Trump accused the media of distorting his words about the right to bear arms teachers

Trump accused the media of distorting his words about the right to bear arms teachers Moscow. 22 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump on Thursday denied reports in the American media about his intention in droves to give teachers firearms to ensure safety. “I never said “Give teachers guns”, these “fake news” reported CNN and ABC. I said that it is necessary to consider the possibility to provide “the weapon when it is concealed carry, teachers with military or special training — it will only be for the better,” trump wrote on his page on Twitter. “A sufficient number of teachers — about 20% — now able to immediately return fire if some lunatic with bad intentions would get in school. Teacher who received good training, could act also as a deterrent to these cowards who commit attacks”, he added. According to trump, a school where no one has

Diplomats and employees of diplomatic missions of the USA will not allow for the observation of elections in Russia

Diplomats and employees of diplomatic missions of the USA will not allow for the observation of elections in Russia American diplomats and employees of American diplomatic missions in the Russian Federation will not be allowed to monitor the upcoming presidential elections in Russia, said on Thursday “Interfax” Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. “U.S. citizens are included in the mission of the office for democratic institutions and human rights (ODIHR) of the OSCE election observation is, of course, will be able to perform all relevant functions in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation,” Ryabkov said. “As for U.S. diplomats and employees of American diplomatic missions in the Russian Federation, they will not be admitted to this process given the fact that during the US elections in 2016, the Russian foreign employees in the U.S. this possibility was denied” — added the Deputy Minister. According to him, “accordingly, soon

Kurdish YPG forces handed over control of the army of Syria, the several districts of Aleppo

Kurdish YPG forces handed over control of the army of Syria, the several districts of Aleppo Kurdish defense units (YPG) handed over control of the Syrian army a number of areas in Aleppo, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. In particular, the Kurdish army gave informed areas under their control al-Halak, Baiden, al-Sharif and Sheikh Khidr. It is expected that soon the Kurds will pass under the control of the army, the districts of Sheikh Maqsood and Ashrafieh in Aleppo. After the transfer of control of the army in these areas will resume the state institutions under the Syrian flag. The Syrian army command said on 9 February on a full sweep of the provinces of Aleppo and Hama from terrorists. The Syrian army with the support of videoconferencing and allied forces liberated the city of Aleppo 21 December 2016. The final stage for the liberation of the Eastern neighborhoods of

Lavrov’s visit to Belgrade confirmed the friendly relations between Russia and Serbia

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS BELGRADE, February 22. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov concluded on Thursday a working visit to the Serbian capital and comes back to Moscow. Despite the fact that the head of the Russian depodesta arrived in Belgrade the night before, his working program was very busy. So, the Minister took the first dignitaries of the Republic, he held two press conferences and participated in several cultural events, and even addressed the students of the Belgrade University. Football journalists At the airport Lavrov met his Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic. There, in the VIP room, the foreign Ministers held a short conversation, starting with discussion of bilateral relations or anti-Russian sanctions, and soccer, which is known to be very fond of the Russian Minister.

Gun control and gun lobby in the United States

Gun control and gun lobby in the United States Firearms kill more Americans than wars, AIDS and terrorists. Why Washington can’t change that situation? Mass shootings of the 2000s and 2010s years shocked the whole country and rocked the pendulum of public opinion in the direction of tightening control over the trade and possession of firearms in the United States. After the shooting in a school in Parkland, which killed 17 people, the level of support for tougher arms trafficking reached a record high of about 67%. However, forces for change in the current legislation, repeatedly fail because of the powerful and well-organized resistance to the gun lobby and its allies in Congress. TASS explains why, despite the tragedy at “sandy hook”, Orlando and Las Vegas, U.S. lawmakers are unable to take even the most elementary measures to restrict the carrying of weapons. Enduring amendment The right of citizens to

The newest Russian fighter su-57 arrived on the test in Syria

The newest Russian fighter su-57 arrived on the test in Syria Yesterday at the base Hamim (province of Latakia) profit samples of promising aviation complex tactical aviation (PAK FA), su-57. 6фотографий6фотографий This information “Kommersant” confirmed a top Manager of one of the enterprises of defense industry, as well as the source in bodies of military administration. The exact number sent to Syria machines they are not named, but the photos that appeared online, in the air was seen two PAK FA. However, one of interlocutors “” has specified that the su-57 was deployed in the framework of testing of weapons systems fifth generation fighter aircraft, which began in the summer of 2017. Exclusive#Russia deploying its brand new fifth generation fighter jet, the Su-57 in #Khmemeim AB #Syria 2 Su-574 Su-354 Su-251 A-50U were deployed in the #RuAF AB in Latakia/Jableh today — Wael Al Hussaini (@WaelAlHussaini) 21 Feb 2018

Peskov confirmed the change of venue for the announcement of the message of Putin

Peskov confirmed the change of venue for the announcement of the message of Putin The first event will take place in the St. George hall of the Kremlin, and in the Arena. Moscow. 22 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — message of the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly for the first time will be announced in the St. George hall of the Kremlin, in Manezh exhibition hall, this is due to the increase in the number invited and the use of new technologies, the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. I can confirm this. Indeed, it is (reading the message — if) scheduled to be held in the Arena. This is because a little bit will expand the list of invited. Slightly wider than the Federal Assembly.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation In addition, he noted that the arena chosen “for

Nebesa: the militants disrupted the negotiations on settling the situation in Eastern ghouta

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © EPA-EFE/JASON SZENES UN, February 22. /TASS/. The militants controlling the Eastern ghouta, disrupted the negotiations on settlement of the situation in the besieged district. This was stated on Thursday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at the security Council meeting. According to him, in Eastern ghouta “continue to be several thousand irreconcilable militants, including those linked to terrorist organizations.” He noted that members of the armed forces “have made hostages remaining in Eastern Guta of people” and not allow civilians “to leave the territory under their control through the checkpoint in the al-Vafidin”.

Putin’s message to Parliament moved into the big arena

© Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, February 22. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin will announce the message to the Federal Assembly on March 1, 2018 in a big Arena and not in the Kremlin. This was reported by press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “Yes, I can it [information about the postponement of the event in a large arena] confirm”, – he said. A Kremlin spokesman explained that the venue of the annual address of the President to the Parliament was postponed due to the increase in the number of participants, and also due to the need to use infographics. “For better visualization, the use of infographics will be used to screen complicated technology and logistics to establish in the Grand Kremlin Palace”, he added.

Experts of the White house called Russia a “hacker power”

Experts of the White house called Russia a “hacker power” The Council of economic advisers, the White house published a report in which Russia is ranked as “hacker powers”. Also, this group included Iran, China and North Korea. This group is the first of six in the world hacker competition, as, according to American experts, the governments of these countries directly sponsor a hacker attack. NewsGovernment websites in the US and the UK secretly bottom cryptocurrency In addition to the “hacker powers” in the classification of the authors of the report also included corporate competitors, ideological hacker movement, criminal hacker groups hackers insiders and, finally, by hobbyist hackers who made over 75% of attacks in 2017. Another 25% were organized prepared by hackers. At the same time, experts have established that about half of all hackers linked to criminal groups, while with public institutions — only 18%. According to estimates