The US state Department: Russia is to blame for the continuing isolation from the West

The US state Department: Russia is to blame for the continuing isolation from the West The United States believes that Russia “does not want to take responsibility for their actions” and isolating itself. About it reports “RIA Novosti” with reference to the unnamed representative of the U.S. state Department. The day before the U.S. Treasury announced the extension of the sanctions list of the Russians. Restrictive measures were introduced “in response to the set of malicious activities of the Russian government around the world, which continues and becomes more daring.” Included in the list of 38 Russian businessmen and officials, as well as companies. “We are disappointed at the apparent reluctance of the Russian government to take responsibility for their actions and to acknowledge that they can only blame themselves for their ongoing and worsening isolation from the West. The signal which is to understand the Russian government is that

In the US national guard began to advance toward the border with Mexico

In the US national guard began to advance toward the border with Mexico MOSCOW, 7 APR — RIA Novosti. The first units of the national guard troops the US sent to the border with Mexico, said in a joint statement, the Pentagon chief James Mattis and the Minister of internal security, and Kirsten Nielsen. “Tonight (morning GMT) national guard troops are advancing to support the mission to ensure border security along the South-East boundary of the United States,” — said in a statement on Twitter Kirsten Nielsen. The statement stressed that the national guard will deal with the security holes that were discovered by the Department of homeland security “in close cooperation” with the governors of States located near the border. The US President Donald trump has previously said it wants to send to protect the border from 2 to 4 thousand soldiers of the national guard of the United

Nebesa: the new facts in the case Skripal can completely turn the case

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, April 7. /TASS/. New facts that appear in the case of the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, can completely flip the situation with the investigation into the incident. This was announced by Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia in an interview, a fragment of which was published in the First channel on Saturday.

Trump has signed a Memorandum of cessation of the policy of “catch and release” in relation to migrants

Trump has signed a Memorandum of cessation of the policy of “catch and release” in relation to migrants The President of the United States Donald trump signed a Memorandum which States the refusal of the practice of “catch and release” in relation to illegal immigrants, in which after detention by the police, they remained at liberty until such time as the court decides on their status. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий According to Reuters, the document also contains instructions to the Minister of defence James Mattis. He should prepare a list of military objects which may be used for detention prior to trial. On Wednesday, the US President ordered to bring the National guard — past military service of reservists to guard the US border with Mexico. The decision of the American leader explained that “the situation on the southern border has reached a critical point” — because of the flows of migrants, smuggling

Media reported about Saudi Arabia’s plans to turn Qatar into the island

Media reported about Saudi Arabia’s plans to turn Qatar into the island MOSCOW, 7 APR — RIA Novosti. Saudi investment Union plans to dig a canal on the border with Qatar, turning it into an island, and to implement a tourism project in the region, according to Saudi newspaper Sabq. MOSCOW, 7 APR — RIA Novosti. According to the newspaper, the tourism project will implement the Saudi investment Alliance, consisting of nine companies that will dig the channel along the entire border with Qatar. As expected, these works will only take 12 months. At the moment, the Union is waiting for official permission from the authorities. The newspaper reports that the channel width is 200 meters deep and 15-20 meters and length of 60 kilometers. Therefore, such channel will be able to accept all types of marine vessels. Saudi Arabia will be able to associate with the new sea route

CNN: trump began to prepare to testify spectacular the USA in Russia

CNN: trump began to prepare to testify spectacular the USA in Russia While officially President of the United States not declared agreed to personally testify to Robert Mueller. NEW YORK, April 7. /TASS/. President Donald trump began preparing to testify to spectacular Robert Mueller, conducting an investigation into attributed to Russia’s intervention in the US elections in 2016. This was reported on Friday, citing its own sources, the broadcaster CNN. According to them, training in the White house to answer to the President on issues of spectacular USA “is at a very early stage.” Advisers and legal advisers are instructed trump, what topics may be of interest Muller. Officially, the US President had announced the agreement in person to testify spectacular. Trump has repeatedly stated that the Muller proceedings should not be initiated initially, because there is no conspiracy of the election headquarters of the Republican with Moscow was not.

The state Department said that means sanctions against Russian citizens

The state Department said that means sanctions against Russian citizens WASHINGTON, APR 6 — RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. Sanctions against Russian citizens from the United States, which was announced on Friday, automatically imply a ban on entry into the United States, said RIA Novosti the representative of us state Department. The US Friday imposed sanctions against 38 Russian citizens and companies. Of them under the sanction of the fall in Ukraine, in particular, businessmen Suleiman Kerimov, Oleg Deripaska, the head of VTB Andrey Kostin and the head of Gazprom Alexei Miller, and a number of senior Russian officials, including the Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev and Minister of internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltseva. “Individuals included in the list of sanctions in accordance with the Executive presidential Executive orders 13661 and 13662, subject to visa restrictions, paragraph 2 of these decrees prevents the entry included in the list of

The Russian foreign Ministry said that Moscow’s response to the new sanctions Washington will be tough

The Russian foreign Ministry said that Moscow’s response to the new sanctions Washington will be tough USA it’s time to get rid of illusions that Russia can speak the language of sanctions, stressed in dipvedomstva. MOSCOW, April 6. /TASS/. Russia will not leave without a hard response to new U.S. sanctions, Washington it’s time to get rid of illusions that Moscow can speak the language of sanctions. This was stated on Friday, the Russian foreign Ministry. “As repeatedly noted, no action of the pressure not turn Russia from chosen course, — said in comments to the Agency. — They only demonstrate the inability of the U.S. to achieve our goals and consolidate the Russian society”. “Of course, will not leave the current and any new anti-Russian attack without hard answer, — the Ministry said. — However, first of all, I would like to advise Washington to quickly get rid of

Johnson welcomed the introduction of new US sanctions against Russia

Johnson welcomed the introduction of new US sanctions against Russia The British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson welcomed the introduction of new US sanctions against Russian business. LONDON, APR 6 — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. On Friday, the US expanded sanctions against Russia. At this time, the limitations associated with “Russia’s behavior” in the context of Crimea, Ukraine, Syria and cyber-attacks touched 38 Russian businessmen, officials and companies. “I welcome the adoption by States of further decisive action against the insidious actions of the Russian state through the imposition of sanctions against more Russian entities associated with the Kremlin. The international community continues to demonstrate that the continued hostility of Russia longer will not be tolerated,” wrote the Minister on Twitter. I welcome the US taking further decisive action against Russian state malign activity by sanctioning more Russian entities with Kremlin links. The international community continues to show that persistent Russian