Antonov: overcoming negative trends in the dialogue with the United States – one of the main tasks

Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS WASHINGTON, February 13. /TASS./ Overcoming the negative trends in relations between Moscow and Washington is at this stage, one of the primary tasks for Russian diplomacy. This was stated by Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov, speaking on Monday evening at the reception. The event was held at the Russian Embassy in connection with the celebrated February 10, the day of the diplomatic worker.

Analyst: Grudinin concealed from Tsika their Swiss Bank accounts

Analyst: Grudinin concealed from Tsika their Swiss Bank accounts He got caught in their own accounts, can not to understand them. How will he lead the state? — rhetorically asked in an interview with the newspaper VIEW political scientist Vyacheslav Smirnov. Earlier, the CEC reported that all had not been informed about the accounts of the candidate Pavel Grudinina in Switzerland. As recalled by the Director of the Institute of political sociology Director of the Institute of political sociology Vyacheslav Smirnov, according to the law on presidential elections the candidate is not entitled at the time of nomination have generally no open foreign accounts. The expert does not understand how Grudinin could forget such their accounts, and also claims to the highest office in the country. “He got caught in their own accounts, can not to understand them. How he would lead the state if he can’t follow up on

Trump has requested $24 billion to modernize the nuclear triad of the United States

Trump has requested $24 billion to modernize the nuclear triad of the United States WASHINGTON, 12 Feb — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump has requested $ 24 billion for the modernization of the nuclear triad, according to the draft budget for the 2019 financial year submitted by the American administration on Monday. The document States that you are requesting a “$ 24 billion for the Ministry of defence to upgrade and maintain the nuclear triad”. 2019 fiscal year will begin in October 2018. We are talking about the administration’s proposal of trump, which will be considered by Congress. Projects budget traditionally undergo changes after their consideration by the Congress. In early February the Pentagon released a nuclear doctrine of the United States, which paid great attention to the development of Russian nuclear forces. Among other potential threats, the Pentagon called North Korea, Iran and China. The Pentagon announced

Russian nationalism: without a party, but in criminal cases

Russian nationalism: without a party, but in criminal cases For almost six years, the liberalization of party building nationalists in Russia did not manage to register their own political party. Back in April 2012 as President of the country Dmitry Medvedev has approved amendments to the law on political parties, in particular reducing the required number of participants — from 50 thousand to 500 for the registration of the party. This liberalization was used by dozens of political parties: new democratic, Communist, agrarian, and even one of the Cossack party. Perhaps the only power that liberalization has given nothing, were nationalists. “Party of nationalists”, “National democratic party”, “Liberal party “national Russia” made a lot of attempts to register at the Ministry of justice, and each time to no avail. Experts believe that the failure of the nationalists there are two main reasons. The first relates to the nationalists themselves. In

Netanyahu said that he discussed with US the possibility of annexation of settlements in the West Bank

Netanyahu said that he discussed with US the possibility of annexation of settlements in the West Bank TEL AVIV, February 12. /TASS./ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that has for some time been discussing with the US administration the possibility of extending the Israeli sovereignty over the Jewish settlements on the West Bank of the Jordan river. With the corresponding statement the Prime Minister spoke at a meeting of the parliamentary faction of his party “Likud”. “Regarding the spread of Israeli sovereignty (annexation of settlements — approx. TASS), I can say that I am in dialogue with the Americans on this issue, said Netanyahu. — I adhere to two principles: to inform Americans that our relations with them are strategically important for Israel and for the settlements, and that it [the annexation] must be government and not private initiative as a historic step”. The statements of Netanyahu at a

The state border service of Ukraine has confirmed the expulsion of Saakashvili in Poland

The state border service of Ukraine has confirmed the expulsion of Saakashvili in Poland KYIV, 12 Feb — RIA Novosti. The state border service of Ukraine has confirmed the expulsion of former President of Georgia and former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili in Poland. This was stated on Monday the adviser of the head of Department Oleg Slobodyan. Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Yuriy Derevyanko said Monday that Saakashvili was detained in the restaurant “Suluguni” in Kiev. The lawyer of the politician Paul Bogomazov said that Saakashvili was detained by the State border service of Ukraine. In this case the second defender Ruslan Chernolutsky does not rule out that Saakashvili may be expelled from Ukraine. “Today, February 12, servicemen of state frontier service together with representatives of the Migration service and the National police informed Saakashvili about the decision of the competent authority about his return

The CEC demanded Grudinina urgently to report on the closure of foreign accounts

The CEC demanded Grudinina urgently to report on the closure of foreign accounts The Chairman of the Central election Commission Ella Pamfilova has asked the presidential candidate from the Communist party Pavel Grudinina urgently to provide data on the closure of its foreign accounts. About the closing of foreign accounts of Mr. Grudinina, the CEC called “extremely unpleasant”. “This is what we have: Pavel Nikolaevich mostly party pleads” she said. “I hope that dear Pavel how dear candidate, registered, and there is no doubt that we will participate in this election campaign, will show maximum respect to more than 100 million voters and as quickly as possible… provide us evidence that the accounts are closed,” said Mrs. Pamfilova. On 2 February the Deputy Chairman of the Central election Commission Nikolai Bulaev reported that Mr. Grudinin has not notified the tax office that they have a few not until the end

The CEC has protected print products

The CEC has protected print products The head of the Central election Commission Ella Pamfilova has asked to explain why data line of the independent candidate Vladimir Putin in the Bulletin stands out. It is located in the middle of the Bulletin (all eight candidates), and has concise information. Secretary of the CEC, Maya Grishina had “a small educational program”, which indicated that the newsletter had to fix the party status of the candidate of Putin, is saved line. At the same time, the CEC decided to record in the newsletter the information about the foreign accounts of the candidate of the Communist party Pavel Grudinina, which were closed to his Desk. The Communist party believed that it could scare off voters. The CEC intends to send an additional request to FNS to further check whether these accounts are closed. Description of the biography of Vladimir Putin in the Bulletin

The CEC is still no complete information about the foreign Bank accounts of a candidate Grudinina

The CEC is still no complete information about the foreign Bank accounts of a candidate Grudinina The Central election Commission (CEC) of the Russian Federation today does not have complete information on Bank accounts abroad owned by the candidate from the Communist party Pavel Grudinin, while the Committee has no grounds for cancellation of its registration, said Monday the Deputy Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation Nikolay Bulaev. He recalled that earlier Grudinin reported five accounts in foreign banks. This information was sent for verification to the Federal tax service (FTS). Thus, according to him, two bills from FTS no confirmation about their opening and closing. “FNS has informed the CEC that Grudinina there are two accounts in Swiss banks that were open in July 2017. On 2 February he was sent to FNS information about closing these accounts. But there is one little thing: the CEC on

Media: Saakashvili may be deported to one of the European countries

Media: Saakashvili may be deported to one of the European countries The leader of the “new forces” and the ex-President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili, who was arrested in Monday in Kiev, may be deported to a country in Europe. About it reported the edition “Ukrainian truth” with reference to sources in law enforcement bodies. “Now he will be deported to Europe. All the courts have already passed. As soon as he lost in court, the service received the right to deport”, — said the source. According to him, all of the procedures for expulsion will not take much time. Earlier the lawyer Ruslan Chernolutsky TASS said that Saakashvili could not be forcibly removed or extradited before the completion of the trials. “The legal grounds for the expulsion of militants against whom the court left in force the decision on refusal to grant refugee status,” — said the lawyer. At the