Experts: rating Grudinina is falling

Experts: rating Grudinina is falling MOSCOW, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. According to the latest VTSIOM and FOM, the support rating of the candidate in presidents of Russia from party of the Communist party Pavel Grudinina after a period of growth in late December — early January, began to decline. According to the poll, 11-15 January for Grudinina ready to vote 6.1% of the total electorate (the same rating recorded and Vladimir Zhirinovsky). The latest poll FOM records the rating of the candidate from the Communists at the level of 6%. Experts attribute the drop in support for Grudinina with several factors. So, Vice-President of the Foundation open new democracy Anna Fedorova notes that weakened the effect of novelty produced by the Communist candidate to the voters. “Grudinin entered the campaign as a new candidate and as this presidential election, for obvious reasons, of primary interest to the new candidate,

The Parliament rejected the amendment on the rupture of diplomatic relations with Russia

The Parliament rejected the amendment on the rupture of diplomatic relations with Russia KIEV, January 17 — RIA Novosti. The Parliament refused to amend the diplomatic relations with Russia in a bill on the reintegration of Donbass. The initiative was supported by all 72 parliamentarians with the necessary minimum of 226 votes. Previously this amendment was rejected by the relevant Committee of the Parliament, however, its author demanded to bring the proposal to a vote. 15:00 GMT deputies considered amendments 624 of 673. The final vote will take place on Thursday. The consideration of Rada is discussing a draft law on the reintegration of Donbass in the second reading. It gives the President the right to use the armed forces in the region in peacetime for the protection of sovereignty. This will allow to legalize the use of the army in the East without a Declaration of war. Document uncontrolled

Five non-parliamentary parties expressed support for Putin in the presidential elections

© Alexei Druzhinin//TASS MOSCOW, January 17. /TASS/. Pensioners ‘ party of Russia, Party of free citizens and of the party “Civil force”, “City of Russia” and “For justice” has announced the support of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation. “Today’s topic brought us together. Decided today to Express our common position in support of the candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation in the elections on March 18 Vladimir Putin,” – said during a press conference in Moscow the Chairman of the party of pensioners of Russia Nikolai Chebotaryov. On behalf of his party, he explained the support for Putin and his achievements in the country’s return to life. “Taking the country in a very difficult, sick condition, he resuscitated, put on his feet and made one of the global players on the world stage,” said the party leader.

The British government has a “Minister for loneliness”

The British government has a “Minister for loneliness” LONDON, 17 Jan — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. Prime Minister Theresa may has created in his new government post of “Minister for solitude,” and told him the parliamentary Deputy Minister on sport and civil society Tracey Crouch. “For too many people loneliness is a sad reality of modern life. I want to fight with this problem for the sake of our society and all of us, to help overcome loneliness for older people, carers, those who have lost loved ones — that is those people who have no one to talk to, nobody to share their thoughts and experiences,” the statement reads may. According to the British red cross, more than nine million Britons (out of a population of 65.6 million) often or always feel lonely. Charitable organization calls this phenomenon a “hidden epidemic.” The Prime Minister created the post of “Minister

Polls: Zhirinovsky and Grudinin fighting for second place

Polls: Zhirinovsky and Grudinin fighting for second place The support rating of the candidate in presidents from Communist party Pavel Grudinina, after rising in late December — early January, began to decline, a politician now shares second place with the candidate from LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky, follows from the results of a survey the Russian center for public opinion studies (VTSIOM). According to 11-15 January, the decision to participate in elections was declared by 70% of respondents. Another 11% of respondents reported a potential willingness to come to the polls. Haven’t decided yet, going to vote or not, 12% of respondents, according to the materials on the website VTSIOM. To vote for Vladimir Putin in the presidential election ready for 73.2% of Russians. For Pavel Grudinina and Vladimir Zhirinovsky can vote for 6.1% of the total electorate. Thus, Grudinin passed the position but Zhirinovsky, by contrast, has trimmed its position. For

Vladimir Zhirinovsky will play in the play “Woe from wit”

Vladimir Zhirinovsky will play in the play “Woe from wit” The politician will perform on the stage of the Moscow theatre “School of modern drama” in the role of Famusov. MOSCOW, January 17. /TASS/. Loud premiere show on Thursday, January 18, the Moscow theatre “School of modern play”. In the play “Woe from wit” (the musical version of the classic Comedy of A. S. Griboedov) will take part well-known politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky, said on Wednesday, TASS in the press service of the theatre. The interlocutor of Agency has reminded that Vladimir Zhirinovsky, which can rightly be called the most artistic of Russian politicians has already been played on the stage of the “School of modern play” — he was involved in the play-improvisation “Overheard, was overseen, unrecorded”. But then he appeared on stage in the role of “cameo” — that is, himself. “This time Vladimir Zhirinovsky will speak in one

Zhirinovsky suggested that the United States “out of Olympus” and to become a regional power

The leader of LDPR, a member of the state Duma Committee on defense Vladimir Zhirinovsky © Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, January 17. /TASS/. LDPR leader and presidential candidate Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that the United States failed to implement its global objectives in foreign policy, they “need to get rid of Olympus”. “Of course they [the U.S.] global goal failed. They need to climb down from Olympus, to become a regional power and to leave to itself”, – said the leader of LDPR reporters on Wednesday.

Kosachev: the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Poland changes of professionals in calling for sanctions “political workers”

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, January 17. /TASS/. The decision of the Polish foreign Ministry to dismiss MGIMO graduates working in the office may be unpleasant, it is in line with trends obschezapadnuyu replacement versed in Russian Affairs specialists to “officers”. This opinion was expressed on Wednesday by the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev. “It’s not only Polish, but obschezapadnuyu trend: really versed in Russian Affairs people to replace the “Commissars” and on those who put on sanctions and not on dialogue. Of course, it can not but rejoice, because to deal with politicienii, but incompetent commissioners much more difficult than even hard, but realistic professionals,” Kosachev wrote on his page in Facebook.