The United States has created in Syria, “sanctuary for terrorists”, said the Ministry of defence

The United States has created in Syria, “sanctuary for terrorists”, said the Ministry of defence MOSCOW, 3 Mar — RIA Novosti. The US is using the controlled area in the West of Syria as a cover for terrorists. About it in interview to the program “International review” on the channel “Russia 24” stated Deputy defense Minister of Russia Alexander Fomin. “We cannot be indifferent to the safety zone with a diameter of 55 kilometers near the village of Et-TANF. It is on the border with Iraq in the Western part of Syria, where, in fact, created a sanctuary for terrorists. Here they are rearming to prepare, carry out from this site and the attacks are appropriate. All this under the guidance of special operations forces and other units of the United States,” — said Fomin. At the end of November last year, the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring

Against the construction of “Nord stream — 2” was made by German ecologists

Against the construction of “Nord stream — 2” was made by German ecologists In Germany, representatives of environmental associations Nabu decided to go to court in order to prevent the construction of “Nord stream — 2” in the territorial waters of the country. This writes Spiegel. It is noted that ecologists see a danger that the pipeline will pass through a marine protected area that will create a danger for marine animals. “Why build a pipeline through which to supply gas for 50 years? This will only lead to the fact that decades there will be a competition in respect of renewable energy and there is a threat to achieving agreed climate targets,” said Nabu expert Kim Detloff. Also, the publication draws attention to the fact that not all European countries supported the project. Earlier it was reported that Nord Stream 2 expects to receive a permit for the construction

In Poland, want to recover from Germany’s reparations to $ 850 billion

In Poland, want to recover from Germany’s reparations to $ 850 billion MOSCOW, 3 Mar — RIA Novosti. Poland estimates the damage caused by Germany during the Second world war, 850 billion dollars. This was stated by the head of the Commission on reparations of the Sejm Arkadiusz mulyarchick, his words leads portal “We’re talking about huge, but justifiable amounts for the destroyed cities and villages, economy and industry. For the loss of the demographic potential of our country,” said the mulyarchick, noting that the issue of reparations was not settled. At the same time, the MP said, Poland makes no sense to demand compensation from Russia, because she “does not respect international law”. Earlier, the Bureau of analysis of Polish Sejm came to the conclusion that Warsaw has reason to demand from Berlin 48.8 billion dollars in reparations. The German government considers the issue of war reparations to

Fighters the fifth day do not let the residents of Eastern ghouta on humanitarian corridor

© REUTERS/Bassam Khabieh MOSCOW, March 3. /TASS/. Fighters the fifth day do not let the residents of Eastern ghouta through the humanitarian corridor, said Saturday the head of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in the Syrian Arab Republic the General-the major Yury Evtushenko. “The fifth day is held to inform the citizens of Eastern ghouta on the coordinates of a humanitarian corridor. All necessary infrastructure is ready to receive them. However, the fault current armed groups blocking access of the population to humanitarian corridor for its part, none of the civilians to leave Eastern ghouta once again failed,” – said the representative of the defense Ministry.

Poklonskaya up with names for the newest weapons systems Russia

Poklonskaya up with names for the newest weapons systems Russia The Deputy of the state Duma of Russia Natalia Poklonskaya announced their names on new types of Russian weapons, which Russian President Vladimir Putin presented in the message to the Federal Assembly. About it the Deputy wrote on his page in social network “Vkontakte”. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий “…I propose to give the name “Crimea” military laser complex, and the unmanned underwater vehicle — the name “Sevastopol”, — said the Deputy. According to the MP, these names will remind us of the historical event of reunification of the Russian lands of the modern period, transfers “the”. Earlier, the Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov has proposed to name one of the weapons of the “Givi” in honor of the commander of one of divisions of militia of Donbass Mikhail Tolstoy (call sign “Givi”). In addition, the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov proposed to

Putin responded to accusations against Russia of meddling in elections in the United States

Putin responded to accusations against Russia of meddling in elections in the United States WASHINGTON, March 3 — RIA Novosti. US authorities have accused 13 Russians meddling in American elections, should instead “cries in Congress” to provide official documents, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in interview to TV channel NBC. “I have to see first what they did. Give us the materials. Give us the information. With all due respect to you personally, with all due respect to Congress, you have to have people with diplomas in jurisprudence, 100% should be”, — Putin said. His words are given in reverse translation from English. The words of a leading channel Megyn Kelly that she has a law degree, Putin explained: “People who are well-educated, must understand that we in Russia can not prosecute anyone who has violated the laws of the Russian Federation. You have to understand what is

The Deputy Minister of defence of the Russian Federation stated that the United States plans to deploy about 400 missiles of a missile defense system

The Deputy Minister of defence of the Russian Federation stated that the United States plans to deploy about 400 missiles of a missile defense system MOSCOW, March 2. /TASS/. The US plans to deploy about 400 missiles of a missile defense system. This was stated on Friday by Deputy Minister of defence of the Russian Federation Alexander Fomin on air “Russia 24”. He noted that there is a lot of work on the part of the United States to deploy a global missile defense system around Russia. In particular, the General said, the interceptors already deployed in Alaska, Romania and the Baltic States, completed the deployment in Poland, will be further deployed U.S. missile defense system in Japan and Korea. “In total, will be deployed about 400 interceptors, which significantly reduces the potential nuclear deterrent of Russia”, — he said. Fomin added that the Russian party “was invited for a

Russia has decided to modify the rocket “Angara”

Russia has decided to modify the rocket “Angara” Booster heavy class “Angara-A5” will undergo modernization. This was announced by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees from the government, the space industry, reports TASS. During the visit to production Association “Flight” (branch of the Khrunichev Center) he said that the decision to immediately open the work to alleviate the “Angara” and increase its thrust-weight ratio. Rocket “will be more than competitive, even in comparison with what do our American colleagues,” he said. Rogozin noted that it is also necessary to access the work on methane engines, oxygen-hydrogen engine, in order to increase the capacity of the “Angara” heavy class to 37 tons. According to Vice-Premier, “Angara” should go into mass production “at least 2021. It’s really based on the decisions that I feel I need to do in terms of cooperation with other companies”. While the Russian space Agency

Trump has extended for one year sanctions against Russia, adopted in connection with the situation in Ukraine

Trump has extended for one year sanctions against Russia, adopted in connection with the situation in Ukraine WASHINGTON, March 2. /TASS/. The US President Donald trump on Friday extended for a year the number of sanctions imposed earlier against Russia in connection with crisis in Ukraine. This was reported by press service of the White house. As follows from the documents disclosed, we are talking about the renewal of restrictive measures against Russia imposed by the U.S. government on 6 March, 16 March, 20 March and 19 December 2014. According to trump, he came to the conclusion that all these sanctions “must remain in force after 6 March 2018”. The President’s statement also clarifies that it stores the data of the restrictive measures still “one year”.