Su-57, began flights with the latest weapons on Board

Su-57, began flights with the latest weapons on Board MOSCOW, January 24. /TASS/. Russian fifth-generation fighter, the su-57 started flying with aviation stredstv defeat of the new generation. This was the General Director of Corporation “Tactical missiles” (tactical missiles Corporation) Boris Obnosov in an interview published by TASS “Bulletin of military-technical cooperation”. “The work is hard. The whole complex of high-precision weapons for this aircraft, and as vnutrifyuzelyazhnyh, and on the external load, is developed by enterprises of the Corporation. We moved on to practical flying, I think that in the near future will see the result,” — said Obnosov, answering a question on the progress of the air weapons for the fifth generation fighter, the su-57. According to him, the protocols of information interaction with almost all types of weapons agreed. “Not far off, and the main work starts. This also applies to products “of the Rainbow,” and products

The US was subjected to obstruction of the draft of Russia gimatecan without reading the text

The US was subjected to obstruction of the draft of Russia gimatecan without reading the text Russia proposes to create a new, Independent UN investigating chemical attacks in Syria (UNIMI). The main difference UNIMI from projects of Joint arrangement (CMP), three times rejected by Russia — to a greater impartiality and objectivity of investigations. However, the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley was subjected to obstruction of the draft of Russia, even without reading the text of the document. The U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley harshly criticized the Russia-proposed project of an Independent mechanism of the UN (United Nations Independent Mechanism of Investigation. — “Газета.Ru”) for investigation of chemical attacks in Syria, even without knowing its contents. According to Haley, the American side will not accept any proposals emanating from Russia because they allegedly “undermine the ability of States to establish the truth or politicize

Called the number killed by the US coalition of Syrians

Called the number killed by the US coalition of Syrians The coalition, led by the SGA, was destroyed during the military operations in Syria for the last 40 months of 10900 people. These data are reported by Syrian monitoring centre for human rights on his website. According to the center, among the dead were at least 7396 members of the group “Islamic state” (banned in Russia). Among the dead in the provinces of al-Hasaka, al-raqqa, Aleppo, Idlib and Deir Ezzor 2815 civilians were 655 children and 481 female. The coalition led by USA against international terrorism was established in September 2014. Her initial goal was not only the fight against “Islamic state”, but regime change in Syria. At the end of 2017, it became known that the coalition refused to conduct military operations on the territory controlled by President Bashar al-Assad.

Turkey expects from the United States full support of the Syrian Kurds

Turkey expects from the United States full support of the Syrian Kurds ANKARA, Jan 24 — RIA Novosti. Ankara expects Washington’s full support for Syrian PYD (Kurdish party the Democratic Union) and YPG (defense forces of the Kurds), not unfulfilled promises, said a spokesman for Turkish President Ibrahim Kalin. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий “Earlier, the US promised to leave the PYD and YPG positions in the Syrian Manbij. They gave many other promises but didn’t keep any of them. We expect the US to fully support the YPG and PYD”, — was quoted as saying by the Turkish Anadolu Agency. He recalled that in November last year, the President of the United States Donald trump said during a telephone conversation with President of Turkey Tayyip Erdogan that the United States will stop supporting the YPG and the PYD, after the elimination of the threat of ISIS*. “Since then two months have passed but

Nebesa: the episode with himachali in Syria “successfully be adjusted” to the Congress on netdialog in Sochi

Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © EPA-EFE/JASON SZENES UN 23 Jan. /TASS/. The episode of alleged chemical attack in Syria, a fact of which yet to be confirmed, “very well be adjusted” to meet the US and like-minded people in Paris, as well as to the upcoming Sochi Congress of the Syrian national dialogue. This was stated on Tuesday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at the meeting of the UN Security Council. Commenting on reports of new chemical attack near Damascus, the diplomat said that representatives of the United States and great Britain “unequivocally” blamed the incident on the Syrian government and tried to “drag” it to Russia.

Of the Russian Federation proposed to establish a new mechanism for a more objective investigation hematic in Syria

© REUTERS/Murad Sezer UN 24 Jan. /TASS/. The UN Security Council on Tuesday returned to the issue of the use of chemical weapons in the conflict in Syria. A public meeting was held on the initiative of Russia, which announced the introduction of a draft resolution on the creation of a new structure to establish the perpetrators of the attacks with the use of toxic substances. It is designed to be the successor to the controversial Joint mechanism of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons and the United Nations to investigate (CMP), it ceased to exist in November last year.

WP: trump tried to find out from the Deputy head of the FBI’s McCabe, for whom he voted in 2016

WP: trump tried to find out from the Deputy head of the FBI’s McCabe, for whom he voted in 2016 WASHINGTON, January 24. /TASS/. The President of the United States Donald trump tried to find out from performing at the time acting Director of the FBI’s Andrew McCabe (he held the post from may to August 2017), for whom he voted in the presidential election in 2016. This was reported on Tuesday the newspaper The Washington Post, citing its sources in the US administration. According to their information, the conversation took place in may last year, just after the American leader has sent in resignation the head of the office of James Komi. Trump invited to the White house McCabe to meet him. They were a normal conversation, the newspaper said, before the President asked the question about the election. Acting Director of the FBI said that did not vote.

In China, there will be new “Great wall”

In China, there will be new “Great wall” MOSCOW, 24 Jan — RIA Novosti. In the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region will be “the Great wall”, China Daily reported, citing the Chairman of the region of Chakrata Zakir. The idea of strengthening security on the state border in 5.7 thousand kilometers, the official explained, “the protection against the penetration of extremism, separatism and terrorism from abroad”. “We will try to do everything possible not to leave gaps or invisible points in the social protection and security of key areas,” — said the Chairman of the Council of the region at the annual session of the 13th Regional people’s Congress in Urumqi. Also Zakir added that the Xinjiang authorities for security purposes, reinforce the control over the Internet and improve infrastructure in the border areas.

“News”: media-registered as foreign agents in Russia may be suspended before the election

© Sergey Maligawa/TASS MOSCOW, January 24. /TASS/. Broadcast media-registered as foreign agents may be temporarily blocked in Russia due to the fact that they distribute the calls to boycott the presidential election. About this newspaper “Izvestia” with reference to the Chairman of the Federation Council Commission for the protection of the sovereignty and prevent interference in the internal Affairs Andrey Klimov.