The Prosecutor’s office spoke about the reduction of offences among officials

The Prosecutor’s office spoke about the reduction of offences among officials The number of offences in the field of control over expenses of officials at the end of 2017 dropped to 2.8 thousand compared to 4.6 million in 2016. In an interview with “Izvestia” said the Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Alexander Buksman. According to him, in order to eliminate the violations in 2017 was made to 715 views, and more than 1 thousand protests. Disciplinary proceedings were brought 475 officials. “Only 26 courts granted the Prosecutor’s claims amounting to more than 9.2 billion rubles. This is significantly higher than last year. Almost four times (from 34.1 million rubles to 134.8 million) increased the total cost paid to the state of property in respect of which is not presented information about his purchase on the legitimate income,” — said the Deputy Prosecutor General. According to Buksman, in the course of

NI called the weapons that Russia and the United States can apply in Syria

NI called the weapons that Russia and the United States can apply in Syria MOSCOW, 11 APR — RIA Novosti. USA in the event of a strike on Syria can use cruise missiles and stealth aircraft and strategic bombers, while Russia may respond with its cruise missiles, writes the National Interest. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The United States, as the newspaper notes, can strike at targets in Syria with cruise missiles, Tomahawk and AGM-86, which is supposed to be able to evade Russian s-300V4 and s-400, located in Syria. In addition, the Pentagon has stealth bombers B-2 Spirit fighter-“invisible” F-22 Raptor, which, however, is able to detect the Russian air defense system. Russia, in turn, writes The National Interest, may strike back at US bases and allies in the middle East and Europe. For this, the Russian military has cruise missiles X-101, which are armed with strategic bombers Tu-95 and Tu-160, as well

The UN security Council has not adopted the Russian draft resolution on the investigation in Syria

The UN security Council has not adopted the Russian draft resolution on the investigation in Syria UN, April 10 — RIA Novosti. Draft resolution of the Russian Federation about the work of the new mechanism for investigation hematic in Syria have not received the UN Security Council the necessary 9 votes in support and was not adopted. The proposed RF, the document was supported by six countries, including two permanent members — Russia and China, as well as Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Ethiopia and Equatorial Guinea. Two countries — Kuwait and Cote d’ivoire abstained. Against the document were made by seven members of the Council. Earlier, Russia blocked a UN Security Council draft resolution the United States on the establishment of a new mechanism for investigating chemical attacks in Syria. Russia on Tuesday put to the vote prepared in January and updated in recent months, the draft resolution on the establishment of

Zakharova: “smart missiles” should fly towards the terrorists, not legitimate governments

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. “Smart missile” needs to fly towards the terrorists, not a legitimate government. This was stated on Wednesday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, commenting on the statement of U.S. President Donald trump that Russia should be ready to shoot down missiles fired at Syria. “Clever rockets must fly towards the terrorists, not a legitimate government, which for several years is fighting international terrorism on its territory,” he wrote on his page in Facebook.

The Deputy of the state Duma has denied claims by the media that Assad had left Syria

Coordinator of the parliamentary group of the state Duma for relations with Parliament ATS Dmitry Sablin © Nikolay Galkin/TASS HOMS (Syria), April 11. /TASS/. In Syria, the coordinator of the parliamentary group of the state Duma for relations with Parliament ATS Dmitry Sablin (“United Russia”) has denied media reports that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his family have left the country.

Mikhail Gorbachev: I am very disappointed with the behavior of the current leaders

Mikhail Gorbachev: I am very disappointed with the behavior of the current leaders Former President of the USSR commented on the aggravation of the situation around Syria. Moscow. April 10. INTERFAX.RU — IN connection with the aggravation of the situation around Syria, the correspondent of “Interfax” Vyacheslav Terekhov turned to a former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev with a request to comment on the events. — The current situation some have compared with the Caribbean crisis in 1961. Do you agree with this assessment? — I hope that this still will not happen. But the anxiety is huge. This was not long ago, and I am very disappointed with the behavior of the current leaders. There is inability to engage in dialogue, to use diplomatic mechanisms. World politics turned into an exchange of recriminations, sanctions and even military strikes.

The media reported a total of 22 scheduled U.S. goals in Syria

The media reported a total of 22 scheduled U.S. goals in Syria Moscow. April 10. INTERFAX.RU — the United States has identified 22 objectives of primary importance in Syria for the application of possible attacks, reported by the Turkish newspaper Yeni Safak, citing a specialist in international relations Syria Zakaria Malahovka. Goals, including those located in the province of HOMS, as well as the item providing the Russian Navy in Tartus, where currently the Russian military, the newspaper notes. The militants of the terrorist organizations in Syria, said earlier that government troops used in the attack on their positions in the city of Duma in Eastern ghouta bombs-barrels, which possibly contained chemical warfare agents. As a result, according to them, killing dozens of civilians. Damascus all allegations of use of chemical weapons rejected. On Tuesday The Wall Street Journal wrote that the United States has begun to “prepare the ground”

How Moscow would respond to Washington if the US strike on Syria

How Moscow would respond to Washington if the US strike on Syria In the Eastern Mediterranean in order a missile strike on Syria in the near future can be deployed two American destroyers — the USS Donald Cook, and USS Porter. If Washington strikes Syria, Russia will have to answer — just have to decide whether by force or not. Military commentator “Газеты.Ru” Mikhail Khodarenok analyze what can be the use of force response to possible actions of Washington. Quite possibly, the President of the United States Donald trump has already decided how to respond to the alleged use of chemical weapons in the Syrian city of Duma, and American ships took positions to launch guided missiles “Tomahawk”. Destroyer with guided missile weapons (UB) Donald Cook (DDG-75), port — naval base Rota, Spain, is in combat the US Navy since 1998. The ship took part in operation “Iraqi Freedom” in

Matvienko: the French Senate has put pressure for the preparation of the joint with SF report

The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko said that the French senators were pressured, that they did not participate in the joint work with the members of the Federation Council on preparation of the report on bilateral Russian-French relations.

The white house announced the resignation of trump’s Advisor on internal security

The white house announced the resignation of trump’s Advisor on internal security WASHINGTON, April 10 — RIA Novosti. Advisor to the President of the United States Donald trump on homeland security and combating terrorism Thomas Bossert resigns, the White house said. “The President is grateful for the commitment of Tom to the security of our great country,” — said in a White house statement, which quoted journalists of the presidential pool. The white house did not name the reason for the resignation. This reporter Bloomberg Jennifer Jacobson reports that Bossert was forced to resign at the request of the new national security Advisor of US President John Bolton, who assumed his duties on April 9.