Sands: the situation in Syria and, in particular, Eastern Guta of the utmost concern

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, February 26. /TASS/. The situation in Syria is extremely worrying that the actions of terrorists in Eastern ghouta are the cause of high tension. This was stated press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, answering the request of journalists to comment on media reports the signs of use of chemical weapons in Eastern Huta.

The Supreme court rejected the appeal Sobchak Putin’s registration as a presidential candidate

The Supreme court rejected the appeal Sobchak Putin’s registration as a presidential candidate Russia’s Supreme court on Monday rejected the appeal of Ksenia Sobchak in the decision on the recognition of the legitimate registration of Vladimir Putin as a candidate in the presidential elections, the correspondent of TASS. “To dismiss the complaint Sobchak, the decision of the court of first instance to leave without change,” announced the judge. Thus, the court decision came into legal force. Sobchak appealed to the court, exercise the right candidate to achieve withdrawal from the race of another candidate. She asked the court to invalidate the registration of Putin. “The lesson Putin as President for the fourth time creates a negative effect for the whole of Russia. The only way to get out of this circle is to exclude Putin from among the candidates,” she said. The CEC representative asked the court to refuse satisfaction

The authors of The National Interest predicted a new big war

The authors of The National Interest predicted a new big war The current situation in the middle East suggests that by 2019 between Iran and Israel could erupt into war. With such a forecast in the pages of The National Interest was made by the specialist in national security, a former employee of the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George Bushma Raymond Tanter and expert on international relations Ivan Sascha Sheehan. “In January 2018, we wondered: will the 2018 revolution in Iran. Now we ask: will Israel and Iran fight by 2019,” write the authors. From their point of view, a direct conflict is not just looming on the horizon, it is “already happening”. We are talking about a situation unfolding about two weeks ago. When Israel shot down an Iranian drone, launched from Syria, then attacked Iranian targets in its territory. It ended up that the Syrian air defense

Titov: several businessmen from the “the London list” can return to Russia

Titov: several businessmen from the “the London list” can return to Russia KHABAROVSK, Feb 26 — RIA Novosti. Three or four entrepreneurs from the “the London list” in the near future can return to Russia, said the candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation, Ombudsman for entrepreneurs Boris Titov to journalists on Monday. Previously, the business Ombudsman announced the names of 16 businesses that are hiding from Russian justice in the UK and other countries, but would like to return home. Titov, 23 Feb wrote that Andrew Kokovkin became the first businessman from his “London list”, which returned to Russia. “Things are progressing, with the first entrepreneur has already met. I believe that everything is normal, there was his return to Russia, and all will be well in his case. There trumped charges. The case could wind up before the court. Other processes are. We analyze, examination of each treatment.

OP the Russian Federation has received over 100 thousand applications from those willing to work as election observers

© Sergey Maligawa/TASS MOSCOW, February 26. /TASS/. Public chamber (OP) the Russian Federation has received over 100 thousand applications from those wishing to observe the elections of the President of the Russian Federation. On Monday during the meeting with representatives of regional public chambers said Deputy Secretary OP the Russian Federation Alexander Tochenov.

Spring finds “custom-made hysteria” article in the NY Post about hockey from Russia at the Olympics

Vice-speaker of the state Duma Irina Yarovaya © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, February 26. /TASS/. The article of newspaper New York Post, where hockey players of the Russian Federation called “the team without a country”, reveals this edition of in the service of anti-Russian policy and is nothing more than custom-made hysteria. This opinion was expressed on Monday, Vice-speaker of the state Duma Irina Yarovaya.

The EU has postponed the extension of anti-Russian sanctions

The EU has postponed the extension of anti-Russian sanctions The European Union has postponed the extension of sanctions against Russian and Ukrainian citizens, according to “RIA Novosti” with reference to the informed source. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, the decision was postponed because of the national procedures necessary internal approval of the issue of sanctions one of the countries-EU members. The spokesman added that a new date consideration yet. We will remind, on 21 February the Committee of permanent representatives of EU countries to the EU (Coreper) agreed on the extension of sanctions against citizens and companies of Russia and Ukraine for another six months. Today’s decision should be supported at the meeting of the foreign Ministers of the 27 EU countries. In the list of persons under sanctions are the Russian public and political figures, persons suspected of involvement in the fighting in the South-East of Ukraine,

Kadyrov called the ban on entry into Latvia by trying to “pug” to please “the elephant”

Kadyrov called the ban on entry into Latvia by trying to “pug” to please “the elephant” The head of the Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, which the Latvian authorities have denied entry to the country, called by the Saeima adopted the decision with desire “pug” to please “the elephant” and invited all the inhabitants of Latvia on a visit to Chechnya. He wrote about this in my channel Telegram. As previously reported, the Latvian foreign Ministry denied entry into the country of 49 foreigners from the so-called Magnitsky list. According to Latvian media, list is the name of Ramzan Kadyrov. “Well, if Latvia announces us sanctions, we, as people raised in other traditions and values, we invite all Latvians on a visit to Chechnya. I know that the Seimas, when deciding on sanctions, not guided by the interests of the Latvian people, and wanted to please the elephant. What remains to be

The state does not recognize liability for leakage from its databases

The state does not recognize liability for leakage from its databases The state is not responsible for leaks from the databases that it collects about its citizens, according to “Vedomosti”. The publication analyses the dispute between the Russian, whose name does not appear, and the Russian Federation at the European court of human rights (ECHR). Citizen trying to obtain compensation from the state for having leaked his personal data to open access. In 2011 he bought on Savelovsky the market drive database of the Moscow police, which contained information about his two convictions and a positive HIV status. Newsa Thief invisible: how hackers mined cryptocurrency on your computer Appeals to the investigative bodies and the Russian courts to no avail, and now the Russians came to Strasbourg, where the accused his country of violating the inviolability of private life. The statement also notes that, according to media reports, in 2011,

RBC: the presidential administration is preparing a new the may decrees

RBC: the presidential administration is preparing a new the may decrees In the Kremlin to discuss the preparation of a new presidential may decrees similar to those Vladimir Putin signed in 2012, according to RBC with reference to the Federal official and two sources familiar with the discussion of the draft documents. One of interlocutors of the edition told that the new decrees are prepared in the presidential administration, but the exact content of the documents is not yet known. Currently the collection initiatives from the ministries, the source added. According to another interlocutor of RBC, suggestions are collected in preparation of the presidential address to the Federal Assembly scheduled on March 1. “Meaningful hardware work began a few months ago. Of ministries regularly come to discuss these initiatives”, — said the interlocutor of the edition. Another source said that the mentioned in the message offers transformirovalsya the government after