Putin: the authorities will help the students to get education abroad

Putin: the authorities will help the students to get education abroad MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The authorities of the Russian Federation will help undergraduate and graduate students to receive an education, including abroad, said Vladimir Putin. The independent candidate Vladimir Putin on Tuesday held a meeting with his Trustees in Gostiny Dvor in Moscow. Earlier, Putin’s press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the meeting with the Trustees as a candidate for the presidential elections to be held outside of the presidential working time. Of course, education in the modern world must be open, we will help to get an education abroad. But if such a network structure to create, maybe you do not need the money for a ticket to spend, because in today’s world you can do everything differently.Vladimir Putin “Now, regarding combining capabilities of different structures of higher education. You know, because you do it to

Putin urged his Trustees not to give impracticable promises to citizens

Putin urged his Trustees not to give impracticable promises to citizens The acting President added that people “will forgive anything but deceit can’t forgive.” MOSCOW, January 30. /TASS./ Vladimir Putin announced his intention to run for President of the Russian Federation, warned his Trustees to give unrealizable promises to the electorate. Thus he commented during a meeting with the Trustees in Gostiny Dvor proposal to increase support for farmers. “I would like at times, we need to look at it. But in any case it is impossible — and I never do, and I ask you very carefully to treat this is to make such promises during the meetings with the citizens, which we do not understand how to perform”, — said Putin. He appealed to treat “responsibly and carefully”. Because people will forgive anything but deceit can’t forgive — and rightly so.Vladimir Putin According to him, all the promises

Lavrov: Russia ready for dialogue on Syria in all formats and at all levels

The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov © Vladimir Smirnov/host photo Agency TASS SOCHI, January 30. /TASS./ Moscow is ready for dialogue on Syria with Western partners in all formats and at all levels. This was stated on Tuesday the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov. He recalled that the Russian side was invited to the Congress of the Syrian national dialogue in Sochi representatives of all countries-the permanent members of the UN security Council and many other States. “We are grateful to China, to Kazakhstan for the fact that their special representatives were delegated to this event,” – said the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. However, according to him, “our Western partners limited direction here (the Congress of the Syrian national dialogue in Sochi) Junior diplomats to their embassies in Russia.” “It would be an honor to offer, we are

Antonov: supporters of sanctions the U.S. wants to forget the experience of cooperation with Russia

Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS WASHINGTON, January 30. /TASS./ The US made another attack against an unfriendly Russia, and publicized “the Kremlin list”. About it, Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov said Tuesday in an exclusive interview with first Deputy Director General of TASS Mikhail Gusman.

Putin called Rodchenkova a jerk and wished him good health

Putin called Rodchenkova a jerk and wished him good health The President of Russia Vladimir Putin believes that you can’t base accusations of Moscow on the testimony of the informant the world anti-doping Agency (WADA) Gregory Rodchenkov. He said this during the meeting with Trustees in Moscow, the correspondent “Tapes.ru.» He also reminded that Rodchenkova “attempted suicide”. “Well, God give him health and let him recover. Well, that’s saying something. It tells about the problems, and all based on the testimony of this man, who can you trust at all”, — said the head of state. In December last year during the big press conference Putin said that the appointment Rodchenkov Director of “Antidoping centre” (Moscow anti-doping laboratory) was a mistake. From January 2016 Rodchenkov is in the United States under FBI protection. In the United States, the scientist made a number of loud statements about the massive doping fraud

Putin urged to think more about Russia, not about “the Kremlin list” of the USA

Putin urged to think more about Russia, not about “the Kremlin list” of the USA The Russian leader said that Moscow until will refrain from retaliatory steps. MOSCOW, January 30. /TASS./ Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the Trustees as a candidate for the post of head of state said that he had not seen “the Kremlin list” of the U.S. Treasury, but joked that he “hurt” him not to go. During the meeting, the candidate was asked about his attitude to the list, noting that it is Putin himself. “Shame look”, — the laughter of the audience the President joked, imitating a Caucasian accent. Passing to serious tone, he said: “I have not seen this document, I have not seen a list or any suggestions.” “In the morning, however, my colleagues informed about this” — said Putin. However, he expressed confidence that the need to think more

Putin said about the necessity of protection from “destructive forces” on the Internet

Putin said about the necessity of protection from “destructive forces” on the Internet Society needs to protect itself against “some destructive forces” on the Internet, said President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday at a meeting with the Trustees. “The anonymity of the Internet, on the one hand, good for democracy, but there is a problem — it’s unclear who these “nicknames” hides”, — Putin said. According to Putin, who is running for a fourth presidential term, users now fear nothing. Now is not the 37th year that I want, I say. At the same time, Putin did not rule out the introduction of new restrictions on the Internet after the attacks of students on their classmates in several Russian cities. “Sitting, watching, in the United States, then we have the crimes were committed. Moreover, without any basis,” Putin said. “This does not mean that we need to introduce some draconian measures,”

Titov presented to the CEC the signatures for participation in elections of the President

Authorized under the RF President on protection of entrepreneurs ‘ rights, Chairman of the Party of growth Boris Titov © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, January 30. /TASS./ The Chairman of the Party of growth, the business Ombudsman Boris Titov on Tuesday presented to the CEC is required to register as a candidate in the elections of the President of Russia number of signatures. As reported in the press service of the Party of growth, in support of Titov in 65 regions had collected about 150 thousand signatures, among them for submission to the CEC has selected the maximum number of 105 thousand