Sobchak called the sponsors of his election campaign

Candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation from party “Civil initiative” Ksenia Sobchak © Artyom Geodakyan/TASS MOSCOW, February 20. /TASS/. The candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation from “Civil initiatives” Ksenia Sobchak presented the main sponsors of his campaign, which “has agreed to be named and to be open.” “We won’t say who how much money is donated because it is a process that is still going on, donations are still going on, and a full report will be official then,” she said during a press conference in TASS. Among the sponsors of his campaign, Sobchak called the publisher of the American magazine Inc. in Russia, Vladimir Palihata, Director of logistics transport company “Onego Shiping” Alexander Roslyakov and sponsor of “the New newspaper”, the founder of the company Yota Devices Sergey Adoniev. In addition, among the above-mentioned names: co-owner of a chain of fitness clubs of

The Supreme court is thinking about to mitigate the punishment for a repost of prohibited materials

The Supreme court is thinking about to mitigate the punishment for a repost of prohibited materials Russia’s Supreme court is considering the question of mitigation of punishment for the repost. Answering a question of journalists, whether it is planned humanization of articles of the criminal code, providing punishment for the distribution, including a repost of extremist and prohibited materials, the head of the Supreme court Vyacheslav Lebedev said: “the Board (of the Supreme court) discusses this issue.” Under the humanization of an article of the criminal code refers to the mitigation of punishment, including the transfer of a criminal offense within the category of the criminal act that does not include imprisonment, and may be punished by a fine or compulsory works.

Vladimir Putin will announce the message to the Federal Assembly on 1 March

Vladimir Putin will announce the message to the Federal Assembly on 1 March Co-chair of the electoral headquarters of the candidate in presidents of Russia and the current head of state Vladimir Putin Alexander Rumyantsev said that the message from Mr Putin to the Federal Assembly will take place on March 1. It was originally planned that a message will be announced in the period from 6 to 10 February, before the official promotion campaign for elections of the President in the media. Kommersant’s sources in the presidential administration later reported that the message is scheduled for February 27. The date, which coincided with the aforementioned Mr. Rumyantsev, called a few days ago a source “RIA Novosti”.

UN members are arguing over peacekeepers in Eastern Ukraine

UN members are arguing over peacekeepers in Eastern Ukraine Since the beginning of the year, the Ukrainian authorities resumed the discussion of the UN peacekeeping mission in the Donbass, but this week it became clear: to solve the issue in the near future will not succeed. Kyiv and Moscow hold contradictory positions about whether to engage with the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics (DPR and LPR). Moscow calls their participation in the negotiations a prerequisite for the start of the mission. Kiev, in turn, is not going to take into account the opinion of the unrecognized republics. The situation is complicated by the fact that a number of American politicians find it necessary to exclude from the negotiations is not DND and LNR, and Russia. Kiev will not negotiate with the self-proclaimed DNR and LNR the UN mission in the East of Ukraine, said the evening of 19 February,

Ukraine will specify the amount of damages due to the construction of Crimean bridge

Ukraine will specify the amount of damages due to the construction of Crimean bridge The Ukrainian foreign Ministry has submitted to arbitration court of the Memorandum made by the Russian violations of the law of the sea. The loss of Ukraine from Russia’s violations of its rights of Maritime powers are measured in “fairly large amount”. Its size is growing, said Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine on European integration Elena serkal. It represents the interests of the Republic at the Hague arbitration, which is to make out the case of violations by Russia of the UN Convention on the law of the sea, RBC reports. To give an exact amount of losses serkal refused, noting that he does not like to “speculate billions.” She also explained that the amount of damage will be updated, as Russia ceases to violate the rights of Ukraine, but at this stage it

USA a new start to follow Russia

USA a new start to follow Russia The us military instead of running expensive and massive satellites will begin deploying the information network, based on less expensive and simpler spacecraft. This approach will allow US to respond quickly to threats from China and Russia, according to SpaceNews. Except for low-cost satellites, an information network designed to monitor the actions of potential adversaries, the U.S. military plans to integrate manned and unmanned aircraft, and Navy ships and ground system army. NewsVideo: “Kalashnikov” demonstrated in action his gun against bespilotnikov the Pentagon believe that the largest and most expensive satellites are vulnerable to kinetic and electronic attacks, while the loss of small, inexpensive spacecraft is not as dangerous. In addition, the new spacecraft is scheduled to make a highly maneuverable, allowing them to quickly change the location or to respond to the attack of the enemy. Overall, the Pentagon plans to reduce

In the US, explained the buildup of forces in the Black sea “the Russian threat”

In the US, explained the buildup of forces in the Black sea “the Russian threat” U.S. Navy increasing their presence in the Black sea in response to the fact that Russia first has increased its presence in the region, CNN reported, citing the statement of the commander of the sixth fleet, Vice Admiral Christopher Grady. Currently in the Black sea simultaneously operate two ships of the U.S. Navy. Last weekend in the Black sea became the destroyer USS Carney, who joined the already in the region destroyer USS Ross to conduct “Maritime security”, the statement says that the sixth fleet. According to CNN, two warships of the U.S. Navy simultaneously present in the Black sea for the first time since July of 2017.

Reuters: coal deal with Ukraine strengthened the position of Donald trump in the US

Reuters: coal deal with Ukraine strengthened the position of Donald trump in the US The agreement on deliveries of American coal-anthracite in Ukraine helped the presidents of both countries to strengthen their domestic political position. It is reported Reuters citing a source familiar with the negotiations. According to him, the deal with Ukraine helped Donald Trump to run one of its key election promises, providing the coal-mining regions the necessary orders. The election campaign of Mr. trump was held under the slogan of improving relations with Russia that have caused concern in Kiev. But everything changed after the visit of the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to Washington, one of the major outcomes of which was the signing of an agreement for the supply of coal. “Ukraine is already telling us they need millions and millions of tons right now, — said Mr. trump.— We want them to sell them and