China will give Belarus a grant of military assistance

China will give Belarus a grant of military assistance During the visit to Minsk of the Minister of defense of China Colonel-General Wei, Penha signed an agreement on granting Belarus a grant of military assistance. “During the visit of heads of Belarusian and Chinese military departments, an agreement was signed between the defense ministries of Belarus and people’s Republic of China on granting gratuitous military assistance to China in Belarus”, — stated in the message of the defense Ministry of Belarus. Details of the agreement were not disclosed. “Also it is planned to further promising directions of Belarusian-Chinese bilateral military cooperation in such fields as joint military training, military education, grant military assistance, and cooperation in the framework of the Shanghai cooperation organization in the military departments”, — said the Ministry of defence of Belarus. Following the meeting, the Ministers said there was significant potential for partnership between Belarus and

Nebesa outraged by the rudeness of Britain, France and the USA against Russia

Nebesa outraged by the rudeness of Britain, France and the USA against Russia UN 9 APR — RIA Novosti. USA, UK and France are confrontational against Russia, using a wide Arsenal of methods and tone that was not even during the “cold war”, said on Monday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia. “The leadership of the US, UK and France without any reason and without thinking about the consequences of confrontational attitude to Russia and pushing for this”, — he said at a UN security Council meeting on the situation in the middle East. According to him, it uses “a wide range of methods” to which nebesa took “slander, insults and bellicose rhetoric, blackmail, sanctions and threats to use force against a sovereign state”. “Shameless threaten Russia. The tone in which this is done, overstepped acceptable. Even during the cold war such rudeness towards my country, your predecessors

The Russian defense Ministry called fake photos of victims himataki in Syria

The Russian defense Ministry called fake photos of victims himataki in Syria Moscow. April 9. INTERFAX.RU the Russian military is called fake human rights defenders published in social networks photos of victims of a chemical attack in the Syrian city of Duma (Eastern ghouta). “All the accusations of “White helmets”, and they spread in social networks photos and videos with the alleged victims of a chemical attack — is nothing more than a fake and an attempt to disrupt the truce, reached” — said Monday the head of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria the General-major Yury Evtushenko. According to him, Russian specialists in chemical protection and doctors visited in the Duma, they denied the findings of the “white helmets”. “The group of the Center for conciliation of the warring parties, which included specialists of radiation, chemical and biological protection, medical staff conducted an inspection

The traffic police had an ambulance

The traffic police had an ambulance In the exam the changes made after the comments of the Ministry of health. Traffic police have made major changes in examination fees for future drivers. Experts of the Ministry of health found that they contained incorrect medical information violates the rights and legitimate interests of citizens. Speech, in particular, on the methods of extracting the victim from the car, aid in thermal burns, the rules of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. New tickets are already uploaded in the information system of the traffic police, fixing the examination process throughout Russia. On the website of the Russian traffic police published the new exam fees for category “A”, “B”, “M” and subcategories “A1” and “B1”. We will remind, the candidate for drivers you must answer 20 questions as one of 40 tickets. It is possible to avoid two mistakes, but each of them leads to five additional questions

The staff of the Centre for reconciliation is not found in the Syrian Duma, traces of use of chemical weapons

© EPA-EFE/Mohammed Badra MOSCOW, April 9. /TASS/. Representatives of the Russian Center for conciliation of conflicting parties (part of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation) held on Monday a survey of the districts of the Syrian city of Duma, where according to some opposition activists, including the group’s “White helmets”, were allegedly used chemical weapons, but found no trace of its use. This is stated in the message centre.

The Russian Ambassador in London went to the chief of Scotland Yard with a request to discuss the case Glushkov

Russian Ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko © Yui Mok/PA via AP LONDON, April 10. /TASS/. Russian Ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko has appealed to the chief of Scotland Yard Cressida dick with a request to discuss in a personal conversation the murder of the Russian businessman Nikolai Glushkov. On Monday evening, said the press Secretary of the Russian Embassy in London.

Nebesa: the OPCW should conduct an investigation of the incident in the Duma, with departure on place

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © AP Photo/Mary Altaffer UN, April 10. /TASS/. Russia hopes that the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) will conduct an investigation of the incident in the Syrian Duma, “as it should, with departure on place.” This was stated on Monday, answering a question of the correspondent of TASS after a meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation in Syria, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia.