UN: the conflict in Syria became one of the most bloody stages

UN: the conflict in Syria became one of the most bloody stages The Secretary General of the international organization, antónio Guterres, called on all parties to the conflict to achieve an immediate ceasefire. UN 11 Feb. /TASS./ Airstrikes in Syria has claimed over 1 thousand lives of civilians during the first week of February. It became one of the highest rates for the time of the confrontation, reported Saturday in the office of the UN Secretary-General, antónio Guterres. “The Syrian people are experiencing one of the bloodiest periods in the nearly seven years of conflict. According to incoming reports, more than 1 thousand civilians were killed in the air strikes during the first week of February”, — stated in the message. Guterres expressed concern at the “alarming military escalation in Syria, flowing beyond it”. UN chief reminded the parties to the conflict of the obligations under international humanitarian law and

Chemezov said that trump does nothing to restore relations between the US and Russia

General Director of state Corporation “rostec” Chemezov © Marina Lystseva/TASS WASHINGTON, February 11. /TASS./ The President of the United States Donald trump is not making any attempt to rebuild Russian-American relations. This opinion was expressed by the head of Rostec Sergey Chemezov published on Saturday an interview with the Washington Post. The journalist of the edition noted that the American leader spoke about the desire to improve relations with Moscow. “Yes, that’s what he says. But he does nothing. And, in fact, the opposite is true: look, there is a new (“Kremlin” – approx. TASS) lists”, – said Chemezov, who, as noted by The Washington Post, is under us sanctions.

The Israeli Prime Minister said that he discussed with Putin the events in Syria

The Israeli Prime Minister said that he discussed with Putin the events in Syria TEL AVIV, 10 Feb — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he had held with Russian President Vladimir Putin in a telephone conversation, during which the declared “right and responsibility” of the Jewish state to defend itself against attacks from Syria. The interview took place amid a sharp deterioration in the Syrian-Israeli border, where a day was shot down Iranian drone and lost Israeli fighter striking blows to the neighboring country under heavy anti-aircraft fire. “Some time ago I spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin. During our conversation, I reaffirmed our right and duty to defend itself against attacks from Syria”, — quotes the head of the government press service. Both leaders, according to the report, also agreed to continue coordination between the military of the two countries to avoid conflict situations in Syria.

Putin in a conversation with Netanyahu spoke in favour of avoiding a new round of confrontation in Syria

© Alexey Nikolsky/TASS MOSCOW, February 10. /TASS./ Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed by telephone with Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli air force, who inflicted missile strikes on targets in Syria. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin on Saturday. “The Russian side expressed the hope to avoid any steps that could lead to a new round threat for all of the confrontation in the region”, – said the press service. According to the press service, Netanyahu, Israel’s Prime Minister during the conversation with Putin agreed to continue coordination between the military of the two countries. “I spoke recently with Russian President Vladimir Putin. We agreed that security coordination between the two armies will continue”, – are reported words of Netanyahu.

Israel has asked Russia to help prevent escalation in Syria

Israel has asked Russia to help prevent escalation in Syria Moscow. 10 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Israel has asked Russia to intervene and prevent the escalation of the situation in Syria after the incident with the downed Iranian drone, writes in the Saturday newspaper The Times of Israel, citing diplomatic sources. “Israel contacted the officials in Moscow with a request to send a message to Syria and Iran that, despite the fact that he struck a powerful blow in response to the incident with the drone, he is not interested in exacerbating violence in the future”, — the newspaper writes. In the night of Saturday, Israeli fighters shot down an Iranian drone, which, according to Israel, was launched from the territory of Syria. Then Israel attacked 12 targets in Central Syria in the area of the Damascus province. The attack by the Israeli air force lost at least one fighter who

Estonia and Russia had an exchange of convicted espionage

Estonia and Russia had an exchange of convicted espionage The Department of the security police of Estonia (KAPO) reported on the exchange who was convicted in Russia for espionage Estonian entrepreneur Raivo Susi the citizen of Russia Artem Zinchenko, who is serving in Estonia, the period for espionage, reports Delfi. The exchange took place on 10 February, at 10.00 local time at the border station Koidula. It is noted that the Harju County court in may 2017 acknowledged Artem Zinchenko guilty of espionage and sentenced him to five years. Raivo Susi in December 2017 in Russia was found guilty of espionage and sentenced to imprisonment for 12 years. Both filed a petition for pardon, which the presidents of Estonia and Russia satisfied. Earlier in Lithuania have detained three people on suspicion of spying for Russia.

Kadyrov announced the acquisition of the cryptocurrency

Kadyrov announced the acquisition of the cryptocurrency Moscow. 10 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov said that bought a stake of bitcoin and intends to follow the development of cryptocurrency. “I already said that in the Chechen Republic will implement a blockchain. I am also interested in innovative payment network. I decided to purchase a share of bitcoin to follow the development of cryptocurrencies”, — he wrote on Saturday in his Telegram. Kadyrov noted that the purchase of cryptocurrency there are no guarantees of profit in this field developed fraud. “But I am of the opinion that the industry should be clearly regulated by law, but not prohibited. Most importantly, to protect citizens from financial pyramids and other fraudulent schemes,” — said the head of Chechnya. “In an ever-changing world of technology need to improve, to understand the innovations”, he added. According to CoinDesk, bitcoin exchange rate

Media compared to the Russian su-35 American, the F-35

Media compared to the Russian su-35 American, the F-35 Edition of National Interest published an article about the comparison of the Russian fighter of the fourth generation su-35 with American combat aircraft of the fifth generation stealth F-22 and F-35. An expert on conflict resolution and military history of Sebatien Roblin called “Reasons why America should be afraid of Russian su-35” the author notes that the possibility of the su-35 is not inferior to Western counterparts. “Distinguished by its unparalleled maneuverability, electronics and weapons capabilities, su-35 caught up with the capabilities of their Western counterparts such as the F-15 Eagle” — the author notes. While he wondered how effective the su-35 will be able to resist the fifth-generation fighters such as the F-22 and F-35. The expert concludes that the answer to this question is likely to be possible only by testing the two fighters in combat. Earlier it was

Israel destroyed the drones used against ISIS*, said in Syria

Israel destroyed the drones used against ISIS*, said in Syria DAMASCUS, 10 Feb — RIA Novosti. Israeli planes attacked the drones that were used to identify the positions of militants grouping “Islamic state”*, it is told in received RIA Novosti statement of the Operational headquarters of the allies of Syria. The drones were at the air base, T-4, which were subjected to plaque. “These drones since the beginning of the crisis in Syria were used to gather information in the fight against terrorist groups and primarily against IG*”, — the document says. According to the military, drones have played a big role in the sweep of the IG* of the Eastern territories. The operational headquarters of the allied forces denied the information that their UAV violated the airspace of Israel, saying that it “is a lie and distortion of reality.” The press service of the Israel defense forces reported that