The leader of the protest in Armenia threatened to “paralyze the public administration system”

The leader of the protest in Armenia threatened to “paralyze the public administration system” YEREVAN, April 17 — RIA Novosti. The head of the protest against the election of the Prime Minister of Armenia former President Serzh Sargsyan, opposition MP Nikol Pashinyan threatens to “paralyze the system of governance” in the country. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Sargsyan on Tuesday was elected head of government, despite taking place from 13 April to protest. The protesters Monday tried to break through to the Parliament building. The police pushed them, as a result of clashes injured dozens of people. Tuesday Pashinyan announced the beginning of the “velvet revolution” in Armenia. “Civil disobedience should lead to the paralysis of the public administration system. That is, the system of public administration should not work, in this case, the next step should be formation of alternative levels of management, who will take on responsibility for the leadership of the

Macron said that he was “the equal of Putin”, media reported

Macron said that he was “the equal of Putin”, media reported MOSCOW, April 17 — RIA Novosti. The President of France Emmanuel macron drew Parallels between himself and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and explained why they were struck in Syria, said in an interview with radio station RMC, the journalists talked to a Macron. On Sunday, the Makron has given interview in which has summed up the results of the first year of the presidency. After that, he “shared Cup” with journalists, said the employee of RMC Jean-Jacques Bourdin. In particular, it is reported that the French President will also discuss Russia in a conversation with his wife burden. “I’m a match for Putin. In addition, Putin understands me. I decided to strike on Syria to make clear to Putin that we are there. He understands this discourse. And you will see is a solution to restore peace in

The distribution of fakes is allowed in the Duma

The distribution of fakes is allowed in the Duma As the American channel OAN declared chemical weapons attack in Syria “staging”. The American channel, One American News Network (OAN) on Tuesday reported that the reporter visited the city Duma, which, according to opponents of the government of Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian troops used chemical weapons. Chemical attack in the Duma was named the reason of a rocket attack on Syrian facilities of the armed forces of the United States, France and the UK. The fact of the attack at a distance confirmed by the experts of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW). Pearson sharp became the first Western reporter who was permitted to visit the Duma. Standing in the center of the city, the journalist said that there was no chemical attack was not. His words he accompanied the video untouched areas, which, he explained, were no

“Days of NATO” invaded Georgia

“Days of NATO” invaded Georgia In Georgia today launched the “Days of NATO”, which will last until may 1. This year many events will focus on informing the residents of Georgian regions on the prospects of cooperation with the Alliance. Foreign Minister Mikhail Janelidze expressed his confidence that, despite the “enemy propaganda”, “the vast majority of inhabitants of regions support the country’s accession to NATO”. At the same time in Brussels make it clear: the Alliance is waiting for all of Georgia as a whole, including Abkhazia and South Ossetia. At the opening of the “days of NATO”, held today at Tbilisi city Assembly, Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili called the entry into the Alliance “the bright choice of the Georgian people”. “Towards this goal are working together all government agencies, including the Ministry of defense, the General staff of the armed forces and foreign Affairs,” — said the head of

The Armenian Parliament has elected ex-President Sargsyan Prime Minister of the country

The Armenian Parliament has elected ex-President Sargsyan Prime Minister of the country YEREVAN, April 17 — RIA Novosti. Members of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Armenia, was elected Tuesday as Prime Minister former President Serzh Sargsyan, the speaker of Parliament Ara Babloyan. “Following roll-call vote for the candidacy of Sargsyan voted 77 deputies, against 17,” said Babloyan in the meeting. Speaking at a special session of Parliament, Sargsyan said that his priorities as Prime Minister will be to ensure the security of the country, strengthen the army, and the settlement of the Karabakh conflict. The most important objective of the new government, he said, will be to ensure progress, to this end, we will continue implementing the programs of the coalition forces — Republican party of Armenia and Dashnaktsutyun. Another key challenge, he said the solution to the demographic problem. Speaking of some economic results 10 years of his presidency

France does not understand US. As macron argued with trump

France does not understand US. As macron argued with trump The President of France Emmanuel Makron and the US administration entered into a polemic. Closest allies arguing about the date for the withdrawal of American troops from Syria. A few hours from the White house came a denial. Washington continues to insist on the imminent departure of its military and complain that the middle East is too expensive. “Better we spend on myself” Differences between France and the United States emerged after only a day after a joint air strikes inflicted by these countries and the UK on military targets in Syria. Washington, Paris and London accuse Damascus of a chemical attack against civilians in the city Duma. Power state of the middle East deny everything. Shortly before the strike on Syria, Donald trump announced that he intends in the foreseeable future to withdraw two thousand troops deployed for military

In Armenia the opposition leader proclaimed the launch of the “velvet revolution”

In Armenia the opposition leader proclaimed the launch of the “velvet revolution” The Deputy of the Armenian Parliament and the leader of the opposition movement Nikol Pashinyan announced the beginning of the “velvet revolution” and “revolutionary situation”. Now all the security forces tightened to the Parliament building in Yerevan, noted Pashinyan. They discussed the issue of appointing the former President of the country Serzh Sargsyan for the post of Prime Minister. The leader of the opposition urged demonstrators to block government buildings sedentary strikes. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Nikol Pashinyan, an Armenian MP from the party “EFC” and the leader of the opposition protest movement, announced the appearance in the country a revolutionary situation in Armenia, according to him, began the “velvet revolution”. This statement he backed up the information passing across the Republic blockades of the streets, strikes and other protests. Pashinyan added that the Armenian authorities pulled all law enforcement agencies

Maria Zakharova invited to register popular channels in the Telegram

Maria Zakharova invited to register popular channels in the Telegram Moscow. April 17. INTERFAX.RU Official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova issued against the closure of Telegram messenger and offered to register large channels in it. “I repeat that I am against closing (the messenger) and the more so, as it is carried out without a detailed explanation of what happens, and motivation,” said Zakharov on the TV channel “Rain”. The representative of the Russian foreign Ministry said that if the Telegram “getting by and large is not the channel of interpersonal communication and mass media, and as long as there are 100-200 thousand subscribers, as it is, they should be registered.” Zakharov noted that the foreign Ministry had two channels in the Telegram — in Russian and English languages, “which was enough subscribers, and they were interesting.” “We just moved them to another platform, and Viber, but we

The U.S. Ambassador hopes that Moscow and Washington will find ways to cooperate

The U.S. Ambassador hopes that Moscow and Washington will find ways to cooperate MOSCOW, April 17 — RIA Novosti. Moscow and Washington must find ways of cooperation despite the difficult conditions, said US Ambassador to Russia John huntsman. “We need to recognize that our bilateral relations are going through a difficult stage, make no mistake about it. These relationships became better, Russia should be a great sense of responsibility to solve problems that stand in the way of improving our relations”, — said the huntsman. His video message published on Tuesday in the official Twitter account of the U.S. Embassy. “I believe that in the long term we must find ways for cooperation, despite the difficult conditions today, but maybe tomorrow,” — said the huntsman.

Lithuania accused Russian ship in violation of the border “a few meters”

Lithuania accused Russian ship in violation of the border “a few meters” VILNIUS, April 17 — RIA Novosti. The protection service of state border of Lithuania States that recorded on the territory of the Curonian spit a violation of its water frontiers: Russian border guard vessel allegedly several metres swam into the territorial waters of the Republic and was in them for two minutes. “Inspectors of the service of the state border protection on the Curonian spit. on Monday recorded a violation of the border during the maneuver of turning the Russian border ship on air cushions a few meters swam on the territory of Lithuania. In connection with the violation of state borders initiated pre-trial investigation”, — said the press service of the Ministry. According to the Agency, in the territory of the Lithuanian waters of the Russian ship was delayed for two minutes, then returned to his water