The business Ombudsman gave Putin a list of people willing to back entrepreneurs

The business Ombudsman gave Putin a list of people willing to back entrepreneurs Moscow. 5 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — presidential Commissioner for human entrepreneurs Boris Titov has transferred to Vladimir Putin the list of businessmen who are hiding from Russian justice in the UK, but want to go back. He reported this to his Facebook. He did not publish the list, but said that there are already more than ten names, and the requests keep coming. Last Saturday, Titov visited London, where he met with some of the disgraced businessmen. According to “Kommersant”, their names are on the submitted list. Among them are Ilya Yurov, Georgy Trefilov, Vladimir Ashurkov, Anatoly Loktionov, he Bulganov. Alexey Shmatko and Evgeny Chichvarkin. The newspaper’s sources did not confirm that the named businessmen want to participate in what is called the program of a pardon. Now Boris Titov is involved in the presidential race.

The leader of South Korea will meet the formal head of the DPRK

The leader of South Korea will meet the formal head of the DPRK MOSCOW, 5 Feb — RIA Novosti. The leader of South Korea, moon Jae-In will meet the formal head of the DPRK Kim Yong-Nam, who will attend the opening of the Olympics, the ability to communicate one-on-one discussion, reports on Monday morning, the South Korean Agency Yonhap, citing the presidential administration. “President moon Jae-In will meet with Kim Yong-Nam, starting with the opening ceremony of the Olympic games”, — quotes Agency the message of representative of the Blue house. “Will Kim Yong Nam separately to meet with President mun Jae Otherwise to be discussed,” he added.

Ryabkov believes it impossible to revise nuclear deal with Iran in the current situation

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov © AP Photo/Fabrice Coffrini MOSCOW, February 5. /TASS./ Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergei Ryabkov said that the revision of the provisions of the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) on the Iranian nuclear program, which Washington insists, in the current situation impossible. The diplomat reported in a published on Monday an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia”.

“Plato”, commercial and recycling charges will not fall into the law

“Plato”, commercial and recycling charges will not fall into the law The government will include in the Tax code is only part of non-tax fees and impose criminal liability for their nonpayment. Fees for road wear and tear (through “Plato”), trading and utilization fees in 2018 will register in the Tax code (NK). This “Izvestia” said the three party meeting in the Ministry of Finance and economic development. In the latter confirmed that the payments are of tax character will be included in the code. For their failure to pay the businessmen face criminal liability. The level of collection of payments from changes in fiscal policy will not change, say experts. The government decided to transfer the regulation of part-tax payments, such as the system of charging for road wear by heavy vehicles, commercial and recycling collection in the Tax code. Non-tax payments will be recorded in NC in a

“The law Spring” put on the map

“The law Spring” put on the map Business asks for more to soften the requirements for data storage. Mitigation anti-terrorism “law of Spring” in the field of data storage provided by the Ministry of communications, did not accept the Russian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs (RSPP). Business representatives insist that the requirements will still lead to growth of tariffs for communication services for 12-90% and will absorb the investment budgets of the operators. Experts propose to further reduce the timing and volumes of stored information, and to introduce a phased implementation of the law until 2022, not only in time but also geographically, to limit the load on the power grid. The Commission on communication and telecommunication and information technologies RSPP have prepared a report (“b”) on the draft resolution of the Ministry of communications data retention “law of Spring”. The document was signed by head of RSPP Alexander Shokhin

Ryabkov spoke about the possibility of Russia’s response to “the Kremlin list»

Ryabkov spoke about the possibility of Russia’s response to “the Kremlin list» MOSCOW, 5 Feb — RIA Novosti. Moscow will not act to their own detriment in the situation with a made in the USA “the Kremlin list”, said Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Ryabkov. “We are not looking at this situation in a rigorous reflectivity to the detriment of yourself to act won’t… we Respond when and if our President, our leadership, evaluating the set of factors that will come to the conclusion that the time has come,” — said the diplomat in interview to the newspaper “Izvestia”. Ryabkov said that Russia has repeatedly said the United States both in terms of expanding their lists, which include most anti-Russian of the American political, public and other figures, and from the point of view of specific measures different properties. As an example, Ryabkov cited the decision to limit the

“Protection needs to be a system»

“Protection needs to be a system» The Chairman of the Duma Committee on family, women and children, Oksana Pushkina, said the development of the bill on prevention of domestic violence. One of his main points — the introduction of protection orders prohibiting the aggressor from approaching the victim. On the scale of the problem and the prospects of the bill “the Spark” talked to its initiator. Home, family, or, in other words, domestic violence is formally in Russia. While every day in news reports emerge of shocking allegations of ill-treatment of husbands with wives, parents with children, children, although now adults with elderly parents: bullying, beatings, persecution, murder… Attempts to recognize the problem at the legislative level were taken from us more than once, the result — zero. Family conflicts — a matter thin, so, as world practice shows, need special regulation. We do not have a “tradition” — other.

Media reported the existence of Masonic lodges in the British Parliament

Media reported the existence of Masonic lodges in the British Parliament Many British lawmakers, members of Parliament and journalists of the parliamentary pool are members of Masonic lodges, reported the Guardian. Newspaper reports bed New Welcome (“greeting”), may be members of MPs and peers. Members of the Lodge, according to the newspaper, are 30-40 people. In the box also does not include labour. Most of the members were former parliamentarians, as well as police serving in the Parliament building, reports “RIA Novosti”. The Guardian also highlights two lodges for parliamentarians — Gallery Lodge (“the Lodge gallery”) and Alfred Robbins Lodge (“the Lodge of Alfred Robbins”). The first may enter political observers, and members of the second are journalists. According to the rules, members of Parliament are not required to specify their affiliation to the Freemasons, but can do it on their own. The publication notes that while no member of

About 70 supporters of Saakashvili held a rally at the house of Poroshenko

About 70 supporters of Saakashvili held a rally at the house of Poroshenko KIEV, 4 Feb — RIA Novosti. About 70 people staged a rally near the house of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko at Kiev, said on Sunday the press service of the Directorate of the National police of Ukraine in Kiev region. Earlier, the organizers of the March of supporters of ex-President of Georgia, former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili announced that on Sunday after the chamber Poroshenko will go home with the convoy. It was planned that the President will convey the invitation to attend the next rally of supporters of Saakashvili in Kiev, which will be announced the decision on his resignation. “The police Kiev region to ensure public order during the rally. So, today about 70 people staged a rally at the walls of the house of the President of the country.

Anastasiadis won the elections of the President of Cyprus

Anastasiadis won the elections of the President of Cyprus ATHENS, Feb 4 — RIA Novosti, Gennady Melnik. The current President of Cyprus, the candidate of the center-right party DISI Nikos Anastasiadis won the elections of the President of Cyprus, said the interior Ministry, which is responsible for the conduct of the elections, after counting 100% of the votes. In the second round of the elections, Anastasiadis scored 55,99% of the vote, his opponent Stavros Malas from left-wing party AKEL — 44,01% of the vote. The turnout was 73,97%. Officially, the name of the elected President will be announced at a special ceremony in the stadium “Tassos Papadopoulos” at 22.00 (23.00 MSK). The election of a new President come February 28.