The reaction of the Russian politicians and businessmen to the publication of “the Kremlin’s list”

© Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, January 30. /TASS./ The downsizing of relations between Russia and the United States to zero would be a complete nonsense, so Moscow is to refrain from answering the so-called “Kremlin report” of the Ministry of Finance of the United States – Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on the publication of the document, which includes almost all the Russian leadership. Have mentioned in the list of representatives of political and business circles of Russia, his appearance caused mixed reactions: some are perplexed, others consider getting on the list as a recognition to the Russian Federation, others mockingly called the report “the phonebook”, but grief does not Express one.

The strangeness of “the Kremlin list”. Who did not get into it?

The strangeness of “the Kremlin list”. Who did not get into it? Not included in the list of States Nabiullina, Chubais, Kudrin. What will happen with businessmen and government officials, whose names appeared in the list? Or yet, conversely, concerns they have? “The Kremlin list”, published in the United States, was so large and containing so many famous names from the government and from business, the media and experts began to analyze the list to determine who didn’t get there. In the list were the heads of two dozen heads of state corporations, however, such as the General Director “Rosnano” Anatoly Chubais. There is also no Chairman of the Center for strategic development Alexey Kudrin and the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina. Chairmen of the constitutional court and the Supreme court Valery Zorkin and Vyacheslav Lebedev also not listed. In the open list is not ranked, the CEC

Sands: Washington de facto called the defendants “the Kremlin’s list of” enemies

Sands: Washington de facto called the defendants “the Kremlin’s list of” enemies Vladimir Putin will evaluate the document at the meeting with the Trustees, to be held January 30 at Gostiny Dvor. MOSCOW, January 30. /TASS./ Washington de facto called all involved “the Kremlin’s list of” enemies of the United States, noted in the Kremlin. De facto all persons involved, “the Kremlin list” of the U.S. Treasury] called the enemies of the United States. If you read the lyrics, the title of this document, [you’ll see] this is all done in accordance with the law on counteraction to enemies of the United States.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation “Therefore, de facto the whole group of persons [listed] called the enemies of the United States, — noticed Sands. — This approach, this statement”. Sands also recalled that the US administration has stated that there is no need

The NYT has published a list of all the people and organizations who over the year has criticized trump

The NYT has published a list of all the people and organizations who over the year has criticized trump The edition was dedicated to the selection of two bands. NEW YORK, January 30. /TASS./ Donald trump since the election for the post of President of the United States November 8, 2016 was made on Twitter critical reviews in relation to 181 politics, organization or country. This was announced on Monday, the newspaper The New York Times. Edition dual-band printed materials with names of those who had addressed the message, and brief content. This publication newspaper supplied the title “All the people, places and things in respect of which Donald trump spoke out insults since the election for President of the United States.” The greatest number of hard review of the President as this publication had in the American media. To describe them he used terms such as “dishonest”, “deceitful”, “very

Kosachev compared the report of the Ministry of Finance of the USA with the Kremlin’s phonebook

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, January 30. /TASS./ The so-called Kremlin report of the U.S. Treasury reminds rewritten by American intelligence agencies, the Kremlin phone directory. This opinion on Tuesday was expressed by the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev.

“Kremlin report” out of date before publication

“Kremlin report” out of date before publication In “Kremlin report” was included as one of the Federal Ministers. However, among the heads of agencies and services WA have already shown great selectivity, incorporating essentially only the security forces, as well as among managers of state — owned companies in the list were only about 20 people, head of the largest banks, Energy companies and transport. The list of businessmen from a little less than 100 people looks like a copy of the Russian Forbes list. Moreover, the lists seem to be more prepared in the summer: there are no status updates since the autumn, including the dismissal of the head of “Russian grids” Oleg Budargin or selling by Kirill Shamalov the main part of the stake in SIBUR, is not taken into account. The most interesting, the explanatory part of the “Kremlin report” classified, however, the composition of the list

The reaction of the defendants, “the Kremlin list»

The reaction of the defendants, “the Kremlin list» Who said what to find your name in the sanctions list of the U.S. Treasury. Moscow. 30 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — published earlier Tuesday by the U.S. Treasury, “the Kremlin list” includes the heads of government of the Russian Federation, representatives of major companies, heads of both chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, high-ranking officials. As previously reported, according to the report submitted to Congress, the list included 96 big business with the state more than $1 billion and 114 officials and heads of state companies. Among them — Dmitry Medvedev, Igor Shuvalov, Anton Siluanov, Maxim Oreshkin, Deputy Prime Minister, Nikolai Nikiforov, Alexei Miller, and Igor Sechin, Herman Gref, Andrey Kostin, Boris Kovalchuk, Sergey Gorkov, Alexey Likhachev, Vitaly Savelyev, Nikolay Tokarev and others. “Interfax” took comments from some of the defendants in the list of the U.S. Treasury. Arkady Dvorkovich

Media: Saudi Arabia released all the detainees on charges of corruption

Media: Saudi Arabia released all the detainees on charges of corruption DUBAI, 30 Jan — RIA Novosti. All the detainees on suspicion of corruption of high-ranking Saudi officials and businessmen who were held for two months in a five star hotel Ritz Carlton in Riyadh, left the hotel, said on Tuesday, Reuters reported, citing an official Saudi source. In November last year, the High Committee for the fight against corruption in Saudi Arabia, headed by the crown Prince ordered the arrest of about 40 influential persons, among whom were members of the Royal family, former Ministers, military and entrepreneurs. “No one else is at the Ritz Carlton under investigation in the case of the fight against corruption”, — quotes Agency the words of the source. It is reported that one of the last freedom Chapter company, Saudi Bunladin group Bakr bin Laden and other members of the family bin Laden,

Sands: Washington de facto called the defendants “the Kremlin’s list of” enemies

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, January 30. /TASS./ Washington de facto called all involved “the Kremlin’s list of” enemies of the United States, noted in the Kremlin. “De facto, [the defendants, “the Kremlin list” of the U.S. Treasury] called the enemies of the United States – said the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. – If you read the lyrics, the title of this document, [you’ll see] this is all done in accordance with the law on counteraction to enemies of the United States”. “Therefore, de facto the whole group of persons [listed] called the enemies of the United States, – noticed Sands. – This approach, this statement”.

Someone was in a “Kremlin report” of the U.S. Treasury. Complete list

Someone was in a “Kremlin report” of the U.S. Treasury. Complete list The list of more than 200 people: officials, heads of state and billionaires. The U.S. Treasury has made the so-called Kremlin report — a list of high-ranking officials and businessmen, whom Washington considers close to the Russian leadership. The report included a draft law “On opposition to the enemies of America by sanctions” (CAATSA) that the President of the United States Donald trump signed in August 2017. The list includes employees of the Kremlin administration, members of the Cabinet of Ministers headed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, heads of “Gazprom” and “Rosneft” Alexey Miller and Igor Sechin, as well as 96 Russian businessmen, whose fortune, according to Forbes magazine, is $1 billion, “Vedomosti”, published full list. “The list of senior officials» Presidential administration 1. The head of the presidential administration Anton Vaino. 2. First Deputy head of the