Lab in Switzerland, stated that he could not comment on details of the Russian Federation on chemisette

Lab in Switzerland, stated that he could not comment on details of the Russian Federation on chemisette As reported in the laboratory, “but the OPCW can comment on this assertion”. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий GENEVA, April 14. /TASS/. Laboratory in the Swiss town of Spiez evasively responded to the publicized in Moscow the information about what the study of chemicals on the incident in Salisbury it had traces of chemical weapons, standing on the arms of the United States, Britain and other NATO countries. The laboratory reported Saturday on Twitter that he could not in an independent manner to comment on information relating to its examination. “Being a laboratory designated by the OPCW [Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons], we cannot comment on that,” said the lab. She explained in another tweet that “only the OPCW can comment on this assertion”. “But we can repeat what I said ten days ago: we

Putin and Erdogan had a phone conversation

Putin and Erdogan had a phone conversation Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed by telephone with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan missile strikes of the US and its allies in Syria, the press service of the Kremlin. During a telephone conversation discussed “aggravated the situation around Syria in the missile strikes of the US and its allies in this country”. “The Russian President stressed that the action of the group of Western countries violate the UN Charter and the fundamental norms and principles of international law,” according to the Kremlin. “The Russian and the Turkish side believes that in light of what happened it is necessary to intensify bilateral cooperation aimed at real progress in the political settlement process in Syria,” the report says. The US, Britain and France on Saturday morning fired missiles on Syrian government facilities that, in their opinion, are used to produce chemical weapons. With 3.42

“International hooliganism” remained unanswered

“International hooliganism” remained unanswered Russia was unable to convince the UN security Council to condemn the aggression in Syria. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий The draft resolution proposed by Moscow to a vote at an emergency meeting of the UN security Council, has failed. His aim was to condemn the aggression by the US, UK and France against Syria. Voted for 3 members of the security Council — Russia, China, and Bolivia, to 8 against, including the US, UK and France. Four other countries, including Kazakhstan, abstained. At the same time, the President of France Emmanuel macron said that after the missile strikes of the three Western powers on Syria, the initiative for the further settlement of the conflict in this country should go to the UN Security Council. However the permanent members of the UN security Council has their own idea about how to improve the process. At the meeting, convened at Russia’s

NATO countries unanimously supported the strike on Syria

NATO countries unanimously supported the strike on Syria All countries—members of NATO expressed full support for missile strikes USA, UK and France in Syria, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference in Brussels following an emergency meeting of the Council of the Alliance. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий “Their military action has been limited and directed only at the objects of chemical weapons. There was no alternative to the use of force”, — quotes his words TASS. The strike has weakened the ability of Damascus to use chemical weapons, said Mr. Stoltenberg.”At the same time, it was a strong signal that can be forced to abandon chemical weapons in the future,” he said. NATO believes that the attacks on the United States and allies will not prevent a political settlement of the Syrian conflict. On the contrary, if we looked at the use of chemical weapons, it would undermine the political

Nebesa: the attempts to turn Russia into a pariah state doomed to failure

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 15. /TASS/. The attempts of some States to turn Russia into a pariah state doomed to failure, stated permanent representative of Russia to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia the TV channel “Russia 1”. “If you want to turn our country into a pariah, these attempts are doomed to failure. They are a restricted group of States, which pursues its own interests in this vaudeville, which they now play. The world is bigger than those two-three-four-five-six countries that are directly interested. Directly interested in this is actually much less countries,” he said. Nebesa said that the countries accusing Russia of chemical warfare agents in the UK, trying to weaken Moscow’s role not only in the Syrian chemical resolution, but also in General in the international arena.

Foreign Ministry: Russia has adequate response to any attempt to force US pressure

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 15. /TASS/. Russia has the ability to give an adequate response to any attempt to force pressure from the United States. This was stated on Sunday by the Director of the Department for nonproliferation and arms control Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ermakov Assembly of the Council on foreign and defense policy (SWAP). “Now, in 2018, we see that military-technological situation has radically changed in favor of Russia, – said the diplomat. A worthy response to any attempt to force pressure from the United States we have.”

The UN security Council adopted the Russian draft resolution on Syria

The UN security Council adopted the Russian draft resolution on Syria For Russian document voted, in addition to Russia, Bolivia and China. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий Moscow. April 14. INTERFAX.RU Russian draft UN security Council resolution condemning the missile attack on Syria, was not adopted, as it received the required number of votes, the correspondent of “Interfax”. The results of the voting is as follows: three votes in favor, eight votes against, with four abstentions. The draft resolution was not adopted due to the fact that not received proper number of votes.Gustavo Mesa-Quadropedal the UN security Council in April As the correspondent of “Interfax”, the Russian document voted, in addition to Russia, Bolivia and China. Kazakhstan, Peru, Equatorial Guinea and Ethiopia decided to abstain. The other eight members of the security Council, including France, the US and Britain, voted against. For the adoption of the draft resolution needed nine votes. Earlier it was