The Kremlin has denied the failure of Putin’s motorcade on inauguration day

The Kremlin has denied the failure of Putin’s motorcade on inauguration day The scenario of the inauguration of the President of Russia has not changed significantly compared to previous ceremonies, at the present time the preparation of this event has entered the final stage, said press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. His words Thursday, may 3, leads TASS. “Many are now writing about the fact that it would not move [of the President], but here we must not forget that the last time the President moved from government House to the Kremlin,” — said Peskov, noting that in 2012, Vladimir Putin took over as President from the position of Prime Minister. He explained that currently the need in this move no. “Somehow, of course, the tuple will be used, because it moves from the working body in the Grand Kremlin Palace, but how will it be ceremonial,

The FT reported about the possible appointment of Kudrin to the presidential administration

The FT reported about the possible appointment of Kudrin to the presidential administration On the eve of the inauguration, which will take place on 7 may, Russian President Vladimir Putin has considered the possibility of appointing former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin at a high post, the Financial Times reports, citing sources. “The most likely scenario will be the appointment of Kudrin to the post in the presidential administration. His position may sound like, for example, the representative of the President for international economic cooperation”, — said the source publication. According to the newspaper, a similar appointment in the West could be considered a signal of Putin’s willingness to dialogue. “If Kudrin joined the administration or the government, it would demonstrate that they agreed on a specific programme of change, including in foreign policy, because without changes in the external policy in Russia is simply impossible reforms”, — quotes Agency the

Dmitry Peskov confirmed the reductions in Russia defense spending

Dmitry Peskov confirmed the reductions in Russia defense spending Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov confirmed that the trend of declining defence spending in Russia is actually observed, but the figures given by the Stockholm international Institute for peace studies (SIPRI) “not quite true”. Mr. Sands noted that such trends have previously said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. According to the official representative of the Kremlin, it is due to the fact that the Russian army has already completed extensive work on technical and technological upgrade. SIPRI said yesterday that Russia in 2017 for the first time in 19 years of reduced defense spending. These data were presented in the report of the Institute. According to experts, the cost of the army in Russia last year decreased by 20% to $66.3 billion Read more in the publication “Kommersant” “the Military budget has declined”.

McCain has urged the U.S. government to take cyber attacks against Russia

McCain has urged the U.S. government to take cyber attacks against Russia MOSCOW, may 3. /TASS/. The United States should seriously consider the possibility of committing cyber-attacks against Russia in retaliation for alleged the US authorities of the RF interference in the elections of the us President in 2016. As reported by the newspaper Defence News, this idea is proposed in a new book by the leader of the U.S. Senate Committee on armed services John McCain, is scheduled for release in print on may 22. In the book “the restless wave” (The Restless Wave) Senator suggests, in addition to those already taken by the Washington anti-Russian sanctions to punish Russia for trying, according to McCain, to undermine American democratic institutions. According to the Senator, a cyber attack could serve as a good signal to Moscow, forcing Russia and its leader will regret intervention in the American elections. According to

Hypersonic complex “Dagger” for the first time will present at the Victory Parade

Hypersonic complex “Dagger” for the first time will present at the Victory Parade MOSCOW, may 3 — RIA Novosti. In the Victory parade in Moscow will involve MiG-31K with the latest missile complex “Dagger”, said the head of the defense Ministry Sergei Shoigu at the selector meeting. Over red square will fly the su-57 (project PAK FA, fifth generation fighter aircraft), su-З0СМ and MiG-29SMT, the strategic missile carriers Tu-160 and Tu-95MS long-range bombers Tu-22MZ and other aircraft. The crews of army aviation will fly at an altitude of 150 meters at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. The crews of tactical, long-range and military transport aviation will rise to a height of from 300 to 500 meters and will reach 600 kilometers per hour. During the download an error has occurred.The news isNot a veiled threat: the most powerful weapon of Russia The parade will represent other promising samples

The source said that the United States is preparing a new provocation with the “himachali” in Syria

The source said that the United States is preparing a new provocation with the “himachali” in Syria BEIRUT, may 3 — RIA Novosti. New provocation “himachali” prepared with the participation of US intelligence in the area of oil fields, “al-Jafr” near the military base of the American forces in the province of Deir ez-Zor, told RIA Novosti informed source associated with special services in the SAR. “US intelligence agencies in Syria are planning provocations with the use of prohibited substances. The operation is headed by former fighter of the Islamic state (a terrorist group banned in Russia) Mission Idris al Hamas. The aim of the event is holding a mock chemical attack against civilians with further dissemination in the media,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, preparations for the “himataki” began on April 23. The source said that in the area of oil fields, “al-Jafr”, 27 kilometers East

Kosachev: the refusal of Ukraine from the CIS is a rejection of civilized divorce

The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, may 3. /TASS/. The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev considers that the decision on termination of participation of Ukraine in the CIS directly affects the interests of the citizens of the country, as in the case of rupture of multilateral agreements, Ukraine will have to register cooperation agreements in many spheres with each member state separately.

Andrei Slepnev released from the post of Deputy head of the government

Andrei Slepnev released from the post of Deputy head of the government Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev dismissed Andrew slepneva from the post of Deputy head of the government — the Director of the Department of project activity is “in connection with transition to other work”. Mister slepneva, as previously confirmed Mr Medvedev, who will appoint the Director General of the Russian export centre (REC). While the CEO is Peter Fradkov.

Merkel told about the plans of the EU to avoid trade war with U.S.

Merkel told about the plans of the EU to avoid trade war with U.S. The EU intends to make the United States a complete failure of the introduction of customs duties on metals. This was stated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, reports Reuters. According to the head of the German government, members of the European Union countries consider Washington’s demands concerning the duties unjustified and want to achieve perpetual exclusion from the list of States in respect of which fees have been introduced. On 9 March, the President of the United States Donald trump has signed a decree on the introduction of duties on import of steel and aluminum from all countries except Mexico and Canada. Thus, a single duty on import of steel amounted to 25 per cent, aluminum 10 per cent. It is noted that the White house plans to impose additional fees in relation to the EU

Time to stand on ceremony. Both in Russia and in the world celebrate the inauguration of presidents

Time to stand on ceremony. Both in Russia and in the world celebrate the inauguration of presidents May 7 in the Kremlin there will pass inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin will officially take office at the next 6-year period. This will be the seventh ceremony in the country’s history. AiF remembers what traditions accompany this action in Russia and in the world. Only in the modern history of Russia the inauguration was conducted six times: in 1991, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012. Interestingly, a special law regulating this ceremony, we are there. In the 82nd article of the Constitution sets only the text of the oath that says the President, 33 words, including prepositions and conjunctions. However, in 27 years time to develop unwritten tradition. Since 2000, the inauguration ceremony held at the St. Andrew hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace. First in the