New presidential term of Putin can start with a budget maneuver

New presidential term of Putin can start with a budget maneuver The President asked to find money for education, health and infrastructure. In the presidential administration and the ministries to calculate the increase in expenditure on education, health and infrastructure, told “Vedomosti” several meeting participants and Federal officials. This is done at the request of the President, but the official order was not. Support the idea, in particular, presidential aide Andrei Belousov and Chairman of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina, but subject to structural reforms, according to the interlocutors “Vedomosti”. There is an understanding that expenditures on human capital and infrastructure must be increased, the official said: “the Main question — where is the money? Without them it’s just a slogan”. Discussed options, told the interlocutors of “Vedomosti”: the reduction of costs, increase in taxes, the easing of fiscal policy. The budget maneuver suggested by the experts to Vladimir Putin

In Japan outlined plans for the Kuril Islands

In Japan outlined plans for the Kuril Islands The government of Japan is preparing for new consultations with Russia at the level of Deputy foreign Ministers, which will address in particular the prospects for joint economic activities on southern Kuriles. This is with reference to sources in the Japanese foreign Ministry TASS. “I would like to deepen the discussions on how to develop these projects in ways not calling into question legal positions of the two countries over the ownership of Islands,” — said the Agency interlocutor. The representative of the foreign Ministry denied earlier media reports that plans are deleted from the projects of waste disposal. “It was decided this spring to strengthen project preparation in five areas: mariculture, tourism, greenhouses, wind energy, recycling of garbage”, — assured the diplomat. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in December 2016 agreed on a document about the

Qatari Sheikh announced the forcible retention in the UAE

Qatari Sheikh announced the forcible retention in the UAE Moscow. January 15. INTERFAX.RU Sheikh of Qatar, Abdullah bin Ali al-Thani, has published a video in which he announced his forcibly held in the United Arab Emirates, reported BBC News. In the UAE deny the charges. The head of the Department of Abu Dhabi education and the centre for combating extremism Ali Rashid al-Nuaimi said on Twitter that Sheikh can go wherever you want. According to the Sheikh, it holds the crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohammed, who “bears full responsibility” for the fate of the guest. He said that is not held hostage, and only limited in movement. The main goal of treatment is to name the perpetrator of possible trouble al-Thani. Abdullah bin Ali al-Thani was in negotiations with Saudi Arabia during the diplomatic crisis last year, when eight Arab countries severed relations with Qatar.

The President of Afghanistan said that without U.S. support, the Cabinet of the country won’t last six months

The President of Afghanistan said that without U.S. support, the Cabinet of the country won’t last six months WASHINGTON, January 15. /TASS/. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has acknowledged that his country won’t last six months without support from the United States. He told about it in interview to TV channel CBS, which aired Sunday. The President asked whether he agrees with the fact that if the US leave the Republic, his “government will collapse in three days.” “From the point of view of resources that is absolutely true. We will not be able to support our troops within six months without American support and capacity,” said Ghani. The journalist asked to confirm if he has said that without the support of the US army of Afghanistan will last six months. “Yes, because we have no money”, — said the President. United States, according to the channel, cover 90% of the

Trump said he did not consider himself a racist

Trump said he did not consider himself a racist WASHINGTON, January 15 — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump on Sunday reiterated that it did not make offensive remarks about third world countries and does not consider himself a racist. The scandal erupted after the media reported that at a meeting on immigration with senators trump called third world countries “grease pit” (shithole, translation — “stinking hole”). In particular, he had mentioned Haiti, El Salvador, the number of African States. The trump later said that did not use such words at the same time, a number of senators from among the opponents and supporters of the President made diametrically opposite statements of fact made whether the head of state such statements. “No, I’m not a racist. I’m the least racist person you interviewed,” said trump reporters, noting that he did not make offensive remarks during a meeting at the

“Izvestia”: the Federation Council may develop sanctions against some members of WADA

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 15. /TASS/. Senators of the Russian Federation are considering the question of introduction of sanctions against the functionaries of the world anti-doping Agency (WADA) involved in the suspension of the Russian team from participation in the Olympics in 2018. On Monday, reported the newspaper “Izvestia” with reference to the Chairman of the Federation Council Commission for the protection of state sovereignty and prevent interference in the internal Affairs Andrey Klimov.

The government has identified the best mass media of Russia

The government has identified the best mass media of Russia Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev will present on Monday the government prize of Russia in the field of media, awarded for 2017. This is the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. One of the ten prizes are traditionally awarded for choosing the Prime Minister. Dmitry Medvedev proposed to posthumously award former editor-in-chief of the magazine “cinema Art” Daniel Dondurei. Other winners were four journalists and five teams. Each winning applicant will receive one million roubles. For the 2017 award winning host of “world of animals” Nikolai Drozdov “for the special contribution to development of mass media”, Margaret Lange “for a series of publications on inter-ethnic relations”, Igor Svinarenko “for a series of journalistic works that have become iconic in the history of modern Russian journalism” and the General Director of TV company “Friday” Nicholas Kartozia “for a new creative TV formats”.

In Parliament, Poroshenko was suspected of treason after “promise” not to harm Russia

In Parliament, Poroshenko was suspected of treason after “promise” not to harm Russia MOSCOW, January 15 — RIA Novosti. Verkhovna Rada Deputy Vitaliy kupriy is going to send a request to the SBU into the “treason” of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. He said this in his Facebook. Earlier, the opposition Georgian TV channel “Rustavi 2” released a statement Poroshenko, which were allegedly written by him in 2007 after he was not allowed in Russia. The commitment to the Director of the FSB, the Ukrainian leader promises to engage in anti-Russian activities and to comply strictly with applicable laws. “I believe that society should be confident of the identity of handwriting Poroshenko with a request to the Director of the FSB to allow it to Russia in 2007. Also the consequence has to find out how often and through what checkpoints of the state border Poroshenko visited in Russia,

The Communist party praised Putin’s statement about communism

The Communist party praised Putin’s statement about communism The statements of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in a film journalist Andrei Kondrashov “Balaam” that the Communist ideology has much in common with Christianity, in the Communist party were positive. “I think this President is very useful and reasonably smooth sharp corners around the theme of the Mausoleum. In this respect, the assessment of these theses can only be positive. Another issue is that for Communists “the moral code of the Builder of communism” can not be “primitive excerpt from the Bible.” Still this code aims at building a just society here and now”, — quotes “Interfax” words of the first Deputy Chairman of the CPRF Central Committee, first Deputy speaker of the state Duma Ivan Melnikov. Mr Melnikov said that “Communists and all left-wing Patriotic forces, it is clear that communism is close to Christianity just as Christianity is

Klintsevich said that the U.S. is seeking in Syria “allies” against Russia

Klintsevich said that the U.S. is seeking in Syria “allies” against Russia MOSCOW, 14 Jan — RIA Novosti. The US is not going to leave Syria, finding many reasons and “allies” against Russia, told RIA Novosti on Sunday, the first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich. As reported earlier, the publication Defense Post, the official representative of the coalition headed by the USA against the group “Islamic state”*, the coalition started in Syria to create so-called security forces on the border territory it controls. According to him, the coalition works in conjunction with the Syrian democratic forces (SDS) on the creation and training of a new Syrian security forces border (SBG). Currently undergoing training to approximately 230 people, the ultimate goal is to create a force strength of approximately 30 thousand people. “Another confirmation that the US to leave Syria is not going