CNN: trump called “dirty holes” a number of countries from which U.S. immigrants arrive

CNN: trump called “dirty holes” a number of countries from which U.S. immigrants arrive NEW YORK, January 12. /TASS/. The President of the United States Donald trump during a meeting with lawmakers at the White house called “dirty holes” a number of countries from which U.S. immigrants arrive. This was announced on Thursday the broadcaster CNN, citing those present at the meeting officials. According to the broadcaster, when democratic Senator dick Durbin in the discussion of immigration problems mentioned Haiti, trump asked why someone want to in USA were immigrants from Haiti and from Africa, and called the country’s “dirty holes”. He added that the aim should be to ensure that the United States had arrived people from countries such as Norway. Asked to comment on the statements of the President, the White house spokesman Raj Shah did not deny that the President has resorted to this formulation, told CNN.

“Nord stream-2” decided to close the new arguments

“Nord stream-2” decided to close the new arguments The world wildlife Fund and the nature protection Union of Germany demanded that the leading German politicians to end the gas pipeline project “Nord stream-2”. It was reported by Der Tagesspiegel. According to environmentalists, the project is a “climate-political impasse” that threatens the ecosystem of the Baltic sea and destroying the unity of the Old world. The environmentalists demanded that the leaders of major political parties to initiate an independent assessment of the project. At the same time they are ready to achieve closure of the project through the courts. In November 2017 approval of the pipeline was complicated by Denmark. The new law makes the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the country to give approval to the project, this Agency can guide you not only environmental, but also political motives. The project “Northern stream-2” involves the construction of two lines with

Mei called the priority theme for Britain in the negotiations on Brexit

Mei called the priority theme for Britain in the negotiations on Brexit LONDON, January 12 — RIA Novosti, Natalia Kopylova. The financial sector in the UK and jobs in it are a priority in negotiations with the EU on Brexit, Prime Minister Theresa may in a meeting with bankers on Thursday, her words are in a statement after the event, the report of the representative of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister also noted that the British authorities plan to the end of March to negotiate with Brussels about the terms of the transition period after Brexit. The message is that the UK government intends to put “the interests of customers and taxpayers in the heart of the negotiations on the future regulatory relationship between Britain and the EU.” In the discussion of the future of the financial sector was attended by the heads of such banks as Goldman Sachs,

Putin: presidential elections, a large number of applicants refreshes the discussion

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin considers normal the participation in presidential elections a large number of applicants, it is refreshing debate. This opinion he expressed at the meeting with the leadership of the national print media and news agencies, responding to a question about how he evaluates the fact that in the forthcoming elections of the head of state put forward a lot of applicants.

Putin called complete nonsense and nonsense accusations of Russian intervention in elections in the United States

© Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. All accusations of Russia’s interference in American elections and the collusion of the team of Donald trump when he was a candidate for the presidency of the United States, with Russia are complete nonsense and delirium. This was emphasized by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the leadership of the national print media and news agencies, responding to a question, is there any hope for the normalization of relations with the United States.

The state Department explained to the Council to avoid travel to Russia

The state Department explained to the Council to avoid travel to Russia The list of countries that are potentially dangerous to visit American citizens are formed to ensure the safety of tourists, while recommendations are not binding. This was during the briefing said the Deputy head of the state Department spokesman Steven Goldstein. “If people want to go to Russia, that is their decision,” he said. Also, the diplomat explained that there were allegations of attempts by authorities to dissuade Americans from traveling “to some extent discourages tourists to go to Russia”. January 11, the state Department presented the updated guidelines for Americans when visiting other countries. In this state were divided into four groups, from first — safe, up to the fourth — categorically nerekomenduoja to visit. Russia was in the third group, along with Lebanon and Honduras because of the threat of terrorist attacks in places of a

Trump said of a sale to NATO allies airplanes from a computer game

Trump said of a sale to NATO allies airplanes from a computer game The President of the United States Donald trump during a joint press conference with Prime Minister of Norway Erna Solberg confused brand sold in Scandinavian country aircraft and called model of the machine, existing only in a computer game. About it reports The Washington Post. “In November we started to put the F-52 and F-35,” said the American leader. At the same time stressed that the amount of the transaction amounted to 10 billion dollars. As suggested by observers, trump misread the message about the plan of sale machines 52 F-35. Named the F-52 exists only in the game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. The reservation has become the subject of ridicule users of social networks. Some users have suggested looks like a legendary aircraft, sold to Norway. Trump just said we are selling the F-52s to

Pavel Grudinin is ready to work not more than two terms

Pavel Grudinin is ready to work not more than two terms Today the CEC will register a non-party candidate of the Communist party, Director of “Sovkhoz imeni Lenina” Pavel Grudinina. He released a draft of its program “20 steps”, which actually reproduces the program with which the Communist party went to the elections to the state Duma. It aims at the nationalization of industry, power industry, leading banks; a minimum salary of 25-30 thousand rubles for citizens. Is the program and policy abstracts, which were not in the program of the Communist party: to be President can be no more than two terms for life. In 2012, presidential candidate Vladimir Putin began to publish part of its programme on 16 January. While it is not represented. Pavel Grudinin has kept the promise made at the Congress of the Communist party on 23 December, and had based its programme what Communists