Kosachev said the bloc voting of the Western countries in the case Skripal a blow to the reputation of the OPCW

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS PARIS, 5 APR. /TASS/. The vote on the principle of bloc solidarity in the case of Skripal is a blow to the reputation of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW). This was stated to journalists by the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev, who is with the delegation of the Russian senators in Paris. “I allowed myself to speak French colleagues extreme disappointment at the outcome of yesterday’s discussion of the situation (around the case Skrobala) on the Executive Committee of the OPCW”, – he said.

Lavrov called “business Skrypalia” mockery of international law

Lavrov called “business Skrypalia” mockery of international law MOSCOW, 5 APR — RIA Novosti. “The fact Skrypalia” is a blatant mockery of international law, diplomatic ethics, basic decency, the head of Russian foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov. “For the intentional aggravation of confrontation, to further demonize Russia organizes a gross political provocation. The so-called “business Skrypalia” became a pretext, a false or staged, for arbitrary mass expulsion of Russian diplomats not only from the US and the UK, but a number of other States, most of which are just twisted hands. Such blatant mockery of international law, diplomatic ethics, basic decency we have not seen,” — said Lavrov, speaking at the Moscow conference on international security. British Salisbury on March 4, was poisoned by the ex-Colonel of the GRU, Sergei Skripal, who worked for the British secret service, and his daughter Julia. The British side claims that the poisoning Skrobala substance

The Russian foreign Ministry called remote tweet the foreign office “tube of shame”

The Russian foreign Ministry called remote tweet the foreign office “tube of shame” Moscow. 5 APR. INTERFAX.RU. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova compared remote tweet the foreign office about the Russian origin used in the Salisbury substance with “a vial of Colin Powell”. “The UK now has its own “tube of shame.” Here is the deleted tweet by the British foreign office that the laboratory Porton down established the identity of the substance, which was, according to London, was poisoned Skrypali, Russia. Liars,” wrote Zakharova in Facebook. It was accompanied by recording the message on Twitter the British foreign office, made to remove it. During the download an error has occurred. Earlier the UK foreign office acknowledged the deletion of messages on Twitter, stating that experts “made it clear” that the substance that had poisoned ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal, was produced in Russia. In the message

CNN exclusive: a team of müller interrogates the Russian oligarchs

CNN exclusive: a team of müller interrogates the Russian oligarchs The material edition of CNN (USA). Washington. According to information obtained from numerous sources familiar with the circumstances of the investigation, a team of investigators led by special Prosecutor Robert Mueller took the unusual step: she conducts a survey of Russian oligarchs, came to the US. In any case, investigators arrested one of them and checked his electronic device when his private plane landed at the airport in new York. A source with knowledge of the issue, second, the Russian oligarch detained during his recent trip to the US, though it’s unclear whether it was subjected to a search. The investigation team Muller has also prepared a non-paper on the voluntary deposition and request for consultation for a third Russian oligarch, who recently in the US did not come. In all these cases have one common item: the investigators are

Deputies from Kuzbass please civileva to support the nomination Tuleyev and the speaker regparlament

Aman Tuleyev © Cyril Kuhmar/TASS MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/. Deputies of the state Duma from the Kemerovo region have asked acting Governor Sergei Tsivilev to support the nomination of the former head of region Aman Tuleev, Chairman of the regional Council of people’s deputies (the legislative Assembly). Corresponding letter published on Thursday on his page in Facebook MP Anton Gorelkin (“United Russia”). “We, the deputies of the state Duma from the Kemerovo region, please support the nomination of Aman Tuleyev for the presidency of the Council of people’s deputies of the Kemerovo region,” – said in the letter.

The state Department praised Georgia for a new initiative in respect of Abkhazia and South Ossetia

The state Department praised Georgia for a new initiative in respect of Abkhazia and South Ossetia WASHINGTON, April 5. /TASS/. The state Department praised on Wednesday nominated Prime Minister of Georgia at the government meeting the initiative aimed “to improve the humanitarian and socio-economic status of the residents of the Abkhaz and the Tskhinvali regions of Georgia”. As noted in a statement released by the spokesperson of the us Department of Heather Nauert, the US “welcomed Georgia’s commitment to dialogue and peaceful settlement of the conflict”. According to her, released by Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili, “the package of proposals aims to improve the lives of people in the Georgian regions — Abkhazia and South Ossetia”. “The United States fully supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders,” — said Nauert. Kvirikashvili at a meeting of the government pointed out that “for the proposed amendments to

France wants to reduce the number of parliamentarians and change election rules

France wants to reduce the number of parliamentarians and change election rules The French government has prepared a package of bills on reform of government institutions, said Prime Minister Edouard Philippe. The initiative involves reducing the number of members of both houses of Parliament by 30% and the introduction of a mixed majoritarian-proportional electoral system. As told to the Prime Minister, French citizens will choose their own deputies, not only in single-mandate constituencies, but also partly on party lists. “It will put the share of the proportional system in the parliamentary elections of 15% of parliamentary seats”, — quotes TASS of mister Philip. He said that in the final form of the draft laws on the reform of Parliament shall submit to the Council of Ministers of France on may 9, and because they must join no later than 2019. “The purpose of government is to enable the National Assembly

“The fact Skripal”: Johnson called “ridiculous” the Russian proposal to the OPCW

“The fact Skripal”: Johnson called “ridiculous” the Russian proposal to the OPCW MOSCOW, 5 APR — RIA Novosti. The British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called the proposal of Russia, China and Iran on a new investigation “of the case Skripal” “ridiculous.” 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий According to him, the goal of this initiative is “to compromise the independent, impartial international observer on chemical weapons”. “Russia since the assassination attempt on British soil by a chemical-warfare weapon had one purpose — to hide the truth and confuse the public”, — said the Minister. According to the head of the British foreign Ministry, the community has once again demonstrated a cohesive defense tactics international investigative process. “This shows that many countries in the world continue to divide our assumption about what happened in Salisbury and will resolutely resist the behavior of Russia”, — said the Minister. Russian project The OPCW Executive Council rejected a joint

Krutskikh: attempts by the UK to harm Russia in cyberspace will not remain unanswered

© Sergey Skates/TASS MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/. Attempts of the British side to use offensive cyberbattles against Russia in connection with the case Skrobala unanswered will remain. On Thursday said the special representative of RF President on international cooperation in the field of information security, the Ambassador-at-large Andrey Krutskikh, speaking at the panel discussion “the Information war in cyberspace: fake or real” at the club “Valdai”.