In the elite Chinese prison over the camera for the officials

In the elite Chinese prison over the camera for the officials The anti-corruption campaign in the country continues in its fifth year. “In our jail, there was a tradition: prisoners older than 60 years could expect on the eve of the lunar New year (this year it fell on February 16.— “B”) at the festive dinner with several members of his family, reported the SCMP, a source in the administration of the prison.— But this year, we abolished this tradition, and forbade the visitors to come two weeks before and two weeks after the New year.” The reason for these measures was an unprecedented prison overcrowding. In 2013 the law enforcement agencies and intra-party control, according to official data, subjected to various punishments over 1.35 million officials and party leaders, including some 100 tigers — civil servants of the level of Deputy Minister and above. Most of those convicted got

Headquarters, Vladimir Putin spoke about his campaign commercials

Headquarters, Vladimir Putin spoke about his campaign commercials The press Secretary of the election headquarters of Vladimir Putin, Andrey Kondrashov has told RBC that the main themes of the campaign commercials of Mr. Putin were the integrity and strengthening of the country, improvement of life of citizens and social justice, the further movement of Russia forward, respect traditions, and strengthen the defense. Mr. Kondrashov has explained that these topics are “natural” as acting President “throughout his work was always foremost in these challenges”. The main slogan of the majority of the commercials will be “a Strong President — a strong Russia”. “We believe that Russia must be strong, to grow and to make breakthroughs. The lives of citizens can be comfortable only if at the head of our country a strong President”, — explained Andrey Kondrashov. He noted that Vladimir Putin in the filming of the commercials was not involved,

US sanctions against Russia: who will be in the expanded “the Kremlin list”

US sanctions against Russia: who will be in the expanded “the Kremlin list” The US is preparing a new blow against Russia. In America, think about increasing the number of defendants in the “Kremlin report”. The publication of the previous list has hit the reputation and business of Russian entrepreneurs. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, in an interview with CBS said that the United States is considering the possibility of imposing additional sanctions against the Russians. According to him, the United States has “taken steps in accordance with CAATSA (the law “On combating the enemies of America by sanctions” — “Газета.Ru”) which prevented a major defense deal Russia”. “We are considering additional persons for the possible introduction of sanctions,” said Mr. Tillerson, answering the question “why no sanctions are imposed, which wants the vast majority of members of Congress.” Due to the aggravation of the situation around Ukraine, the

Lavrov called data on the number of dead Russians in Syria speculation

Lavrov called data on the number of dead Russians in Syria speculation Data about hundreds of dead Russians in Syria — attempts to speculate on the war, told reporters the Minister of foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov. “In this respect is the statement was made. And I think that is enough, at least, the questions that you ask, I hope they are motivated by the desire to contribute to the settlement. What we read about the hundreds and even thousands, in my opinion, has been, are attempts by improper means to speculate on the war that is in Syria, unfortunately, continues,” — said Lavrov, commenting on the alleged victims in Syria the Russians. “Such attempts (speculation — ed), I think at least not very correct. Publication of which you speak relate to a certain circle of the media, and all this is done by adding fried news without presenting concrete facts

Rex Tillerson, the DPRK threatened a “big club”

Rex Tillerson, the DPRK threatened a “big club” U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, in an interview with CBS News said that Washington is going to continue pressure on Pyongyang until the DPRK’s willingness to negotiate. Us Secretary of state said that his work as a diplomat is to ensure awareness of North Korea “that the US keep their communication channels open.” Informed military sources Foreign Policy magazine reported that the US is preparing for a possible cyberwar on the DPRK. In December, the United States began to discuss her actions in the event of a fall of the ruling regime of the DPRK with China. The Chinese military conducted exercises, which were worked to gain control over the nuclear facility, similar to one of the existing North Korean facilities. Then Mr. Tillerson said that his country was ready for any measures, “if something goes wrong”.

Lavrov said, who needs the “Turkish stream”

Lavrov said, who needs the “Turkish stream” The project “Turkish stream” need to improve opportunities for the Balkan countries to receive Russian gas, said Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. He also expressed readiness “to make any decisions (for the “Turkish stream” — ed.) taking into account the interests of those who have Balkan countries in the European Union”. The project “Turkish stream” involves construction of a pipeline, consisting of two lines with capacity of 15.75 billion cubic meters each. The first line is designed to supply gas to Turkish consumers, it is planned to put into operation in March 2018; the second for the gas supply countries in South and South-Eastern Europe (term of commissioning — 2019). Gazprom is considering options for the continuation of the “Turkish stream” through Bulgaria and Serbia or through Greece and Italy. See also: Life without “Gazprom”. Why Poland and Denmark the new pipeline

Volodin explained why Putin’s support of the majority of Russians

Chairman Of The State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS BERN (Switzerland) February 19. /TASS/. Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin suggested that Western critics of the Russian President the answer to the “Putin phenomenon”, which enjoys the support of the majority of Russia’s population. “When we talk about the Putin phenomenon, you just need to proceed from the fact that Putin is a strong President, he did much for his country, and the citizens of our country support it,” said Volodin in an interview he gave in Bern known Darius Rossano for the Swiss TV channel RTS. The speaker drew attention to the fact that, according to opinion polls, the current President enjoys the support of more than 80% of Russian citizens.

Russia expects that the USA should not support the “cave nationalism” in Ukraine

© Anatoly Bochinin/TASS WASHINGTON, February 19. /TASS/. Russia in light of the attacks of the nationalists in the building of Rossotrudnichestvo in Kiev expects that the Washington officials should not support the “cave nationalism” in Ukraine and other Eastern European countries. This is stated in a statement on Sunday statement of the Russian Embassy in Washington.