The Ambassador of the Russian Federation: Danish politicians paint a surreal scene, speaking about the Russian threat

© REUTERS/James Lawler Duggan TASS, 2 Feb. Statements by Danish politicians about the threat allegedly posed by Russia, giving a surreal and untrue. This was stated by Russian Ambassador to Denmark Mikhail Vanin, a comment which was posted Thursday on the website of the Danish newspaper Berlingske. “Surrealism is the norm, when in the West now represent political assessments, and similar gloomy picture just draw Danish politicians speaking about the new defense budget [of Denmark],” said the Russian diplomat.

USA classified part of the “Kremlin report” to prevent capital flight

USA classified part of the “Kremlin report” to prevent capital flight The U.S. Treasury Department explained what was classified part of the “Kremlin report” document about the officials and businessmen close to President Vladimir Putin. “The U.S. Treasury focused on how to counter the destabilizing activities of Russia. The report includes a classified Annex to prevent the potential escape of the named persons and organizations from assets and to prevent the disclosure of sensitive information”, — quotes Bloomberg assistant Secretary of the Treasury Tony Saiga. Mr. Sayegh also said that the report was misinterpreted. However, he did not exclude that the unclassified part of the report was based on publicly available materials: government documents, news media, Internet data. The representative of the U.S. Treasury also said that presented in the “Kremlin report” list of Russian officials and businessmen should not be viewed as sanctions. We will remind, after the publication

The defense Ministry has proposed to stop flying scouts on the borders of Russia

The defense Ministry has proposed to stop flying scouts on the borders of Russia The Pentagon should cease to send spy planes to the Russian border or to return to negotiations about the rules of such flights, said on Thursday the Ministry of defense of Russia. “Air and space forces will continue to provide a reliable protection of the borders of air space of the Russian Federation”, — said in the defense Ministry, commenting on the statement of the Pentagon about unsafe interception 29 January the Russian su-27 fighter American spy plane over the Black sea. If American pilots awareness of this fact is the cause of depression and phobias, we recommend the American side in the future, the routes of such flights near the Russian borders to exclude or to return to the negotiating table and agree on rules for their implementation.The defense Ministry The Pentagon, sending reconnaissance aircraft

Illegal withdrawal from Russia for five years was reduced in 20 times

Illegal withdrawal from Russia for five years was reduced in 20 times In five years, the illegal withdrawal of funds by Bank customers have decreased 20 times. This was stated by the Chairman of Bank of Russia Dmitry Skobelkin. “According to preliminary estimates, in 2017 the volume of output of funds abroad by customers of credit institutions decreased by 2.4 times and amounted to about RUB 80 billion of Cashing in the banking sector decreased in 1.6 times. In the past five years, the illegal withdrawal was reduced in 20 times. Cashing more than 3.5 times”, — quotes TASS of Mr. Skobelkina. According to the Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank’s withdrawal of overseas funds in 2016 has made more than 180 billion RUB At the end of last year, he totaled 78 billion rubles “Cashing 522 billion rubles, in 2016 against 324 billion rubles in the previous year”, —

He called on Russia to show “political wisdom” in the negotiations on the reform of the UN security Council

A meeting of the UN Security Council © Spencer Platt/Getty Images UN 2 Feb. /TASS./ The General Assembly (GA) of the United Nations on Thursday resumed talks on Security Council reform, unsuccessfully running for many years. Speaking at a public meeting preceding the beginning of the next round of intergovernmental discussions, the permanent representative of Russia to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia urged countries to show “political wisdom” and work on rapprochement of positions, and to resist attempts to “boost reform”, which only aggravate the atmosphere.

The media learned about the visit of the chiefs of the GRU and FSB in Washington

The media learned about the visit of the chiefs of the GRU and FSB in Washington Earlier media reported about the trip to the U.S. head of the SVR Sergey Naryshkin. Besides the heads of the foreign intelligence Service and Federal security service of the Russian Federation, met last week with CIA Director Mike Pompeo, Washington also visited the chief of the Main intelligence Directorate of the General staff of the Russian Armed forces Igor Korobov. This was announced on Thursday, the Washington Post, citing sources in American intelligence. “Pompeo met with the head of the SVR Sergey Naryshkin and Alexander Bortnikov, who headed the FSB, the newspaper writes. — The head of GRU came to Washington, though it’s unclear whether he met with Pompeo”.

Russia will deploy military aircraft to the disputed territory of Japan

Russia will deploy military aircraft to the disputed territory of Japan Aviation aerospace forces (VKS) Russia will be based together with the civilians on the island of Iturup, part of the Kuril ridge. This follows from the orders of the government, which is published on the official Internet portal of legal information. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий As noted in the document of January 30, 2018, the airport of Iturup joined approved in 2007, the list of airdromes of joint basing in the Sakhalin region. Currently, the Kuril Islands, launched the 18th machine gun-artillery division, part of the Eastern military district. In addition, on the Islands of Iturup and Kunashir in the fall of 2016 hosted the latest coastal missile systems “Bal” and “Bastion” of the Pacific fleet of the Navy. In February last year defence Minister Sergei Shoigu announced that by the end of 2017 the defense of the Kuril Islands will be

The British businessman is late for a meeting, and retired with shame

The British businessman is late for a meeting, and retired with shame A member of the house of lords, Michael Bates was upset by being late to the meeting of Parliament, brought sincere apology and quit right around the time of the meeting. About the incident reported by The Washington Post. The video, which the Lord asks for forgiveness for his bad manners and that was not in place when required, lasts for almost a minute. Despite the fact that the late Bates just for a couple of minutes to get out of this situation, he decided to radically. “I’m terribly ashamed for what happened, and therefore I hereby tender my resignation before the Prime Minister right now,” he announced to colleagues. Then distressed the politician left the room under the hum of voices startled colleagues and cries of “No!”. After his departure, the head of the chamber said that

The Russian foreign Ministry called the U.S. response to the incident with the aircraft an attempt to foment Russophobic sentiments

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Roman Canasuc/TASS MOSCOW, 1 Feb. /TASS./ The Russian foreign Ministry commented on the incident with a military aircraft over the Black sea, describing the response as a desire to blame Russia for aggression and ignite a Russophobic sentiment in the media. This is stated in the comments of the Department of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry, published Thursday on the website of the foreign Ministry.

The foreign Ministers of Russia and Italy confirmed their common approaches to Syria, Ukraine and Libya

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Italy Angelino Alfano and the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, 1 Feb. /TASS./ The foreign Ministers of Russia and Italy Sergey Lavrov and Angelino Alfano at the talks in Moscow on Thursday focused on international issues – the situation in Ukraine, Syria and Libya. The agenda was largely dictated by the fact that Italy this year holds the rotating chairmanship of the OSCE. Following the talks, the Ministers noted that the approaches of Moscow and Rome to the problems we discussed are largely the same. The vectors of the OSCE In the beginning of the meeting Lavrov said that Russia believes that a constructive and positive future-oriented programme of the Italian presidency in the OSCE. The Russian Minister, in particular, singled out the stated intention Alfano solve the problems of the Eurasian continent not through confrontation, but