Skvortsova was named a priority area in health care to Finance

Skvortsova was named a priority area in health care to Finance The Minister of health of Russia Veronika Skvortsova said that the priority for funding in the field of health is treatment of cancer. The correspondent reports about it “Газеты.Ru”. “We take very seriously the concentration of resource on certain issues depending on the priorities of a particular year. That’s an absolute priority this year is Oncology,” said Skvortsova during the Gaidar forum. She also added that all financial and economic difficulties of the last few years, the contribution to health care grows every year. Earlier it was reported that FAS has established exclusively high price of the drug against cancer.

The state Department has advised Americans to prepare for the funeral before traveling to the DPRK

The state Department has advised Americans to prepare for the funeral before traveling to the DPRK MOSCOW, 16 Jan — RIA Novosti. The state Department warned Americans of the dangers of travel to North Korea. A message posted on the official website of the Department. In the foreign policy establishment urged US citizens not to travel to the DPRK in connection with a high degree of threat to be arrested. In addition, diplomats are reminded that Americans can’t visit North Korea without a special permit issued by the state Department. The Department also reported that the United States will not be able to provide emergency assistance to Americans residing in the DPRK, as the parties do not have diplomatic and consular relations. While the Ministry reminded that Sweden acts as intermediary in contacts between countries and provides only limited assistance to U.S. citizens in the DPRK. The North Korean government,

Maduro: a group of Oscar Perez was going to attack a foreign Embassy

Maduro: a group of Oscar Perez was going to attack a foreign Embassy TASS, January 16. Neutralized by Venezuelan authorities, an armed group led by officer Oscar Perez had intended to detonate a car bomb at the foreign Embassy. This was announced on Monday, the President of the Bolivarian Republic, Nicolas Maduro, speaking to the Constitutional Assembly in the capital, Caracas. “Those who passed the training [for the attacks], admitted this before the court, said Maduro. We learned that they had prepared a car bomb to blow it up near the Embassy dear and respected country.” According to the head of state performers had been promised that they will be able to take refuge in Colombia. According to the interior Ministry of Venezuela, a group of Peres on Monday was neutralized, some of its members were destroyed, several people were arrested. Accurate information about the number of killed members of

U.S. General sees any component of the armed forces, which would not be upgraded

U.S. General sees any component of the armed forces, which would not be upgraded WASHINGTON, January 16. /TASS/. The Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff U.S. army General Joseph Dunford sees any component of the Armed forces of Russia, which would not have been upgraded over the past 10 years. The corresponding statement he made on Monday in conversation with journalists in Brussels. “When we think about Russia, we think of their actions over the past few years, and then we look at investment over the last 10 years did the Russians. Not a single component of the Russian armed forces, which to some extent would not have been upgraded over the last decade,” said military commander, quoted by the Pentagon. “I would say that none of us feels comfortable in the position in which we are now. If you are in this case careless, then you are behind

Daughter of Martin Luther king believes that trump’s words on migrants do not meet the spirit of America

Daughter of Martin Luther king believes that trump’s words on migrants do not meet the spirit of America NEW YORK, January 16. /TASS/. The statements of the President of the United States Donald trump on immigration do not reflect the opinion of the Americans and did not conform to the precepts of civil rights leader Martin Luther king. With this statement, as reported on Monday the news Agency Associated Press (AP), were made by Bernice king, daughter of civil rights activist. “We cannot allow the countries of the world believed that the words of our President reflect the true spirit of America, she said at the ceremony in a Baptist Church in Atlanta (Georgia) on the occasion of celebrating the US national holiday — the Day of Martin Luther king. — We — one people, one nation, one blood, one destiny. In this hour of our common need to be

Palestine urged to sever ties in response to the transfer of embassies to Jerusalem

Palestine urged to sever ties in response to the transfer of embassies to Jerusalem GAS, 16 Jan — RIA Novosti. The Central Council of the Palestine liberation Organization called on the Arab world to break off diplomatic relations with countries that transferred their embassies in Israel to Jerusalem. The first such decision was made in the USA, whose President Donald trump in December announced the recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, breaking with the established international approaches and ignoring the claims of the Palestinians in the Eastern part of the city. “To demand from Arab countries, the cessation of diplomatic relations with any state which moves its Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem,” — said in the decision, which was read out on television on the outcome of the emergency meeting of the Council. The first and only country that followed the US announced the transfer of its Embassy to

Ramzan Kadyrov was included in the Lithuanian analogue of “Magnitsky list”

Ramzan Kadyrov was included in the Lithuanian analogue of “Magnitsky list” The migration Department of Lithuania has published the analogue of “Magnitsky list”. It included 49 Russians, including the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin, the Deputy head of the Investigative Committee of the interior Ministry Oleg Logunov. In the message on the Department’s website notes that “the decision on the timing of prohibition of entry to Lithuania is set based on the situation and circumstances”. A law prohibiting the entrance to the Baltic Republic to persons who, in the opinion of Vilnius, are linked with corruption, money laundering or violations of human rights, was approved by the Lithuanian Parliament and President in November 2017 and entered into force in January. The press Secretary to Mr Kadyrov, Alvi Karimov, said that the Lithuanian list is “dummy, which does not deserve attention”.

Died Viktor Anpilov

Victor Anpilov © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, January 15. /TASS/. The leader of the movement “Labor Russia” Viktor Anpilov and died a few hours ago in hospital from a stroke. About TASS reported the former state Duma Deputy Darya Mitina. “On January 13 [Anpilov] went to a meeting [of the candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation from the Communist party Pavel] Grudinina with the Trustees, but did not reach – a massive stroke. Three days lying in “Sklifosovsky” in a coma, a few hours ago died,” she said. Victor Anpilov was born 2 October 1945. He graduated from the journalism faculty of Moscow state University, worked in the USSR radio and television. In 1984-1985, he worked in Nicaragua. In 1990 was elected Deputy of the Moscow Soviet. Communist leader “His role in the Communist movement cannot be overstated. He was the first former Soviet Communist leader,” – said Mitin. For

The election of the President remained without independent sociology

The election of the President remained without independent sociology All-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM) announced on Monday the start of a research project for the presidential elections. According to the survey, 67% of Russians say that they will certainly take part in the elections, and another 11% will make it “likely”. According to 64% of respondents, elections are held in an “open and fair political fight,” and 23% believe that they can hardly be called “truly free and democratic.” For Vladimir Putin is ready to vote for 73.8% of all respondents, the nominee of the Communist party Pavel Grudinina or 7.2%, for LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky is 4.7%. Below the level of error the results of TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak (1%), the founder of the “Yabloko” Grigory Yavlinsky (0.6%) and the business Ombudsman Boris Titov (0,3%). VTSIOM 100% controlled by the state represented by Rosimushchestvo. Alternative sociology,

Sobchak told about his political plans

Sobchak told about his political plans MOSCOW, January 15 — RIA Novosti. The candidate in presidents of Russia Ksenia Sobchak said that his victory in the upcoming elections would take the opportunity to create the right party, and added that in the future would like to have the chance to participate in the Duma elections in 2021 and the presidential election in 2024. “I don’t know what will happen next. I would love to have had the chance, unlike other people who tried, and failed, to have had the chance to establish a party to participate in the Duma elections, then in the upcoming presidential. Maybe won’t get that chance, and I’m wrong, and I’m naive. And can, and will, you know, eight people came to the mount Everest, and the ninth came,” said Sobchak on air of radio “Echo of Moscow” on Monday. She noted that his victory in