The Kremlin has promised to protect the crew of “Nord”

The Kremlin has promised to protect the crew of “Nord” In the Kremlin intend to defend the interests of the members of the crew detained in the Ukrainian territorial waters of the ship “Nord” in the framework of international law. This was reported by press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. “Moscow was and remains a party committed to the spirit and letter of international law. In all our actions we proceed only from this, — said Mr. Sands.— Of course, the Russian side will continue to protect the interests of the subjects, which are relevant for the Russian jurisdiction.” For more detailed reviews by the press Secretary to the President advised journalists to contact the Ministry of foreign Affairs, which “actively doing this”. Recall that the fishing boat “Nord” was detained by Ukrainian border guards in late March on charges of trespassing for entering the ports of

Rada called for a ban on the construction of “Nord stream — 2”

Rada called for a ban on the construction of “Nord stream — 2” KIEV, APR 5 — RIA Novosti. The Verkhovna Rada called on the parliaments and governments of other States to take measures for the complete prohibition of the construction of the pipeline “Nord stream — 2”. The corresponding statement at the meeting of the Parliament supported 266 parliamentarians when the required minimum of 226 votes. In the Parliament believe that because of the construction of the pipeline will affirm an “absolute monopoly” of Russia on the European gas market. “Addressing to the parliaments and governments of foreign States, the international business community, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine urges: make every effort to complete and irreversible ban on the construction of the Nord Stream pipeline 2, not to take any part in the preparation, financing, or lobbying for this project,” — said in a statement. Ukrainian parliamentarians also called

Lavrov and van And agreed to promote a roadmap for the Korean settlement

Foreign Minister WANG Yi and Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/. Developments on the Korean Peninsula and preparation of bilateral meetings at the highest level were the Central topics of the talks of Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is in Moscow on a working visit. After talks with Wang And Lavrov was received by President of Russia Vladimir Putin. The talks between the foreign Ministers of the two countries attracted the attention of journalists. In the reception House of foreign Ministry on Spiridonovka, where took place the meeting of Lavrov and Wang Yi, gathered representatives of leading foreign mass media accredited in Russia.

Peskov: Russia has no oligarchs, there are representatives of big business

Peskov: Russia has no oligarchs, there are representatives of big business MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/. The Kremlin believes that Russia has no oligarchs. “In Russia there are no oligarchs”, — said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, answering the question of how informed the Russian oligarchs, Russian President Vladimir Putin that are interested in them, US law enforcement agencies. “The phrase “Russian oligarchs” therefore”, — said the Sands. Responding to a question, he used the term “representatives of big business.” “I don’t know about some of the information received from the representatives of Russian big business in this regard”, — said the representative of the Kremlin. Spectacular Robert Mueller, conducting an investigation into attributed to Russia’s intervention in the US elections in 2016, has taken action against at least three Russian businessmen, announced Wednesday the broadcaster CNN, citing its own sources. According to them, Mueller ordered

The Russian foreign Ministry has not confirmed the invitation of Kim Jong-UN to Russia

The Russian foreign Ministry has not confirmed the invitation of Kim Jong-UN to Russia Moscow. 5 APR. INTERFAX.RU. The Russian foreign Ministry said he had not heard about the invitation of North Korean leader Kim Jong Ynu to visit Russia. “I don’t know, first time I hear it, honestly,” said Ambassador for special assignments of the Russian foreign Ministry Oleg Burmistrov in response to a request of journalists to comment on reports that Moscow has invited Kim Jong UN to visit Russia. Earlier media reports citing Director of national intelligence Daniel Coates reported that DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN invited to Russia.

“Increasing disregard for international law”

“Increasing disregard for international law” Sergey Lavrov charged the West a long list of complaints. Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for his performance opened the second day organized by the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation Moscow security conference. In a 12-minute speech he fit all the main claims to the West. The US and its allies have been criticized, in particular, for “doubtful geopolitical game”, “trying to save the state of stable chaos” in the middle East and “the demonization of Russia”. Representatives of the administration of the American President Donald trump in the hall: the participation in the conference they don’t accept. Coming on the scene, Sergei Lavrov first said at the time that has elapsed since the conference in 2017, the world situation is only complicated. Besides, who’s to blame, was devoted to the rest of the speech, which lasted 12 minutes. The Minister said about

Putin at the meeting with Civilian outlined the main directions of development of Kemerovo region

Russian President Vladimir Putin and acting Governor of the Kemerovo region Sergey Tsivilev © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the main issues of development of the Kemerovo region with the new acting Governor of the region Sergey Tsivileva. To tune the effective work “You had a chance to join in the position of acting head of the Kemerovo region in difficult times, you can even say in a critical situation, but it should you set to work effectively is to set up and even to mobilize all your positive qualities, and you have enough of them, you showed them in various places very, very well”, – Putin said at the meeting with Civilian.

The participants of the security conference discussed preparations for the 2018 world Cup and the relations of Russia and the United States

© Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/. Moscow concerned by U.S. attempts to lower the threshold of use of nuclear weapons, he said, speaking Thursday at the VII Moscow security conference, foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. He also noted that the dialogue between the presidents of Russia and the US, including on issues of strategic stability should not get bogged down in political intrigue. Speaking at the conference Deputy head of the interior Ministry of the Russian Federation Igor Zubov said the growing number of attempts to use sporting events to undermine relations between Russia and the West. He also reminded that sporting events are always a potential sabotage, and told how the Russian law enforcement agencies are prepared to ensure the safety of the world Championship on football which will pass in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018. State Secretary of Regardie Sergei Zakharkin said the growing interest