The Turks went on the attack on the Kurds and suffered losses

The Turks went on the attack on the Kurds and suffered losses The Kurdish people’s protection units (YPG) clashed with Turkish soldiers who tried to penetrate deep into Syrian territory. This is with reference to sources in the Kurdish militia according to TV channel Al Mayadeen. According to him, in the course of an armed clash, which occurred near the border village of Bulbul, were killed and four Turkish soldiers. On 19 January, the Turkish military began shelling Kurdish troops in the city Afrin in the North Syrian province of Aleppo. The Minister of defence of the Republic of Nurettin Canikli said that the decision to begin a ground offensive in military units will not be changed. He added that the Kurds are de facto began shelling the Turkish security forces on the border and pose a real threat. Ankara wants to eliminate the Syrian Kurdish border area, where in

Federal Department of the USA stopped work due to lack of funding

Federal Department of the USA stopped work due to lack of funding The budget document block Democrats, who require to include action on immigration. For passage of the bill the Republicans missing a few votes. WASHINGTON, 20 Jan — RIA Novosti. At midnight (08.00 GMT) the US Federal government stopped work from-for absence of financing. Democrats in the Senate gave Republicans approve the bill for this reason. Currently, the Senate is negotiating a new bill. The white house called the policy of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate on funding the government “behavior of losers”. The Democrats “put politics above our national security interests, military families, vulnerable children and opportunities to serve all Americans,” reads the statement of the official representative of the White house Sarah Sandras received by RIA Novosti. “This behavior is obstructionist losers, not the legislators,” the statement said. USA are one of the few countries where

The United States confirmed that Kiev will have donated at least a part of the new military assistance

The United States confirmed that Kiev will have donated at least a part of the new military assistance The amount of assistance to Ukraine in security will exceed $750 million, said the U.S. state Department. WASHINGTON, January 20. /Offset. TASS Dmitry Kirsanov/. The American authorities themselves pay for at least part of the new military assistance to Ukraine, including deliveries of anti-tank missiles (ATGM) Javelin. This was confirmed by January 19, the correspondent of TASS employee of the US state Department. He recalled that Washington announced in late December plans to expand the range of military assistance to Kiev and to proceed with the transfer including defensive weapons, among which were anti-tank systems Javelin. “We intend to provide Ukraine with defensive antitank weapons, including the Javelin missile system. We’ll direct you to the government of Ukraine for further details regarding the military procurement and operational plans,” — said the representative

Expert: trump has been a disappointment for the Russian political establishment

© AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais MOSCOW, January 20. /TASS/. The Russian political elite overestimated the capabilities of the U.S. President Donald trump in the establishment of bilateral relations. This opinion was expressed in an interview with correspondent TASS Director of the Institute of USA and Canada studies Valery Garbuzov, summing up the first year of stay trump in the oval office.

Russia, Iran and Turkey are in Sochi, the Syrian Congress

© Valery sharifulin/TASS SOCHI, January 20. /Offset. TASS Grigory Sapozhnikov/ Training in Sochi by the Congress of the Syrian national dialog is closed. Senior diplomats from Russia, Iran and Turkey gathered in the preliminary consultation, chose to focus on the issues being discussed without the presence of the press. On the territory of one of the hotels where negotiations are allowed only guests. Near the hotel there are no machines with TV trays. The main themes Negotiators have been working intensively on compiling the list of invitees to the Congress. As stated earlier, the special presidential envoy for the Middle East and Africa, Deputy foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, the parties agree on the relevant lists. If this is still unclear, the question of representation courses. Most likely, it will be independent delegates, as Turkey is strongly opposed to participation in the forum of the Kurdish “Democratic Union”, considering it a

Veselnitskaya: “dossier” on trump is not suitable as evidence in court

Natalia Veselnitskaya © AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko NEW YORK, January 20. /TASS/. The so-called incriminating dossier on the President of the United States Donald trump prepared by the Washington firm Fusion of GPS, cannot be taken as evidence in court. This opinion was expressed by the American TV channel Fox News a Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya that in the summer of 2016 met with trump’s son and sought the services at Fusion GPS about the “Magnitsky act”. Channel 19 Jan posted extract Veselnitskaya answers to the questions.

Lavrov: the North of Afghanistan turns into a base for international terrorism

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS UN, January 19. /TASS/. Remnants in Syria, the jihadists are flocking to Central Asia, including Northern Afghanistan. This was stated on Friday, the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a UN security Council meeting on security issues in Afghanistan and Central Asia. “Northern Afghanistan is turning into a base for international terrorism led by the Afghan wing of the Islamic state (banned in Russia as a terrorist organization), which forms the base for implementation in the region of destructive ideas in the spirit of the notorious ideology of “Caliphate”, – said the Minister.

Bloomberg revealed the cost of tickets for dinner with trump

Bloomberg revealed the cost of tickets for dinner with trump In Florida at the residence of the Mar-a-Lago will host a reception in honor of the anniversary of the inauguration of the American President Donald trump. The event is scheduled for January 20, Saturday. The cost of a ticket for two to a party starts at $100,000, according to Bloomberg. The invitation says that the ticket for the same amount entitles you to lunch and a photo with the President. For $250,000 a couple can already count on the participation in the round table. In November, trump told reporters that he wants to celebrate a year since the election for President this month. However, he has failed to do so due to tour Asia. According to Bloomberg, leading the evening will be Chairman of the Republican national Committee (RNC) Ronna Romney McDaniel and businessman responsible in RNA for Finance, Steve

USA has included Russia in the top five threats to national security

USA has included Russia in the top five threats to national security WASHINGTON, 19 Jan — RIA Novosti. The U.S. defense Department on Friday released the unclassified key provisions of the new “National defense strategy” — the first such document prepared in the country for nine years. The main threats to American security in the document named China, Russia, North Korea and Iran. Fifth, the threat comes from terrorist groups. A presentation of the strategy made by the head of the Pentagon James Mattis. The main principles of the document began the transition from terrorism to the rivalry between the “great powers” such as Russia and China, who allegedly threaten the United States, and the creation of powerful armed forces through the development of strategic nuclear forces, missile defense and cyber capabilities. It is noteworthy that in the recently published open part of the national security strategy of the USA,

The Pentagon revealed the main military opponents of the United States

The Pentagon revealed the main military opponents of the United States The Ministry of defense published a new military strategy, in which the main strategic rivals, the United States named Russia and China. The paper reported that competition with Moscow and Beijing “will require large and sustained investment, because potentially these threats are aimed at the safety and welfare of the United States.” “And these threats will increase in the future,” predicted the Pentagon. In military strategy it is also noted that in addition to Russia and China, the threat to US security are Iran and North Korea. In December 2017 was presented to the national security Strategy of the United States, in which threats are rogue States, “revisionists” and international terrorist organizations. “The revisionist States” Washington has repeatedly named Russia, Iran, North Korea and China.