Russia’s envoy: Syrian authorities warned the OPCW about the upcoming provocations in Eastern ghouta

Russia’s Ambassador to the Netherlands, permanent representative of Russia to the OPCW Alexander Shulgin © AP Photo/Peter Dejong MOSCOW, April 9. /TASS/. Syrian authorities handed to the UN Security Council and the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) information about preparing provocations with the use of chlorine in Eastern ghouta. This was announced Monday in the First channel, Russia’s permanent representative at the OPCW Alexander Shulgin.

A particularly serious connection

A particularly serious connection Russia threatens military confrontation with the United States in Syria and sanctions. The US state Department in an unprecedented categorically laid on Russia the responsibility for the alleged Syrian use of chemical weapons by government forces. And the President, trump warned that the support of Damascus, Russia “will have to pay a higher price.” Against the background of deepening crisis in Russian-American relations the US demonstrate a determination to go to further deteriorate, threatening a direct military confrontation with Russia in Syria. Also, according to a source “” close to the US state Department, this week the White house will host a discussion of new sanctions against Russia. Keynote speaker — known for its radicalism Advisor to the President of the trump John Bolton. Of a chemical attack in a controlled grouping “Jaish al-Islam” in the Syrian city of Duma, located in Eastern ghouta, 10 km

Israel launched air strikes on military targets Hamas in Gaza

Israel launched air strikes on military targets Hamas in Gaza Moscow. April 9. INTERFAX.RU. Air force Israel launched air strikes on targets on the territory belonging to the Hamas military complex in Gaza. It is reported in Monday’s Jerusalem Post newspaper, citing the Israel defense forces. The message explains that the airstrike was a response to an attempt by Hamas militants to cross the border and carry with you an improvised explosive device. The Israeli military say that they are “seriously” refers to attempts by Hamas to change the border into a war zone.

France claimed his innocence to strike at Syrian airbase

France claimed his innocence to strike at Syrian airbase Moscow. April 9. INTERFAX.RU — the French army said Monday that it had not carried out a rocket attack on the Syrian air base “Titor”. According to the European media, with the corresponding statement was made by the General staff of the armed forces of France. Earlier, Syrian state television reported that the defense forces of Syria shot down eight enemy missiles in rocket attacks on air bases “Titor” (T-4) of government force in the Syrian province of HOMS. It was also reported dead and wounded at the base, but their number is not given. The correspondent of the Syrian news Agency SANA reported on the rocket attack, said that “with high probability, the attack was taken by the United States”. However, the Pentagon declared innocence of the United States to launch rocket attacks on the basis of the Syrian air

Volodin: the United States ‘ decision to exit from the AGREEMENT on the nuclear program of Iran will be wrong

Speaker Of The State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin © Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS TEHRAN, April 9. /TASS/. Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has expressed hope that the U.S. will prevail in the mind and they come out of the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) on the Iranian nuclear program.

The Chairman of the Kemerovo Parliament resigned in favor Tuleyev

The Chairman of the Kemerovo Parliament resigned in favor Tuleyev KEMEROVO, April 9 — RIA Novosti. The head of the Council of people’s deputies of the Kemerovo region Alexey Sinitsyn said that on Monday, ahead of schedule resigned that members could choose Tuleev, the head of the regional Council. “Aman Tuleyev in 2013 headed the list of candidates from the regional branch of the party “United Russia” in regional Council of people’s deputies. Largely due to his participation won a convincing victory with a score of over 86%. The current composition of regional Council is a team Tuleyev, for which, in 2013, voted 1 million 334 thousand 138 the Kuzbass. So I think it is absolutely fair and correct that the head of this team is to stand its leader,” — said Sinitsyn RIA Novosti. According to him, he wrote a letter of resignation to the Chairman of the regional

Media: Syrian air base was subjected to missile attack

Media: Syrian air base was subjected to missile attack News Agency SANA reports that there are dead and wounded. TASS, 9 APR. The rocket attack Monday morning at the military airfield T-4 in the East Syrian province of HOMS. This was announced by the government TV channel of Syria, citing a military source. According to him, the Syrian air defense in repelling a missile attack managed to hit eight air targets. According to the channel Al Mayadeen, missiles while approaching Syria, crossed the Lebanese airspace. SANA, citing a military source also reports that the Syrian military suffered casualties after the missile strike. According to him, the result of a blow “there’s several dead and wounded.” The Syrian air defense in repelling a missile attack managed to hit eight air targets, the source said. In the message SANA stated that the attack on the airfield was allegedly inflicted on U.S. forces.

China banned the export to the DPRK of materials for production of WMD

China banned the export to the DPRK of materials for production of WMD BEIJING, 9 Jul — RIA Novosti. China within the framework of the implementation of the requirements of UN security Council resolution banned the export to the DPRK of material and technology that can be used in the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction, said in a statement, the Ministry of Commerce of China. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “In the framework of the implementation of resolution 2575 of the UN Security Council, in accordance with the 16th and 18th articles of the Law on “foreign trade”, to stop the export to the DPRK of dual-use materials and technologies related to weapons of mass destruction and its means of delivery and dual-use materials for conventional weapons,” — said in a published statement. The ban comes into force on the day of publication of the application. Trade office of China published a detailed

Trump and macron exchanged data about the proposed himatake in Syria

Trump and macron exchanged data about the proposed himatake in Syria MOSCOW, 9 APR — RIA Novosti. The presidents of France Emmanuel Makron and the US Donald trump during a telephone conversation exchanged data confirming the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Duma, according to a published in the Monday communiqué of the Elysee Palace. “President Emmanuel macron discussed on Sunday 8 April 2018 with the US President the situation in Syria. The President of the French Republic strongly condemned the chemical attack against the people of Duma in Eastern ghouta, on 7 April. The President of the Republic and the President of the United States exchanged information and data analysis confirming the use of chemical weapons,” — said in a communique. Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump has accused Russia and Iran of supporting the Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad on the background information about the chemical attack in the