Nebesa called a top priority the prevention of war over Syria

Nebesa called a top priority the prevention of war over Syria The UN, 12 April. /TASS/. The main priority of the international community at this moment must be to prevent war in Syria amid threats from Washington. This was stated on Thursday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia. According to him, in this situation we can not exclude the likelihood of direct armed confrontation between Russia and the United States. The diplomat stressed that “the immediate priority is to avert the threat of war”. Answering the specifying question of, whether we are talking about the war between Russia and the United States, he said: “unfortunately, we can’t rule out anything because we have seen reports from Washington, they were very warlike. They know we’re there [in Syria], and I hope will be a dialogue through the appropriate channels to prevent any such danger.” The sebenza is called an

Media reported about the positive results of tests for chlorine in the Syrian Duma

Media reported about the positive results of tests for chlorine in the Syrian Duma MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. American officials took the samples of the victims of the alleged chemical attack in the Syrian city of Duma with a positive result on “chlorine and nerve substance,” reports MSNBC TV NEWS. “The U.S. currently have blood and urine tests of some of the victims of the attack in Syria that happened this past weekend. These samples, according to American officials, showed a positive result for chemical elements such as chlorine, most contain chlorine, but there are some that tested positive for nerve agent”, — reported in the correspondent channel. She added that the samples “do not show exactly whether it was sarin”. According to the correspondent, “us officials now quite sure what is actually behind this attack the Syrian regime.” However, the expert mission, the OPCW has not yet

Pompeo said the deaths “of hundreds of Russians” during a US strike on Syria in February

Pompeo said the deaths “of hundreds of Russians” during a US strike on Syria in February The current head of the CIA and the candidate on a post of the head of the state Department Mike Pompeo said that the impact of the coalition on the Syrian Pro-government forces in Deir ezzor in February killed about 200 Russian mercenaries. Details Mr. Pompeo did not provide, reports AFP. We will remind, a series of artillery and air strikes, in question, occurred on the night of 7 to 8 February. During the attack of the coalition led by the USA has killed, according to various estimates, several dozens of Russian mercenaries. So, the source of “Kommersant” reported that killed 11 soldiers. Bloomberg conveyed that killed 100 Russians. The Russian foreign Ministry this assessment was called the “classic disinformation”. Alien war. How to make private military companies

The Federation Council will support the bill on retaliatory measures against the United States

MOSCOW, April 13. /TASS/. The Federation Council will support the bill on the response to hostile US policy toward Russia, which gives the government powers to introduce a series of measures of economic and political nature. This opinion was expressed by TASS on Friday, the head of the Federation Council Committee on budget and financial markets Sergey riabukhin.

Russia in response to sanctions may limit the supply of drugs, tobacco and alcohol from the US

Plenary session of the State Duma of the Russian Federation © Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, April 13. /TASS/. The bill “On measures of exposure to (counter) the unfriendly actions of the US and (or) other foreign States” introduced by the leaders of all factions of the state Duma and its speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, provides for restrictive measures in respect of goods of the United States. About it to journalists on Friday, said the first Vice-speaker of the lower chamber Alexander Zhukov.

Vladimir Putin outlined Russia’s plans to study the moon and Mars

Vladimir Putin outlined Russia’s plans to study the moon and Mars The President hopes that cooperation in space is not affected by the policy. President Vladimir Putin visited 12 APR center “Aerospace and aviation”, where he talked with the astronauts, spoke about the plans for deep space exploration and explained why Russia is not going to come out of international space programs. Cosmonautics Day was a time for memories: Mr Putin pointed out that before the pavilion was preparing seedlings for planting on Mars. But more explicitly on the program of lunar exploration. Vladimir Putin during the examination of the exhibits of the pavilion “Space” was accompanied by those involved in the space industry (Vice-Premier Dmitry Rogozin, the head of Roscosmos Igor Komarov), and the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin. With the last President tried out a simulator for an aircraft, the President, and after him and the mayor got

“You have 24 hours”: the deadlines have become part of world politics

“You have 24 hours”: the deadlines have become part of world politics Against the background of escalation of the conflict, world leaders have been increasingly put forward ultimatums. Escalation of confrontation between Russia and the “collective West” so far is only noticeable in the rhetoric, but the parties for the first time since the cold war so close to confrontation. On April 9 the President of the United States Donald trump said that within 48 hours, Washington will take a serious decision on Syria, where, according to the world health organization, could be used chemical weapons. About these “deadlines” in the speeches of leaders from news reports — we’re hearing more often. Prime Minister Theresa may gave Russia 24 hours to explain about the connection of Moscow with the poisoning of ex-spy Sergei Skripal. Saudi Arabia in 2017 demanded from Qatar, so that he severed ties with terrorist organizations during

UK convenes the UN security Council in connection with the report of the OPCW on the “case Skrypalia”

UK convenes the UN security Council in connection with the report of the OPCW on the “case Skrypalia” Britain requested the UN security Council meeting in connection with the report of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) at the poisoning of Sergey and Yulia Skrobala. This was reported in Twitter of the British mission at the UN. It is expected that the meeting will be held next week. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Earlier today, the OPCW issued a report that confirms the findings of the UK on the composition of toxic substances, which have been poisoned former GRU officer and his daughter. At the same time, exactly where produced substance, the organization could not be established. At the beginning of March Sergey and Yulia Skrobala was hospitalized because of poisoning in British Salisbury. More than a month they were in a coma, in early April, the first Julia, and then