Zakharov believes that London would be given free visa Victoria Skripal

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that the British side should have to issue free of charge visas for relatives poisoned on 4 March in the British Salisbury ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, given the statement that after the poisoning they were in critical condition. This opinion Zakharova said in the program “Sunday evening” on TV channel “Russia 1”.

Assistant trump did not rule out a missile strike on Syria over allegations of chemical attack

Assistant trump did not rule out a missile strike on Syria over allegations of chemical attack NEW YORK, April 8. /TASS/. Assistant to the President of the United States Donald trump on homeland security Tom Bossert does not rule out that Washington could launch a missile attack on Syria in connection with allegations of use of toxic substances in the town of Duma near Damascus. He stated this in an interview with ABC that aired on Sunday. “We saw the pictures of this attack,” he said. On the question of whether U.S. missile strike on Syria, Bossert said: “I wouldn’t rule out anything”. “We studied information about the attack,” added Bossert. He also said that trump had discussed the allegations with members of the administration who are responsible for issues in the sphere of national security of the United States. If President Obama had crossed his stated Red Line In

Chaika urged London to return the illegally withdrawn money out of Russia

Chaika urged London to return the illegally withdrawn money out of Russia Moscow. April 8. INTERFAX.RU — Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika demanded that the British return in Russia, more than 500 billion rubles, placed there by citizens of Russia, a fugitive from Russian justice. “Since 2002, in the UK we have submitted requests for the extradition of 61 individuals, indicted or already convicted in Russia for economic crimes. Moreover, the amount of damage is more than half a trillion rubles,” — he said in an interview with NTV on Sunday. “That is stole in Russia, now the Kingdom will take it all in your budget, the Prosecutor General added. Criminals can keep themselves and money. It’s our money”. He noted that “this is only the direct damage — and the scale derived their funds abroad is much higher.” The head of the Supervisory Department said that in the UK

The Ambassador of the Russian Federation wants to hear from the head of the British foreign Ministry assess the situation in relations between the two countries

Russian Ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko © Alexander Yakovenko MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. The Russian Ambassador in London Alexander Yakovenko wants to hear from the British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson during a possible personal meeting, the assessment of the situation in relations between Russia and Britain. On that Sunday reported on the website of the diplomatic mission.

Kosachev: the provocation himachali in Syria, organized with the purpose of disrupting the release of militants

The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. United States, blowing another unconfirmed story about the chemical attack in Syria trying to disrupt the withdrawal of the militants from the city Council and to stop the Syrian attack, said the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev on his page in Facebook.

Chaika: the home office knew about the threat to the life of Litvinenko, but has not taken any measures

Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MAGADAN, April 8. /TASS/. The home office a few months before the death of the former employee of FSB of the Russian Federation, a citizen of great Britain of Alexander Litvinenko in London in 2006, knew about the threat to his life, but has not taken any measures, said Russian Prosecutor General Yury Chaika on Sunday in the program “week” on NTV.

The defense Ministry denied reports about the use of the army of Syria chemical weapons in the Duma

The defense Ministry denied reports about the use of the army of Syria chemical weapons in the Duma Moscow. April 8. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian military said that reports of the use of the Syrian army against militants in the city of Duma (Eastern ghouta) bombs with chlorine untrue. “I strongly refute this information,” — said on Sunday the head of the Russian center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria the General-major Yury Evtushenko. “We declare about the readiness after release of the Duma from the militants to immediately send Russian specialists of radiation, chemical and biological defense for the collection of data that confirm the fabricated nature of those statements,” he said. Yevtushenko said that “some Western countries” trying to prevent the resumption of the withdrawal of the militants from the city Council. “This is a favorite of the West, the use of government forces of the

Border service of Ukraine: the crew of the ship “Nord” released in Russia because of problems with documents

Border service of Ukraine: the crew of the ship “Nord” released in Russia because of problems with documents KIEV, April 8. /TASS/. Ukrainian border guards did not let out of the country the crew of the fishing seiner “Nord”, which was brought to administrative responsibility, under the pretext of lack of necessary documents. This was reported in the Sunday press service of the State border service of Ukraine. “During border control of persons, who were traveling as passengers, instead of passport documents presented certificate of return to Russia. That is, at passport control they presented documents, which do not give the right for crossing of border”, — is told in the message. The border guard said that the crew arrived at the border crossing point “goptovka” in the Kharkiv region in two cars with diplomatic plates of the Russian Federation. The Department believes that representatives of the Consulate General wanted

The Ukrainian side ensured the border crossing with Russia for sailors “Nord”

The Ukrainian side ensured the border crossing with Russia for sailors “Nord” Owner’s representative Anna Shevelev said that the crew issued a special document and dedicated support. SIMFEROPOL, April 8. /TASS/. The Ukrainian side is guaranteed to cross the border to the Crimea for the sailors informed the arrested vessel “Nord”, told TASS on Sunday, a representative of the Kerch named after 1 may Anna shevelyova. Earlier in Embassy of the Russian Federation said that followed by the cars with diplomatic plates the crew were not released from the country. “The Ukrainian side guarantees the transfer to the Crimea via the Chongar issued by the Russian side, the team documents to ensure the transition is allocated a group of guards,” she said, noting that currently the crew is in Kharkov. The state frontier service of Ukraine of March 25, detained in the Azov sea a ship under the Russian flag

MFA: the unresolved nuclear issue is holding back cooperation between Russia and the DPRK

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Gennady Homeland/TASS MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. The unresolved nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula is a serious deterrent to cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang. About this on Sunday said the foreign Ministry office in connection with official visit to Russia of foreign Minister of the DPRK ri Yong Ho.