The former head of the Pentagon does not consider Russia a threat to the United States

The former head of the Pentagon does not consider Russia a threat to the United States MOSCOW, 5 Feb — RIA Novosti. Former Pentagon chief William Perry said that he does not consider Russia a threat to US in the same way and Washington, he said, does not threaten Moscow. “I don’t see Russia as a threat to the United States or the United States a threat to Russia,” said Perry to journalists at the presentation of his book “My way to the edge of the nuclear abyss” in Moscow. According to the former head of the Pentagon, the United States and Russia for many years have repeatedly demonstrated that they can effectively cooperate. “I’m sorry it is not happening today, but I hope that soon we’ll get to that later”, he added. Talking about his book, Perry explained that its main aim is to raise public awareness about continuing

The Kremlin has refused to consider a crisis situation with Dagestani officials

The Kremlin has refused to consider a crisis situation with Dagestani officials Moscow. 6 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the Detention of high-ranking officials in Dagestan is the result of systematic work of law enforcement agencies, and the resignation of the Republican government does not indicate the political crisis in the region, told reporters on Tuesday, press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “Of course, the President was reported on the actions of law enforcement agencies in respect of such senior representatives (regional authorities), and the rest is a question of law enforcement bodies”, — said Peskov, answering the question, does the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin about the anti-corruption operation in Dagestan. On a question, consider whether in the Kremlin, the situation in Dagestan and the resignation of the regional government as a deep political crisis in the country, Peskov said: This is not a political crisis, a continuation

Who gum who Burger: that could buy a policy instead of collecting signatures

Who gum who Burger: that could buy a policy instead of collecting signatures Russian service Bi-bi-si have examined how presidential candidates spent just to collect signatures, and found that presidential candidates could acquire the amount which they cost each received signature. Presidential candidates in 2018, was brought forward from departamenti parties, revealed the cost of collecting signatures, which they must provide for registration. Russian service Bi-bi-si found that presidential candidates could acquire the amount which they cost each received signature. Only the CEC adopted the signature from the six candidates. Two candidates who probably will get into the papers — Pavel Grudinin from the Communist party and Vladimir Zhirinovsky from LDPR — signature under the law to collect should not. Bi-bi-si have examined the financial statements of presidential candidates published by the Central electoral Commission, considered, how many candidates treated each signature, and compared these costs with the cost of

Putin will make a two-day working trip to Siberia

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, February 6. /TASS./ Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday in Krasnoyarsk will check the progress of preparation for Universiade 2019. On 8 February, the President will continue to work in Novosibirsk where he will hold a meeting of the Council for science and education. Plans in Krasnoyarsk “February 7, Putin visited Krasnoyarsk, where he will examine the preparation of the city to host the XXIX world winter Universiade 2019. The President will inspect the several objects of sports infrastructure, in particular, multi-functional sports complex “Sopka” and the ice sports and entertainment complex “platinum arena Krasnoyarsk”, and will hold a meeting on issues of preparation for Universiade,” – said the press service of the Kremlin.

Pamfilova called unprecedented the fact that all candidates have successfully passed the verification of signatures

Chairman of the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova © Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, February 6. /TASS./ Chairman of the Central election Commission (CEC) of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova considers unprecedented the successful completion of all the presidential candidates of the procedure for verifying voters ‘ signatures.

Polish President will sign the law about the Holocaust

Polish President will sign the law about the Holocaust WARSAW, Feb 6 — RIA Novosti. The President of Poland Andrzej Duda said that he would sign a law providing criminal liability for propaganda of the ideology of Bandera and the charges of the Polish people involvement in the Holocaust, but then send it to the constitutional court of the country. About his decision, Duda said Tuesday in a statement. The Senate of Poland at the end of January adopted a law on criminal liability for propaganda of the ideology of Ukrainian nationalists, the denial of the Volyn massacre and alleged complicity of the Polish people to the Nazis during the Second world war. The law will take effect after it is signed by the President. The document is at the stage of parliamentary work on the project has caused sharp negative reaction in Ukraine, in Israel, in the United States.

How the world reacted to the new nuclear doctrine of the United States

How the world reacted to the new nuclear doctrine of the United States The new doctrine does not exclude a nuclear response from Washington, even on non-nuclear strike by the US, its allies and partners. The administration of U.S. President Donald trump continues to update the strategic doctrinal documents. In December we introduced our new national security Strategy in January, Strategy of national defence. Finally, on 2 February issued a new nuclear posture Review — the Nuclear Posture Review. What kind of reaction called nuclear doctrine in Russia, China, Germany, Iran and Japan at the TASS. “To cope with the challenges» According to Donald trump, while the United States was trying “to reduce the role and the Arsenal of nuclear weapons,” and “refrain from badly needed modernization” of such weapons, other countries have increased their capacity and develop new nuclear capabilities, “to threaten other Nations.”

Minister of economy of Tatarstan was nominated for the post of Prime Minister of Dagestan

Minister of economy of Tatarstan was nominated for the post of Prime Minister of Dagestan The acting head of Dagestan Vladimir Vasiliev introduced the National Assembly of the Republic of the candidacy of the Minister of economy of Tatarstan Artyom Zdunov for the post of Prime Minister of Dagestan. About it “RG” told in the press service of the Republican Parliament. Note that Zdunov with the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov on Monday visited in Dagestan. It was then, most likely, and a final decision on the candidacy. The previous Prime Minister of the Republic of Abdusamad Hamidov was arrested yesterday along with his Deputy Shamil Isaev and Rudina Yusufov and former education Minister Shahbazim Shakhov. Gamidova charged with two episodes under article “swindle in especially large size”. His subordinates are charged with on one count of fraud.

The Embassy of the Russian Federation recommends to Russians to refrain from visiting the Maldives

Soldiers and police patrol the main street of malé © AP Photo/Mohamed Sharuhaan MOSCOW, February 6. /TASS./ The Russian Embassy in Sri Lanka recommends to Russians to refrain from visiting the Maldives because of the unrest in the country. This was stated on Tuesday by TASS, the consular Department of the Russian diplomatic mission, in the area of responsibility of which includes the Maldives.

As Prime Minister of the Dagestan Republic has nominated the Minister of economy of Tatarstan

The Minister of economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Artyom zdunov © Alexander Demyanchuk/TASS MAKHACHKALA, February 6. /TASS./ The candidacy of the Minister of economy of Tatarstan Artyom Zdunov as Prime Minister of Dagestan introduced in the National Assembly of the Republic. On Tuesday told TASS head of information and analytical Department of the office of the people’s Assembly of Dagestan Ullubiy of Arbaletov.