British fighters will combat “aggression” over the Black sea

British fighters will combat “aggression” over the Black sea MOSCOW, may 1 — RIA Novosti. British Typhoon fighters will join the mission of the air police of NATO over the Black sea to fight “potential aggression”, reported the press service of the Royal air force of great Britain. During the official ceremony at the Romanian air base of Mihail Kogalniceanu NATO representatives accredited British fighters to participate in a mission to strengthen the aviation police over the Black sea. According to the commander of the Center joint air operations in the Spanish air base of Torrejon Lieutenant Ruben C. garcía Servert, such actions demonstrate the ability of the Alliance to unite. The UK representative also stressed the need to patrol the space over the Black sea to deter possible threats. “Such missions for the protection of the airspace guarantees that we are able to quickly and effectively deal with any

The Armenian Parliament failed to elect Prime Minister

The Armenian Parliament failed to elect Prime Minister YEREVAN, may 1 — RIA Novosti. The national Assembly (Parliament) of Armenia are unable to elect Tuesday as the new Prime Minister the only candidate, opposition leader Nikol Pashinian. In addition to voted 45 deputies in the required 53. The discussion took place at a special session of the legislature. Against the candidacy of leader of the opposition deputies voted for the ruling Republican party of Armenia. According to the Constitution, seven days should be held a new election of the Prime Minister. Candidates in the second round should nominate is no longer a separate faction, and at least one third of the total number of deputies. If the Prime Minister is not elected for the second time, it will lead to the automatic dissolution of the National Assembly. After reports that the country’s Parliament failed to elect Prime Minister, supporters in

The Western coalition announced the beginning of a new operation against ISIS* in Syria

The Western coalition announced the beginning of a new operation against ISIS* in Syria WASHINGTON, may 1 — RIA Novosti. U.S., coalition and local partners in Syria begin an operation to release the last strongholds of the “Islamic state”*, said state Department spokesman Heather Nauert. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий “The United States, the world coalition and local partners, including the Syrian democratic forces begin operation to liberate the last stronghold of ISIS* in Syria,” — said in a statement Nauert. She noted that “the fight will be difficult”, but the United States and partners “win”. “We will defend the United States, coalition and partner forces in case of attack. The days of control of the IG* over the territories and the terror of the Syrian people comes to an end,” says Nauert. According to her, the US “will work with Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon for the security of their borders from

Poroshenko boasted test combat module “Doublet”

Poroshenko boasted test combat module “Doublet” The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said in social networks about the trials of the advanced combat module “Doublet”. The Ukrainian leader wrote in Facebook that the upgrade module was held at the Zhytomyr armored plant. According to Poroshenko, “Duplet” can “accompany the target in the automatic mode, to calculate the ballistics of ammunition and to maintain accurate fire by day and by night.” In confirmation of the words of the President of Ukraine posted the video, which shows the possibility of “Duplet”. The footage shows that dual cannons firing at the invisible enemy. Specific information where it focused on the gun and whether the warheads of the module in the designated goal of the video test “Doublet” should not. Earlier in April, Ukraine has experienced anti-tank missile complex “Scythian” and launched the production of “tow truck” for tanks. During the download an error

The United States began the transfer of the armoured brigade from Texas to Poland

The United States began the transfer of the armoured brigade from Texas to Poland To Poland from USA throw the first armored brigade of the first division of cavalry, stationed in Texas. It is reported Impressive! #Ironhorse is on the move to Europe in support of Operation #AtlanticResolve. #90SecondsOfAwesome — 1st Cavalry Division (@1stCavalryDiv) 28 APR 2018 It is noted that this brigade should substitute available on the Polish site of the second armored brigade of the first infantry division. The movement of the American military is part of operation Atlantic Resolve aimed at strengthening the forces of the allies on the Eastern flank, and on scheduled for June 3 maneuvers Saber Strike. “The redeployment of the 1st armored division of the U.S. army in Europe,” — said in a statement. Earlier, the head of the defence Department of the USA James Mattis said about the readiness of

In Syria during the shelling of the coalition, killed at least 25 people, write a SIM

In Syria during the shelling of the coalition, killed at least 25 people, write a SIM MOSCOW, may 1 — RIA Novosti. At least 25 people were killed in the shelling by the coalition headed by the USA in the suburb of al-hasakah in Northern Syria, according to Syrian national news Agency SANA, citing local sources. “The American coalition is committing a new massacre against the Syrians, which killed 25 civilians in the village of El-Fadel in the suburbs of hasakah,” the source said.

Australian neo-Nazi told how he fought against the militia of Donbass

Australian neo-Nazi told how he fought against the militia of Donbass MOSCOW, may 1 — RIA Novosti. Australian channel ABC told the story of Ethan Telling — a former neo-Nazi who participated in the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, fighting on the side of the Ukrainian security forces against militias. Tilling, who has been on the front line just two months, said ABC, that was not what I expected from this conflict. “23-year-old ex-soldier from the Brisbane — one of two former Australian soldiers, who are able to install ABC, joined thousands of ultra-flocking from all over the world in the Eastern Ukrainian region of Donbass to take up arms,” write the authors of the report. They told how the Australian came to the decision to go to the Donbass. Like many other ultra-radicals, tilling dreamed of becoming a warrior, and believed that participation in a military conflict — “rite of

Russia remains strategic ally of Armenia, said Pashinyan

Russia remains strategic ally of Armenia, said Pashinyan YEREVAN, may 1 — RIA Novosti. Russia remains strategic ally of Armenia, said the opposition candidate for Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on speczadanie of Parliament to discuss his candidacy. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Thus, according to the opposition, the country will continue cooperation with Iran, EU and USA. The politician also said that after the change of power the country will come out of the EAEC and the CSTO. “It comes from the logic of a national movement,” said Pashinyan, adding that the people of Armenia does not require changes in foreign policy. Pashinyan on April 13 and led protests throughout the country. The outcome was the resignation on 23 April, Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan. Now the post meant Pashinyan himself.

National Interest called the main enemy of the USA

National Interest called the main enemy of the USA MOSCOW, may 1 — RIA Novosti. The main enemy of the USA is not Russia or China, and us debt, writes the National Interest. The magazine reports that Washington is getting closer to a technical default. So, the latest data of the office of congressional budget shows that the interest burden of the U.S. is 1.6 percent of GDP, which is equal to 9.4 percent of Federal revenue. However, in 2022, these figures will amount to 2.7 percent and 16 percent respectively. The author calls this scenario the most optimistic. As writes the edition, based on the last weeks interest burden of Washington may reach 20 percent of Federal revenue, which means that Americans will pay to debt repayment every fifth dollar. There are two options to resolve the situation: reductions in mandatory spending or increase tax revenues. However, both methods

CNN: trump asked Merkel how to behave with Putin

CNN: trump asked Merkel how to behave with Putin The American leader, Donald trump consulted with German Chancellor Angela Merkel about how to behave with Russian President Vladimir Putin. On it informs TV channel CNN, citing sources. According to the journalists, trump raised on April 27, when they met with the Chancellor in Washington. What tips the American President gave Angela Merkel is not reported. In any case, trump rarely listens to the advice, noted. Sources told CNN that the meeting between the two leaders held a tete-a-tete, was “calm,” a trump “behaved properly”. The American leader “was upset about something”. During the meetings repeatedly raised the issue of the large trade surplus of Germany and the defence expenditure of the country, which remain below the recommended NATO threshold. Earlier it was reported that Merkel and trump discussed “the behavior of Russia” and anti-Russian sanctions and a nuclear deal with