“Hard scenario”. Will US Russia off from SWIFT?

“Hard scenario”. Will US Russia off from SWIFT? Russian politicians believe that the West is ready to take the most extreme measures of pressure. The United States may soon announce a new package of sanctions against Russia. As stated by the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley, first of all, they will affect companies related to the equipment relevant to Bashar al-Assad and use chemical weapons. Americans urged to tighten their sanctions on Russia the EU, so they, like the U.S. have adopted measures against individuals close to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Russian politicians believe that the Americans stand on the hard path of confrontation with Russia. Most serious in this respect, the measure can be sanctions against the debt of Russia to the USA, but it is likely that they will hit America. “We still don’t believe these sanctions are legal, consider them to be contrary to

Police in Yerevan said on 29 detained protesters

Police in Yerevan said on 29 detained protesters Moscow. April 17. INTERFAX.RU. The police of Yerevan was taken to the police station 29 participants of the protest against the candidacy of the former President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan to the post of Prime Minister. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “The police transported 29 people,” — said the “Interfax” press Secretary of the Armenian police Ashot Aharonyan. Earlier he told Interfax that several people were taken to the police station on suspicion of administrative offenses. The protesters taken to police station from the intersection of Tumanyan and Mashtots Avenue, near Opera building in the center of Yerevan. They tried to block vehicular traffic. Earlier, the opposition said they had detained about 30 participants of the protest. Protesters from 13 April blocked the center of Yerevan, protesting against the candidacy of Sargsyan to the post of Prime Minister. On the eve of the clashes between police

Zakharova: Russia urges Western countries to stop interfering in the work of the OPCW in Syria

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/. Moscow urges Western countries to stop interfering in the work of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) in Syria. This was stated on Tuesday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in connection with the charges of the French foreign Ministry that Russia and Syria have allegedly obstructed the work of the experts of the OPCW.

The Russian military found in the city Duma laboratory and chemical warehouse of militants

© EPA-EFE/STR MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/. The Russian military found in the city Duma laboratory militants, which produced chemical weapons and stored the components for its production. About it on air of TV channel “Russia 24” said specialist troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection (NBC) Russia Aleksandr Rodionov. “During the inspection of the city Duma was discovered a chemical laboratory and a warehouse of chemicals”, – he said.

Revealed the defense plan of Russia of tough sanctions USA

Revealed the defense plan of Russia of tough sanctions USA In the Kremlin and the Russian government is prepared to tough US sanctions. As scenarios are considered actions against public debt, a shutdown of Russia from SWIFT, as well as restrictive measures against Sberbank and VTB. On Tuesday, April 17, according to RBC with reference to sources. Authorities calculate two options for possible sanctions against the national debt of Russia. According to the first, to invest in Federal loan bonds (OFZ) will only prohibit us investors. The second scenario is much tougher — ban will be the extraterritorial nature, is actually spreading and foreign (including Russian) of legal entities. The US does not prohibit any individuals outside of American jurisdiction, but they can threaten the so-called secondary sanctions for transactions with the Russian public debt. “As a defensive action, the Russian authorities are considering the possibility of creating a special

Trump found a replacement to its military in Syria

Trump found a replacement to its military in Syria The President of the United States, Donald trump intends to replace the American military in Syria in Arabic. About it writes The Wall Street Journal, citing sources in the White house. According to the interlocutor of the newspaper, Advisor to the President for national security John Bolton has already contacted the leadership of Egypt’s intelligence to discuss the possibility of cooperation in the region. In Cairo has not commented on the US proposal. Washington also appealed to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates with a request to allocate funds for the reconstruction of the Northern part of Syria and the maintenance of stability. We are talking about billions of dollars, the newspaper writes. The United States also want the Arab countries sent their military to the region, which, as previously stated, the Americans will leave. This has caused concern

A Russian source has denied the information about the night attack on the airfield shirt

A Russian source has denied the information about the night attack on the airfield shirt Earlier, the Syrian military has reported nine shot down by Israeli missiles. Moscow. April 17. INTERFAX.RU No night attacks on the Syrian airfield shirt was not, have informed on Tuesday “Interfax” an informed Russian source. “The airport is working as planned. No attack that night was not” — he said. “Air defence covering the airfield, that night did not work”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Earlier, the Syrian official media reported that the military failed to shoot down at least nine rockets fired in the direction of the base of the “Sirat” in the province of HOMS. For its part, the Arab portal “al-Masdar” reports citing a source in the Syrian army, which is the target of the attack was probably not the “Sirat” and the other airbase in HOMS — T-4. It was also

Roskomnadzor has notified the owners of the proxy servers of an upcoming lock

Roskomnadzor has notified the owners of the proxy servers of an upcoming lock Moscow. April 16. INTERFAX.RU — Roskomnadzor began sending out notifications about an upcoming lock to the owners of proxy servers, allowing you to bypass a Telegram, according to the head of the international group “Agora” Pavel Chikov, whose lawyers represent the interests of the messenger. “Roskomnadzor sends notifications about upcoming locks to owners of proxy servers. And Foundation uses — appeals to mass riots and extremist activities”, — said pins in his Telegram channel. Earlier Monday, the head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov said that the measures in relation to the various tools to bypass the blocking of the messenger Telegram will be accepted in accordance with the Russian legislation. November 1, 2017 in Russia came into force amendments to the law “On information, information technologies and information protection”, regulating the activity of proxies, including VPN services.

WP: trump ordered to postpone new sanctions against Russia

WP: trump ordered to postpone new sanctions against Russia MOSCOW, 16 APR — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump on Monday decided to suspend the introduction of new economic sanctions against Russia, which on Sunday said US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, according to the edition of the Washington Post, citing sources. “Trump spoke with the national security team Sunday evening, and said to them, what upset with the fact that the sanctions were officially announced, because he did not yet feel confident about their introduction,” — the newspaper writes. See also: the End of neutrality. Who is impacted by new US sanctions On Sunday, the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley said that the United States will announce new sanctions against Russia in connection with the situation in Syria on Monday. According to her, the new sanctions Washington against Moscow will relate to companies that