Ex-speaker of the Kuzbass Sinitsyn remained a member

Ex-speaker of the Kuzbass Sinitsyn remained a member KEMEROVO, April 10 — RIA Novosti. The Council of people’s deputies of the Kemerovo region at an extraordinary session on Tuesday supported the statement made by Alexey Sinitsyn on early addition from it powers of the speaker of the regional Parliament, while he remains a member of Parliament, told journalists the leader of the faction “United Russia” Sergei Aparin. Sinitsyn has previously filed a statement of resignation from the post of head of the regional Council, the deputies were able to vote for ex-Governor of Kuzbass Aman Tuleev, who after the resignation on 1 April was transferred to the vacant mandate of a member of the regional Parliament. “Sinitsyn resigned as speaker and, again, openly said that (did it) in favor of Tuleyev, when Mr Tuleyev became a Deputy. If he was going to pass the mandate, we don’t know, but for

USA can hit the airfield Hamim in response to possible chemical attack in Syria

USA can hit the airfield Hamim in response to possible chemical attack in Syria As reports Reuters with reference to sources in the US government, the American side is considering the international military response to the alleged chemical attack in the Syrian city of Duma. The news Agency did not disclose what specific measures are at issue, but noted that it could be the targets associated with the program of chemical weapons in Syria. At the Washington Institute for near East policy (Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy), according to Reuters, suggest that the purpose could be the airfield Hamim, where based Russian HQs. We will remind, according to the organization “White helmets”, April 7, in the Duma there was a chemical attack using chlorine and nerve agent. Her victims were supposedly 70 people. Experts of the Russian Ministry of defense, conducted research on the site, did not find traces

Chizhov: the Russian Federation through military channels warned US about the consequences of a strike on Syria

Permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov © Ruslan shamukov/TASS MOSCOW, April 10. /TASS/. Moscow has warned Washington about the serious consequences of a possible US attack on Syria in case it will hurt Russian citizens. This was the permanent representative of Russia to EU Vladimir Chizhov said on Tuesday in interview to TV channel Euronews.

Russia warned US about the “very negative consequences” of a possible strike on Syria

Russia warned US about the “very negative consequences” of a possible strike on Syria Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia warned US about “possible negative consequences” of a strike against the positions of Syrian troops. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий Moscow stands for an invitation to the alleged impact of experts of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, but Washington showed no willingness to wait for their decision. As reported by the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, the attack on Syrian facilities, which is expected in the next few hours, can participate in two guided missile destroyers of the United States, sent there specifically for this purpose. “As repeatedly stated by our Ministry of defense, at the invitation of the Syrian government there (in Syria.— “B”) are lawfully present in the Russian military, said at the meeting, Vasily sebenza.— We have repeatedly warned the American side about possible negative consequences

The media announced the dispatch of two American destroyers in the direction of Syria

The media announced the dispatch of two American destroyers in the direction of Syria MOSCOW, 10 APR — RIA Novosti. Second us destroyer can reach the Mediterranean sea for several days, the region is already the destroyer USS Donald Cook, the newspaper the Wall Street Journal, citing sources in the defense Ministry. “The US already has one missile destroyer USS Donald Cook in the East of the Mediterranean sea, where he can participate in any strike against Syria… the Second USS Porter can get there in a few days,” the newspaper said. Earlier, the Washington Examiner, citing a source in the Pentagon said the destroyer USS Donald Cook on Monday left port in Cyprus and headed towards Syria. It is noted that the ship is equipped with 60 cruise missiles “Tomahawk”. In turn, the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reported that the destroyer, at least four times overflew Russian combat aircraft, but

Kim Jong-UN declared the meeting with the President of South Korea and dialogue with the United States

Kim Jong-UN declared the meeting with the President of South Korea and dialogue with the United States DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN declared the meeting with the President of South Korea moon Jaina and dialogue at the highest level with the United States. Such a statement he made at a meeting of the Politburo of the workers ‘ party of Korea, reports RIA “Novosti” with reference to the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (KCNA). It is noted that the leader of the DPRK reported on the negotiations at the highest level with South Korea, which will be held on 27 April in the “House of peace” in place of negotiations Panmunjom in the demilitarized zone. In addition, Kim Jong-UN, has reviewed and evaluated the development of inter-Korean relations and the prospect of dialogue with the United States. Given the statement was the first mention of the statements by the leader of

Expert: Tuleyev can head the list “an United Russia” on elections to the Parliament of Kuzbas

The former Governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev © Daniel Aikin/TASS KEMEROVO, April 10. /TASS/. The former Governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev, who was elected on Tuesday President of the regional Council of people’s deputies, may head the list “an United Russia” on elections of new structure of regional Council to be held in September this year. This opinion TASS expressed by the Professor of the Kemerovo state University, political analyst Alexander Konovalov.

Tuleyev will head the Parliament of Kuzbas

Tuleyev will head the Parliament of Kuzbas The former Governor took a new position immediately after the resignation. Moscow. April 10. INTERFAX.RU — the New Chairman of the Council of people’s deputies of the Kemerovo region (SHAKO) at the extraordinary session elected Deputy Aman Tuleev, said the correspondent of “Interfax” on Tuesday. Candidate Tuleyev has made the head of the faction “United Russia” Sergei Aparin. In a secret ballot, 38 of the 39 deputies voted for Tuleyev, who was the only candidate for the post of speaker. Earlier it was reported that a group of deputies of the state Duma from Kuzbas has appealed to the acting Governor of the Kemerovo region Sergey Tsivileva with the request to support the nomination of ex-Governor Tuleyev, who left his post April 1 after a fire in the Mall “Winter cherry”, on a post of the Chairman of the Council of people’s deputies.

XI Jinping: China will not maintain a positive trade balance and increase import

XI Jinping: China will not maintain a positive trade balance and increase import The Chinese President added that his country will drop this year tariffs on imported cars, and fees for other goods. RUSSIA /China/, April 10. /TASS/. The government of China does not aim to maintain a positive trade balance, and plans to increase the national import. On Tuesday at the official opening ceremony of the Asian economic forum in Boao (South China) said the Chinese President, XI Jinping. “China is not committed to a positive trade balance. We sincerely wish to increase imports and to achieve a more balanced international balance of payments”, — he said. This year we will significantly lower the import duty on imported cars, and fees for other goods. We will work to increase imports of competitive products in which our people need.Si official website PRC In the last few months the relations between