The sister of Kim Jong-UN will arrive for the Olympics: who is she and why is it important

The sister of Kim Jong-UN will arrive for the Olympics: who is she and why is it important Kim Yu-Jeong will attend the opening of the winter Olympic games in Pyeongchang. The United States and Japan urged not to be fooled by the “smiling diplomacy.” The sister of Kim Jong-UN will attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic winter games in Pyeongchang on Friday 9 February. Kim Jeong — first nearest relative of the Kim dynasty, which will visit South Korea. It is expected that the visit will last three days. The sister of North Korean leader will arrive in the delegation led by Kim Yong Nam, the head of the Supreme people’s Assembly. The last time such a visit of such high-ranking officials of the DPRK to South Korea took place after the Korean war in 1953, North Korea and South Korea at the opening of the Olympics will

Ukraine announced the timing of the resumption of purchases of Russian gas

Ukraine announced the timing of the resumption of purchases of Russian gas “Naftogaz” plans to resume purchases of Russian gas in March, said the head of the Ukrainian company Andrey Kobelev. His words are quoted by UNIAN. “We held several rounds of talks. We have a document which, according to our estimates, close to be signed. We hope during this month to implement the decision of the [Stockholm] part of the contract of sale,” explained Sobolev. The Stockholm arbitration court in December 2017 in the framework of the dispute “Naftogaz” to “Gazprom” has reduced the annual volume of procurement for the Ukrainian company to 5 billion cubic meters. In these volumes, “Naftogaz” is obliged to buy Russian gas starting in 2018. The court also ordered to pay Gazprom $ 2 billion for already delivered fuel. In mid-January, Korolev called the attractive price of Russian fuel, which after the decision of

Lavrov held a master class for future “Leaders of Russia”

© Artur Lebedev/TASS SOCHI, February 7. /TASS./ The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday held a master class for the finalists of the Russian contest of managers “Leaders of Russia”, during which he told the participants about the trends in world Affairs, the problems in relations between Moscow and Western capitals about the situation with international security. The Minister appeared before the audience without a tie, thus setting the tone for informal and open communication.

Nebesa suspected the authorities of Kosovo in an attempt to conceal details of the murder of Serbian policy

Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS UN 7 Feb. /TASS./ The refusal of the authorities of the self-proclaimed Kosovo from cooperating with Belgrade in the investigation of the murder of the Serb politician, Oliver Ivanovic can talk about the desire of Pristina “something to hide”. This opinion was expressed on Wednesday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at the meeting of the Security Council on Kosovo settlement. According to him, Russia supports the demand of Belgrade on the international structures in Kosovo a full investigation of the murder of Ivanovich and the provision of the Serbian competent authorities of the opportunity to participate in this process. The diplomat recalled that “the possibility of the presence of the Serbian police in the province expressly States that” the resolution of the Security Council on Kosovo settlement.

In the state Duma a draft law on the return of daylight saving time

In the state Duma a draft law on the return of daylight saving time The Deputy of the state Duma from “United Russia” Andrey Baryshev introduced house bill, offering to translate the clocks in the country set forward by one hour, thus returning to the so-called summer time. The document was published in electronic database of the state Duma. As explained by the Deputy, many of the requirements of the citizens to return the summer confirm the findings of the research doctors and biologists “on the injury from desynchronization of the biological rhythms with the new system of time measurement”. Mister Baryshev has told that, according to the scientists of geographical faculty of Moscow state University, with the abolition of summer time people annually lose about 200 light hours (the number differs for different regions of Russia.— “Kommersant”). “People in Russia are not just deprived of sunlight, but also spend

Gref proposed to establish a Ministry for artificial intelligence

Gref proposed to establish a Ministry for artificial intelligence SOCHI, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. The head of Sberbank German Gref suggested to think about the creation in Russia of the Ministry of artificial intelligence. “In business everything today starting to do (artificial intelligence — ed.) and this applies to the state,” said Gref, speaking at the forum “Leaders of Russia”. “Our Breakfast in Davos was supposed to come first in the world Minister in artificial intelligence from the United Arab Emirates, he is young he was, I think, 26 years, unfortunately, he was unable to arrive in Davos… I think we’re definitely going to meet him”, said Gref. He called the creation of the Ministry for artificial intelligence “brave decision”. “I don’t think it’s just a PR problem. Of course, this is PR on the one hand, on the other hand, it is necessary to think well, maybe, it

Putin: Russia remains leader in the world of sports, despite the situation around Olympians

Putin: Russia remains leader in the world of sports, despite the situation around Olympians The head of state stressed that Russia remains a leader in the organization of major sporting events. KRASNOYARSK, February 7. /TASS./ Despite the situation around the Olympians, the Russian Federation remains the leader of world sports and in the organization of world competitions. This was stated by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at a meeting on preparation for Winter Universiade in 2019. Despite the situation that is developing around the Russian sport in the present Olympic cycle, without any doubt, our country remains a leader in the world of sports, and a leader in the organization of major sporting events.Vladimir Putin He noted that “our common goal is to give world student sport good, memorable holiday, and the successful experience we have.” Putin pointed out that in addition to the world Cup, which Russia will

The acting head of Dagestan has appointed Artyom Zdunov, the head of government of the Republic of

Artyom Zdunov © Musa Salgiriev/NewsTeam/TASS MAKHACHKALA, February 7. /TASS./ The acting head of Dagestan Vladimir Vasiliev approved on Wednesday Artyom Zdunov as the head of the government of the Republic after approval of his candidacy by the Parliament of the region, follows from the decree of the President of the Republic, a copy of which is available on the TASS. “To appoint Zdunov Artem Alekseevich Chairman of the government of the Republic of Dagestan”, – stated in the decree. As said TASS in the press-service of administration of head and government of Dagestan, the document comes into force from the moment of signing, that is on 7 February.