American secret rocket caught on video

American secret rocket caught on video American company Astra Space in the secret mode, is developing ultra-light missile Astra video carrier of the channel ABC7 News was uploaded on YouTube. Yes, that’s a rocket. And yes, it was tested just a stone’s throw from some of Alameda”s finest drinking establishments. — Jonathan Bloom (@BloomTV) 17 Feb 2018 Reporters managed to capture Astra after bench firing tests of the propulsion system of first stage carrier. In Space Astra declined to comment. Astra Space, said channel not covered on its activities to the media, but actively cooperating with the authorities and the military. In particular, for tests of the rocket company uses the premises of the air base of the U.S. Navy Alameda, California. The source channel reported that in a startup employs one hundred people. During the download an error has occurred. Media Astra is designed for insertion into the

Iran tricked the USA and bought high technology to bypass the sanctions

Iran tricked the USA and bought high technology to bypass the sanctions Iranian airline Mahan Air to bypass the sanctions have repeatedly bought through the Turkish front companies American jet engines and components for aircraft. This is with reference to the Bureau of industry and security U.S. Department of Commerce reports the Wall Street Journal. Products for aircraft the Iranian company bought several years, the last deal was committed in December 2017. For this purpose several Turkish firms. In this case, the US authorities were sometimes able to intercept the transaction until the sending component. Company Mahan Air was left in the American sanctions list because of alleged ties with the Iranian Islamic revolutionary guard Corps and suspected of supplying weapons to Syria. The information disclosed may affect the transaction between the American aircraft manufacturer Boeing and other Iranian airline Iran Air. Last year Boeing signed a pledge to deliver

Russia demanded from Ukraine to punish the attackers on Russian facilities in Kiev

Russia demanded from Ukraine to punish the attackers on Russian facilities in Kiev Moscow. 19 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian foreign Ministry on Monday was caused by charge d’affaires of Ukraine in Moscow Ruslan Nimchinsky. Him, as reported by the Russian foreign Ministry, “was declared a decisive protest in connection with the ongoing atrocities of the Ukrainian nationalists Russophobes, staged with the filing of the Kiev authorities on 17 and 18 February 2018 provocative attack on the Russian centre of science and culture (RCSC) and the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo and the Russian offices of banks in Kiev”. The Russian side demanded to establish and bring to justice all perpetrators referred to hooligan attacks.THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION As noted in the statement on the website of the Russian depodesta, “the Ukrainian side was requested to put an end to the antics of radical nationalists, to

Public observers are asking the CEC to deal with the publication of the article and photo shoot Sobchak

Ksenia Sobchak © AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin MOSCOW, February 20. /TASS/. A network of public observers “national public monitoring” (NOM) requested the CEC to deal with the publication of an article and editorial in the media about the candidate in presidents of Russia from party “the Civil initiative” Ksenia Sobchak. The relevant document is at the disposal of TASS.

The foreign Ministers of Russia and Iran held a second in this year’s talks in Moscow

The foreign Ministers of Iran and Russia, Mohammad Javad Zarif and Sergei Lavrov © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, February 19. /TASS/. The foreign Ministers of Russia and Iran Sergei Lavrov and Mohammad Javad Zarif held talks Monday to discuss cooperation between the two countries on a wide range of issues, as well as the most “acute” regional stories. This meeting was the second in the just the beginning of 2018, Ministers have met in Moscow on 10 January. Then the center of attention of the heads of depodesta was the situation in Syria and the implementation of the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program. This time, Zarif arrived in the Russian capital to participate in the conference of the international discussion club “Valdai” on the situation in the middle East. “This meeting showed that the positions of Iran and Russia on many regional issues are very close,” said in this regard,

“Hunting” on the su-35: the Russian fighter jet surprises the world

“Hunting” on the su-35: the Russian fighter jet surprises the world Ten years ago was the first flight of a super-maneuverable fighter su-35. TASS — the history of creation, combat potential, and why this aircraft is often compared with foreign analogues. 19 Feb 2008 the sky first raised the Russian multipurpose fighter of generation “4++” su-35. The plane was piloted by honored test pilot of RF, Hero of Russia Sergey Bogdan. Serial su-35S began to be produced in 2011 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur aviation plant named after Yuri Gagarin, but the Russian army was adopted only last year. After the baptism of fire in the skies of Syria on the fighter began all over the world. To date, I think it’s one of the best tactical aircraft in the world, he has no equal today in the air. Feedback from our pilots are the best results of the Syrian conflict. This car

Latvian Central Bank not insured against corruption

Latvian Central Bank not insured against corruption On Monday, Prime Minister of Latvia Maris Kuchinskis has demanded from the head of the Central Bank of creativity Rimshevicha to resign. So the Republican leadership reacted to the corruption scandal, in which the Office for combating corruption was detained and interrogated the head of the Central Bank on suspicion of concealment of the money laundering one of the Latvian banks. This morning, the top leadership of Latvia for the first time voiced his reaction to a loud corruption scandal, which erupted last weekend. On Saturday, representatives of the Latvian Bureau on prevention and struggle against corruption (bpbc) raided the Central Bank of the country, detained and interrogated the head of creativity Rimshevicha. The interrogation lasted several hours, the financier was released only on Sunday morning. Yesterday, the first reaction came from the Minister of Finance Given Reizniece-Ozola, who called the head of

The passport in Russia, you will get faster than before

The passport in Russia, you will get faster than before MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed the Federal law on the reduction of terms of issue of the passport from four to three months in the event of its receipt at the place of residence of a citizen, the law published on the official Internet portal of legal information. As follows from the text of the law, if the passport is issued at the place of permanent residence, the period of its manufacture is one month. The term of registration of the passport of the citizen with the access to information of special importance or top secret information classified as state secret, should not exceed three months. With regard to the term of registration of the passport diplomatic mission or consular institution of the Russian Federation, it should not exceed three months, the

Volodin urged the OSCE PA to respond to the pogrom of the buildings of Rossotrudnichestvo in Kiev

The speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin and the Chairman of the National Council of the Swiss Confederation, Dominique de Buman © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS BERN, 19 February. /TASS/. Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin urged the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly to respond to an attack by Ukrainian radicals on the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Kiev. “I hope the reaction of the OSCE and its parliamentary Assembly [in connection with the attack on the building of Rossotrudnichestvo]. I hope that in the work of the OSCE parliamentary Assembly will not be double standards”, – said Volodin at a meeting with Chairman of the National Council of the Swiss Confederation Dominique de Bomana.