Moscow called the case Skripal “likely story” of London

Moscow called the case Skripal “likely story” of London In case of failure of London to provide evidence and cooperation with Moscow in the case Skripal Russia considers the situation “with high probability story” of the UK. This was stated by Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia in an open meeting of the Security Council of the world organization, the stream which is on the website of the United Nations in live. The Russian diplomat used the Russian translation of the wording with which London accuses Moscow of attempt on the life of former Colonel GRU. According to Nebenzu, the suggestion of British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson about the need to attack in Salisbury for the cohesion of the Russians before the presidential election is “absurd and immoral”. “How not to respect those whom you convince, he said. — Suggest a British diplomat to see the names of

The captain seized Ukraine’s Crimean ship released in the courtroom

The captain seized Ukraine’s Crimean ship released in the courtroom Kherson city court released before the main hearing of the captain, arrested by Ukrainian border guards Crimean fishing vessel “Nord” Vladimir Gorbenko. This is with reference to the lawyer Dmitry Shcherbina, RIA Novosti reported. By words a press-the Secretary of Prosecutor’s office of Crimea (structure of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine) Tatyana Tihonchik, Gorbenko was released for technical reasons. The fact that the term of imprisonment has expired on Thursday evening. It is also reported that a measure of restraint should be determined by the court on Friday, April 6. Ukrainian border guards on March 26, detained in the Azov sea, Russian ship with a crew of 10 people. The ship was in the Crimean port of Kerch, which Ukraine considers its territory. Later it became known that the arrested crew of the vessel was subjected to humiliation and abuse.

Nebesa accused London of “propaganda war” against Russia

Nebesa accused London of “propaganda war” against Russia UN 5 APR — RIA Novosti. Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia accused London of “propaganda war” against Russia. “Revelation Boris Johnson about “a dead cat on the table” as a distraction from other problems maneuver — if anyone knows what I mean, look at his interviews — more precisely reflects the techniques of a propaganda war without rules, which are now waging against Russia, the United Kingdom,” — said Nebenzia at the meeting of the UN security Council, which discussed the poisoning of ex-GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter. It is also called “absurd and immoral” assumption of the foreign Minister of great Britain about the need to attack in Salisbury for the unity of the Russian people before the election. “How we must not respect anyone convince you”, — said Nebenzia statements of the British foreign Ministry.

Putin needs to protect the Russian border against terrorists and illegal migrants

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 6. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin called the most important task of protecting the border from terrorists, illegal migration and drug trafficking. “First of all it is necessary to use an integrated approach in managing risks and threats concerning border security,” – said the head of state at a meeting of the security Council. He said that “we are talking about reliable protection of our territory from terrorists and extremists, transnational, cross-border crime, about the active work on suppression of channels of drug trafficking, illegal migration, smuggling of material and cultural values, strategic raw materials and biological resources”. “Obviously, the result depends on clear and effective coordination and concerted actions of all agencies and services working directly on the border, and in General responsible for the security of the state and our citizens”, – said the President.

Russia’s desire to know the truth about the case Skripal compared with wickedness

Russia’s desire to know the truth about the case Skripal compared with wickedness The UK’s permanent representative to the UN Karen pierce has compared Russia with Professor Moriarty from the stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes. So pierce responded to the request of Russia to allow its experts to investigate the poisoning of a former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, reports The Washington Post. “Yesterday at the meeting of the Executive Council of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) failed attempt of Russia to include Russian experts in the investigation of the OPCW. To allow Russian scientists to the investigation when they are the most likely perpetrators of the crime in Salisbury — it’s as if Scotland Yard invited Professor Moriarty,” said pierce. Earlier, the Ambassador of Russia to UK Alexander Yakovenko said that Moscow recognizes the results of the investigation of the OPCW,

A court in Germany has released on bail the former head of Catalonia Pokdemon

A court in Germany has released on bail the former head of Catalonia Pokdemon Moscow. 5 APR. INTERFAX.RU — the Court of Schleswig-Holstein was released on bail the former head of Generalitat Catalonia Carles Pokdemon, said on Thursday the Agency EFE. Pujdeme released during the pendency of the question of his extradition to Spain. In addition, the radio station Deutsche Welle, the court held that the Spanish put forward by the prosecution in sedition cannot be grounds for extradition. At the same time, the basis for issuing the policy of Spain may be charged with misappropriation of public funds. In March, the judge of the Supreme court of Spain Pablo Llarena issued a European arrest warrant Pokdemon and other Catalan politicians outside Spain. Later Putteman was detained by police in Germany on the border with Denmark. The Spanish justice accuses Pokdemon of separatism and the organization of an illegal referendum

The American media learned of the U.S. sanctions against 10 Russian oligarchs

The American media learned of the U.S. sanctions against 10 Russian oligarchs Under the restrictive measures can get business from the “Kremlin report” of the U.S. Treasury. Moscow. 5 APR. INTERFAX.RU — the Administration of U.S. President Donald trump may impose sanctions against 6-10 “Russian oligarchs” this week, reports on Thursday, Bloomberg, citing a source in the leadership of the United States. The source of the Agency noted that the final decision on the number of Russians who can fall under sanctions, is still pending. Sanctions may be taken in response to the alleged intervention of Russia in the U.S. presidential election in 2016, says Bloomberg. Earlier, the CNN broadcast that sanctions can be imposed against “several” people. The Washington Post wrote that restrictive measures can include six people from among included in the list of the U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Treasury Department in late January issued a “Kremlin report”

Lavrov called the feverish attempts of London to defend its position in the case Skripal

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MINSK, 6 April. /TASS/. Statements about the production in the Saratov region of the substance allegedly used in the poisoning of the Salisbury ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter, talking about London trying frantically to find a confirmation of his position. This was stated on Friday, the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

The American Ambassador remains without an interpreter

The American Ambassador remains without an interpreter The U.S. Embassy in Moscow left 60 diplomats. Early Thursday morning the U.S. Embassy in Moscow left 60 American diplomats expelled from Russia in response to similar measures taken by Washington. According to “Kommersant”, among them was the policy division of the Embassy at full strength. The group expelled diplomats were also personal interpreter of the Ambassador and press Secretary of the Embassy. Kommersant’s source close to the state Department, called Moscow’s decision on the composition of the expelled group “unfair.” Sources “Kommersant” in the government of the Russian Federation assured: all sent “actually worked for the CIA, the national security Agency and the intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of defense of the United States”. The buses began to shrink to the U.S. Embassy at four o’clock in the morning. The Embassy, they left at 6:30. From Russia diplomats flew a special Charter

Putin met with the new head of the Kemerovo region

Putin met with the new head of the Kemerovo region MOSCOW, 5 APR — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the main issues of development of the Kemerovo region with the new acting Governor of the region Sergey Tsivileva. That, in turn, assured that in Kemerovo work with each family affected in the fire at the Mall, “Winter cherry”. A fire in a shopping Mall in Kemerovo “You had a chance to join in the position of acting head of the Kemerovo region in difficult times, we can say, even in a critical situation, but it should you set to work effectively is to set up and even to mobilize all your positive qualities, and you have enough of them, you showed them in various places very, very well”, — Putin said at the meeting with Civilian. The Russian President expressed hope that the inhabitants of Kuzbas will feel