Spain had extradited Russian programmer Levashov in USA

Spain had extradited Russian programmer Levashov in USA MADRID, Feb 2 — RIA Novosti. Spain gave the American side of the Russian programmer Peter Levashov, a suspect in the Commission of cybercrime. “Transferred Service, U.S. marshals, the cyber criminals who created the world cyber infrastructure for carrying out illegal activities”, — stated in the message of the National police of Spain. He was arrested by the Spanish police in April in Barcelona, where he was vacationing with family in the U.S., where he is suspected of hacking. On the third of October the national court of Spain has agreed to extradite Levashova in the United States, where, as stated in the decree, “he is accused of several crimes including computer fraud, damage, theft of personal data”. This decision was appealed by the lawyers, but the court confirmed its previous decision. “Extradited for several years creating cyber infrastructure in the form

Sobchak said that in popularity ahead of all presidential candidates, except for Putin

Candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation from party “Civil initiative” Ksenia Sobchak © Artyom Geodakyan/TASS NEW YORK, February 2. /TASS./ TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak nominated for the President of the Russian Federation party “Civil initiative”, said that the level of popularity she is ahead of most other candidates, behind only current head of the Russian state. About this Sobchak said Friday in an interview with American news Agency Associated Press (AP).

CEC: Grudinina there are two not until the end of closed accounts in Switzerland and in Austria

CEC: Grudinina there are two not until the end of closed accounts in Switzerland and in Austria MOSCOW, February 2. /TASS./ Candidate in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation from the Communist party Pavel Grudinin has two not until the end of closed accounts in Switzerland and two in Austria. This was reported on Friday the Deputy Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation Nikolay Bulaev, the TV channel “Russia 24”. “I don’t see problems there, which are insoluble in nature,” he said. “There is a misunderstanding we have,” added Bulaev. “There are two accounts in Switzerland, not closed and which have not informed the Federal tax service and two accounts in Austria, which too, is not fully closed. Pavel Nikolayevich [Grudinin] promised to submit today or tomorrow,” explained Bulaev. He Grudinin, the TV channel said that “he has no problem with the accounts, no” and said that

The Americans armed combat laser the second ship

The Americans armed combat laser the second ship Laser combat will receive one of the destroyers of the “Arleigh Burke”. Command of shipbuilding and armament of the U.S. Navy ordered the American company Lockheed Martin delivered two combat lasers, one of which will be installed on the destroyer of the “Arleigh Burke”. This will be the second ship in the American Navy, armed combat laser. As reported by AFCEA, the two laser systems must be delivered to the military by April 2020. Currently, the U.S. Navy used one combat laser system. We are talking about complex LaWS (Laser Weapon System, laser weapon system) mounted on the landing ship dock “Ponce” type “Austin”, part of the Fifth fleet of the U.S. Navy (in the area of responsibility — Western part of the Indian ocean and the Persian Gulf). During the download an error has occurred. On the landing ship LaWS responsible

Sands apologized to the CEC for campaigning in support of Putin

Sands apologized to the CEC for campaigning in support of Putin Moscow. 2 Feb. INTERFAX.RU Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov has apologized for the statement, which has become a cause for the remarks made to him by the CEC head Ella Pamfilova. “Is the electoral period, election campaign, so it does not matter, I believe that, important as it perceives the CEC, who is a leading authority on the organization of presidential elections,” Peskov told journalists, commenting on a remark made him Pamfilova prohibiting the use of official position for campaigning for one of candidates in presidents of the Russian Federation. I take note of that, I apologize for making statements that could be interpreted as propaganda.Dmitry Peskov “At this time I will be more careful in order not to give rise to such observations. However, of course, I want to note that this does not apply to

Matvienko urged not to dramatize the situation with the fallout from US sanctions

The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, February 2. /TASS./ The speaker of Council of Federation Valentina Matvienko considers that to dramatize the situation, “the Kremlin list” and possible new sanctions by the US is not worth it. This opinion was expressed on Friday on air of radio station “Vesti FM”. “We have just not to dramatize the situation. We pay much attention to these lists, the discussion of these lists, consequences. We must understand that it is inevitable, and the situation will not change in the next year or two and will continue to escalate, because the national interests of the United States is everything and other countries are not affected,” – said Matvienko.

CEC: Grudinina there are two not until the end of closed accounts in Switzerland and in Austria

Candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation from the Communist party Pavel Grudinin © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, February 2. /TASS./ Candidate in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation from the Communist party Pavel Grudinin has two not until the end of closed accounts in Switzerland and two in Austria. This was reported on Friday the Deputy Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation Nikolay Bulaev, the TV channel “Russia 24”.

Dodon told about the consequences of the unification of Moldova and Romania

Dodon told about the consequences of the unification of Moldova and Romania The President of Moldova Igor Dodon proposed to hold a referendum on the question of preservation of statehood of the Republic, stressing that the country’s unification with Romania “means a civil war.” Earlier, representatives of several local councils of Moldova adopted the so-called “Declaration of Union with Romania”. The campaign by signing the relevant declarations organized by the civic platform “Action of 2012”, which advocates unification of Moldova and Romania. The action is timed to the 100th anniversary of the great Union, which the unionists (supporters of unification of Moldova and Romania) is celebrated in 2018. Dodon said that these actions are anti-state character. “Unification with Romania means civil war. We, the citizens of Moldova, the statesmen, by all lawful ways will not allow to eliminate the statehood of the Republic” — he stated in a broadcast on

The CEC made the remark sand

The CEC made the remark sand The CEC head Ella Pamfilova made the remark to the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov for expressing with signs of propaganda for one of candidates on a post of the head of state. Such a statement he made on January 29. “On 29 January published a statement by the press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov with the assessment of one of the presidential candidates… There were obvious signs of agitation,” — said Pamfilova at the meeting of the CEC. Probably talking about the statement of Peskov about Putin, in which he called the current President “the absolute leader of public opinion and the political Olympus”. She reminded that by law officials during the election campaign not to use their official position for campaigning. The CEC head stressed that such statements are unacceptable. She also asked the media to consider statutory limitations

The US suspected Syria of developing chemical weapons

The US suspected Syria of developing chemical weapons Syria can develop new types of chemical weapons, reports the Agency Reuters with reference to sources in the White house. Also, according to the Agency, the authorities hide old store and continue to use chemical weapons, thereby violating the agreement of 2013 on their destruction and ban. In this regard, the U.S. does not exclude the possibility of military action against the Syrian government. In parallel, the UN security Council is an active discussion of previously rejected Washington initiative of the Russian Federation on investigation hematic in Syria. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий The President of the United States Donald trump is considering the possibility of using military action against Syria if necessary to prevent chemical attacks against civilians by the Syrian government. About it to Agency Reuters said sources in the White house. Agency sources say that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has ignored the agreement