Trump has signed a decree on the preservation of the prison at Guantanamo Bay

Trump has signed a decree on the preservation of the prison at Guantanamo Bay The US President Donald trump has signed a decree, which will keep the military prison at Guantanamo Bay. Thus, the order of the trump cancels part of the decree, signed by former President Barack Obama in 2009, which refers to the early closure of the prison. Previously, the current U.S. leader has repeatedly said he would not support the idea of closing the prison. According to him, the transfer of prisoners from her is a threat to US security. According to unconfirmed reports, at the present time in Guantanamo Bay is 41 people. The Guantanamo prison camp for suspects by the US authorities in serious crimes, mainly terrorism, waging war on the enemy side. It is located on a permanently leased naval base in guantánamo Bay (Cuba). In 2009, Barack Obama, being then President of the

Syrian Congress in Sochi: a dialogue without clear results

Syrian Congress in Sochi: a dialogue without clear results In Sochi hosted a one-day Congress of national dialogue in Syria. Moscow presented this meeting as the next stage of Russia’s efforts to restore peace in Syria and the attempt to breathe new life into the peace talks in Geneva. The negotiations resulted in an agreement to start the creation of a Constitutional Commission involving representatives of the Syrian government and the opposition. The question of how closer this meeting negotiations to achieve lasting peace in Syria remains: as acknowledged by the organizers of the meeting, no time limits on the establishment of the Commission and especially the writing of the new Constitution outcome not guess. Minibuses carrying delegates to the meeting and journalists were plastered with peace symbol — a dove on a blue background. Forces on the design of the Congress did not spare. “Glued for 40 minutes, and

Zakharova called the mistake the non-participation of a number of Syrian opposition in Congress in Sochi

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, January 31. /TASS./ The Russian side considers it a political mistake to refuse the participation of a number of Syrian political opposition in Congress for national dialogue in Sochi. This was stated on Wednesday by the Director of the Department of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

Matvienko: Congress in Sochi made a good start to a peaceful life in Syria

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 31. /TASS./ Congress of the Syrian national dialogue, held yesterday in Sochi was a good beginning for establishing peace in Syria, the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. “I think that it should be a very good start to a peaceful settlement, peace process in Syria,” – said Matvienko reporters Wednesday. According to her, the fact that it was attended by special envoy of the UN Secretary General on Syria Staffan de Mistura, the delegation of Iran, Turkey, Kazakhstan, said “the legitimacy and importance of this event, and that the guarantor countries of the peace process ready to assist in its establishment”.

The leader of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate wants to know who he was meeting with Naryshkin during his visit

The leader of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate wants to know who he was meeting with Naryshkin during his visit WASHINGTON, January 31. /TASS./ The leader of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate Charles Schumer on Tuesday demanded an explanation from the administration of President Donald trump about the last visit to the country Director of the foreign intelligence Service (SVR) Russia Sergey Naryshkin. That Naryshkin had previously visited the USA and held consultations with their American colleagues on fighting terrorism, on Tuesday in the program “60 minutes” on TV channel “Russia 1” said the Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov. “The trump must immediately clarify the situation and answer the questions: what are officials of the United States he met, saw anything Naryshkin with someone from the national security Council at the White house, what did they discuss?”said Schumer told reporters. “Of course, he didn’t come

Pushkov called one of the main tasks of the new us sanctions

Pushkov called one of the main tasks of the new us sanctions MOSCOW, 31 Jan — RIA Novosti. Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov said that one of the main tasks of the new U.S. sanctions is a blow to the export of Russian Military-industrial complex (MIC). A senior representative of the US state Department on Tuesday at the briefing told reporters that the United States has worked with countries worldwide to implement the sanctions of the law CAATSA against Russia and achieved “real success”, preventing the transaction of other countries with defense sector of the Russian Federation at “several billion dollars”. In the state Department did not specify which countries refused to deal. “One of the main tasks of the new U.S. sanctions (and they will) — a blow to the export of Russian military-industrial complex. The reason is our increased position in the global arms markets”, — he wrote in

Hawaii fired sending a false warning of a missile attack

Hawaii fired sending a false warning of a missile attack WASHINGTON, 31 Jan — RIA Novosti. The employee who submitted a false warning of a missile attack on Hawaii, dismissed, said at a press conference the state government. A false warning of a missile attack marked “this is not a drill” was sent to mobile phones of citizens on 13 January at about 8 a.m. local time and caused panic in the entire state for about 40 minutes until the error message was not fixed. Vern Miyagi, the head of state emergencies, said that he also is retiring. According to him, the employee who caused the panic, “feels terrible” about what happened. “It was his fault, he feels really bad about this,” said Miyagi. Initially about the warning was named as a result of technical difficulties. But on Tuesday the Federal communications Commission (FCC) said that in fact we are

The goats were brought to the CEC blank sheets of paper instead of signatures

© Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, January 31. /TASS./ Psychologist and business coach Mikhail Kozlov, nominated for presidential elections from the Party of social protection, instead of signatures of voters brought to the CEC bundle of clean paper and said that remaining in his campaign account 50 thousand rubles will transfer in need of the treatment of the girl. Thus, he will not be able to continue the presidential campaign. The goats were brought to the CEC five boxes wrapped in a gift box and tied with red ribbons with bows. “Here are blank sheets of paper. The fact that at the training session I was told that they must take responsibility only for themselves, no one is to blame. Therefore, I recognize that a few irresponsible approach to the process of elections, little did not calculate the forces, particularly financial opportunities,” he said Wednesday to journalists and employees of the CEC.

The European court has dealt with “violent behaviour” of protesters

The European court has dealt with “violent behaviour” of protesters The new series of the decisions of the European court of human rights (ECHR) in the “Bolotnaya case” was first on the assessment of the response of the authorities to the actions of the demonstrators who used violence against police during the dispersal of sanctioned “March of millions” in Moscow on 6 may 2012. The ECHR has not recognized the responsibility of applicants in the beginning of the collision and found a violation of the European Convention by their criminal conviction not only for the attack on representative government, but also for participating in the riots. Against the doubling time one of the applicants Andrei Barabanov previously rejected by the constitutional court of the Russian Federation. The ECHR stressed that the severity of these sentences “lead to a failure of broad public participation in demonstrations and open political debate.” Published