the leadership of the national print media and news agencies touched upon the upcoming presidential elections, spoke about the relations of Russia with foreign partners and has promised to introduce in the country the title of “Honored journalist”. The President also promised to consider the possibility of advertising of Russian vodka. The competition refreshes the discussion One of the first, Putin was asked about the upcoming March presidential elections and the high number of presidential candidates.

Putin spoke about the project “Leaders of Russia”

Putin spoke about the project “Leaders of Russia” NOVO-OGARYOVO, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. The project for the selection of managerial personnel “Leaders of Russia” is not associated with the current political situation, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with leaders of the Russian print media and news agencies. The head of state noted that monitors are such professional selections throughout the country. “I’ve watched it personally. I believe that the organization and the nature of the work, and the work is positive — this is the biggest event,” he said. The President stressed that nothing to do with the political situation this project has not. “Nothing to do with the situation in the current political moment it has not. You know that for quite a long time, for almost all of the previous six years, we always talked and made persistent efforts in the field of training”,

Named the size of the grant aid for Syria

Named the size of the grant aid for Syria In 2018, on the provision of humanitarian aid to Syria will require $ 3.5 billion. This was at the end of the visit to the country, said Deputy UN Secretary-General for humanitarian Affairs mark Lowcock, according to UN information center. According to Lococo indicated sum will allow to alleviate the suffering of 13 million people in all parts of Syria. Thus, according to the Deputy UN Secretary General, to rebuild the country will need hundreds of billions of dollars. Today, about 70 percent of Syrians live in extreme poverty. “I talked with those who before the war worked in hospitals, schools and other public institutions — they all want to go home, continue to benefit society and help people recover from the severe trauma they have experienced,” said Lowcock. The first humanitarian convoy with Russian aid for the Syrian people in

Putin has declared readiness to transfer to Ukraine military equipment from the Crimea

Putin has declared readiness to transfer to Ukraine military equipment from the Crimea President Vladimir Putin said that Russia is ready to return to Ukraine the military equipment, which remained on the Crimean Peninsula after the departure of the region of the Ukrainian military, reports “Interfax”. According to him, earlier, the Ukrainian government has repeatedly raised the issue of the return of military equipment from the Crimea. “We are ready to continue the process, ready to transfer warships to Ukraine, aviation equipment, armored vehicles”, — said the head of state at a meeting with chief editors of the media. According to him, the Ukrainian equipment is in poor condition. “But this is not our business. It is in such almost was”, — Putin said, adding that over the years, this technique has not been serviced. According to him, we are talking about tens of warships, dozens of aircraft. Putin said

Putin called Kim Jong UN a competent and Mature politician and called for dialogue

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin called the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN “is absolutely competent and Mature politician,” by creating a nuclear warhead and long-range missiles decided the strategic objective. However, the Russian head of state believes that the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula it is necessary to proceed from reality, to carry on negotiations.

Putin: normalization of relations between the Russian Federation and the United States depends on the will and sanity of Washington

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. Normalization of relations between Russia and the United States will happen if Washington will have the courage, good will and common sense. However, in the case of the continuation of the sanctions policy of the Russian-American relations will deteriorate. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the leadership of the national print media and news agencies, responding to a question, is there any hope for the normalization of relations with the United States.

Russia has overtaken Ukraine in the technology of marine engines

Russia has overtaken Ukraine in the technology of marine engines “ODK-Saturn” state tests completed and started the production of gas turbine marine engines previously bought from the Ukrainian side. About it said Deputy Russian defense Minister Yuri Borisov, who arrived at the Rybinsk enterprise, according to RIA Novosti. “We are closely watching the development of production of gas turbine engines, including ships such as the frigate, and today, thank God, the event, started in 2014, finished conducting tests and assigning letter gas turbine power plant, and we are now almost gone from dependence on Ukraine for these critical positions,” the military said. He noted that the company “fully resolved the issue of the creation and further modernization of the marine engine” and “unique bench-scale equipment, which is installed, serve more than a dozen years.” Therefore, I believe that the issue of gas turbine units for the Navy finally closed and

Assange became a citizen of Ecuador

Assange became a citizen of Ecuador MEXICO city, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. Founder of the portal WikiLeaks Julian Assange appealed to the authorities of Ecuador with a request for naturalization, which was granted on 12 December, announced Thursday the Minister of foreign Affairs maría Fernanda Espinosa. At a press conference, broadcasted in the network, the foreign Minister stressed that Ecuador has the authority to provide better protection to the person who asked for the document. The Minister also said that Ecuador turned to the UK to grant Assange diplomatic status, but London refused. Assange 2012 is the Embassy of Ecuador in London — he then appealed to the Ecuadorian authorities with a request for political asylum for fear of extradition by Swedish authorities in the United States in connection with his activities in WikiLeaks. Recently Assange kept in touch with the outside world, including via Twitter, where he regularly

Putin: the family plays a key role in the education of the individual child

Putin: the family plays a key role in the education of the individual child The Russian President urged to pay attention to the value of the family and reminded that in Russian history there was a period when the government was trying to push that moment into the background. MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin believes that the family plays a key role in the upbringing of the child. He said this at a meeting with students — authors of the best essays on the theme “Russia looking into the future”. “I would like to draw attention to the value of family is important. I believe that it is of great importance, it is good that you wrote about this in his writings, as well as other components,” he said. According to Putin, “the absence of a loved one, the absence of a mother, the father