Young people send the signal

Young people send the signal According to “Kommersant”, the Chairman of the government Dmitry Medvedev at the Forum of the Russian popular front’s action, which took place at the end of last year, instructed several ministries to provide proposals to establish a Federal TV channel, “covering the activities in the sphere of youth policy”. In the Ministry of communications called the initiative “inappropriate”. The expert believes that young people “need a serious conversation about the problems of society,” but the idea of creating a special channel and sees the situation. As it became known””, earlier in the week Dmitry Medvedev has signed about thirty of instructions following the forum of the popular front “Russia looking into the future”, which took place on 18 and 19 December 2017. So, until September 10, the Ministry of sports and Ministry of education should make recommendations on creation of additional conditions for development of

In the DPRK to celebrate the birthday of former leader Kim Jong-Il

In the DPRK to celebrate the birthday of former leader Kim Jong-Il TOKYO, 16 Feb — RIA Novosti. The DPRK celebrates the state holiday the Day of the lodestar — the birthday of former leader Kim Jong Il, the current North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN on Friday visited the tomb of the “Kumsusan” in Pyongyang, to worship and bring flowers to the monument of his father. According to the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (KCNA), Kim Jong-UN came to the tomb “Kumsusan”, which in imperishable form, buried his father along with grandfather, the first President of the DPRK Kim Il Sung, at midnight, together with other senior politicians and members of the military. To set “Kymsusane” the monuments of former North Korean leaders a military guard was given a vase with flowers. Along with Kim Jong-UN to the memory of his father in the tomb honored, in particular, Deputy Chairman

Tillerson: US ready to use force in response to the use of chemical weapons

Tillerson: US ready to use force in response to the use of chemical weapons WASHINGTON, February 16. /TASS./ The requirements of the USA about inadmissibility of use of chemical weapons during conflict is absolutely serious that Washington had already shown what the consequences might be. About it in interview to the program “60 minutes” on CBS, said the Secretary of state of the United States Rex Tillerson. The head of the state Department reminded that, according to the United States, Russia bears a “special responsibility” to prevent such attacks in Syria “because of the obligations that they have assumed for the destruction of chemical weapons”. Tillerson acknowledged that this position is not much different from the previous Washington administration. “I think the only difference is the consequences. And the President [of the United States Donald trump] has already demonstrated that the consequences will be,” he said. “As in April of

Matvienko: the first stage of the election campaign was calm and open

The Chairman Of The Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Press service of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation SAINT PETERSBURG, 16 February. /TASS./ The first phase of the election campaign in the framework of the presidential elections held openly and strictly within the law. This assessment was expressed to journalists on Friday, the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko.

The Supreme court rejected the claim Sobchak cancellation of Putin as a presidential candidate

Ksenia Sobchak © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, February 16. /TASS./ The Supreme court of Russia dismissed the claim of Xenia Sobchak with the requirement of cancellation of registration of Vladimir Putin as candidate for President, the correspondent of TASS. “To refuse satisfaction of claim requirements Sobchak”, – announced the decision of the judge. Sobchak has declared that will appeal against the decision of the Supreme court. “It was obvious that we would deny this claim, but the fact of the claim is more important than his predictable result. We are certainly going to appeal.”- said Sobchak.

The white house accused Russia of organizing cyber attacks NotPetya

The white house accused Russia of organizing cyber attacks NotPetya WASHINGTON, February 16. /TASS./ The white house was made on Thursday with the assertion that the Russian military in June 2017, allegedly orchestrated cyber attacks NotPetya that has affected Europe, Asia, the Western hemisphere and led to the loss of billions of dollars. “In June 2017, the Russian military launched the most destructive and flawed cyber attack in history. The attack, dubbed NotPetya, quickly spread around the world and led to the loss of billions of dollars across Europe, Asia and American countries”, — said the press service of the White house. Us officials believe that “it was part of an ongoing Kremlin’s attempts to destabilize Ukraine,” the attack itself is also supposedly “even more clearly demonstrates the involvement of Russia to the ongoing conflict.” “This was a reckless and indiscriminate attack, which will entail international consequences”, — concluded the

Tatarstan President can change the post

Tatarstan President can change the post The state Council of Tatarstan has created a working group that will deal with the adjustment of the regional Constitution. The group will prepare a proposal to rename the post of President of the Republic. From this post of Tatarstan, according to the Federal law were to decline by 2016. Kommersant’s source in the Council said that “the issue of presidency,” the Parliament has not yet been considered. Experts believe that to change the Constitution, “aktiviziruyutsya” if you insist the Federal center. On the establishment of the working group on drafting the law “On the Constitutional Commission of the Republic of Tatarstan” regional prosecutors said in a letter to the Deputy of city Council of Naberezhnye Chelny, Sergey Yakovlev. At the end of 2017, he requested Prosecutor General Yury Chaika to oblige the authorities of Tatarstan the Constitution to bring the region into compliance

The Kurds and Damascus agreed on deployment of Syrian forces in Afrin, told the media

The Kurds and Damascus agreed on deployment of Syrian forces in Afrin, told the media BEIRUT, 15 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Syrian government and Kurdish defense forces agreed to enter the army cap in Afrin to protect Canton, informs television channel “al-Mayadin” with reference to own source. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “The Syrian leadership and the Kurdish self-defense forces reached agreement on the entry of the Syrian army in Afrin”, — quotes the TV channel. According to the source, this decision was made primarily to reflect the attacks of Turkey and her allied forces in Afrin.

Shamans: not to recognize the Turkish interests in ‘ Afrīn is impossible

The head of the Duma Committee on defense Vladimir Shamanov © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, February 16. /TASS./ The city of Afrin, on the introduction of troops which had previously said the Syrian government is in the interests of Turkey, which should be considered. This opinion was expressed to journalists on Friday the head of the Duma Committee on defense, former commander of airborne troops Vladimir Shamanov.

The Kremlin has no new information about dead Russians in Syria

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, February 16. /TASS./ The Kremlin has no new data on the number of dead in Syria the Russians. “We have no new information [about the number of dead Russians] is not” – said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the new data of some mass media about the number of victims. “All we could say, we have already said on this issue”, he concluded.