Sands: Putin may submit to the state Duma the candidacy of Prime Minister immediately after the inauguration

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin submitted to the state Duma the candidacy of the head of government immediately after the inauguration. On Friday reported the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. The representative of the Kremlin napomnil that the government relinquishes its powers before the newly entered the office of head of state. Therefore, according to him, after the inauguration of the President can expect his initiative of submitting to the state Duma the candidacy of the head of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Peskov commented on the words of Zeman analogous to a “Newbie”

Peskov commented on the words of Zeman analogous to a “Newbie” MOSCOW, may 4 — RIA Novosti. Statements of the President of Czech Republic Milos Zeman on the production of an analogue of the “Newbie” in his country — an illustration of the groundlessness of the charges of the London to Russia, said on Friday the press-Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Earlier Czech President Milos Zeman, citing data from the civil intelligence and military intelligence reported that nerve substance А230 in November 2017 in a small amount were produced in the Institute of the defense Ministry of the Czech Republic in Brno, he tested and was soon destroyed. “Military intelligence says that the poison А230 referred to as a “Newbie”. SBI said that the poison А230 not called “Beginner” and “Novice” is A234″, — said the President of the Czech Republic. Earlier, the Russian foreign Ministry reported that chemisette,

Kudrin proposed to create “digital doubles” of Russians

Kudrin proposed to create “digital doubles” of Russians Center for strategic research (CSR), which is headed by Alexey Kudrin, has proposed to create “digital doubles” of Russians, and also to develop the officials of the “digital mentality”. These and other initiatives to transform the system of public administration are contained in the report “Government as platform”. The centre’s experts suggested the birth of a child to convey information about it in the so-called ocean of data and to enrich it with relevant information. As a result, the Russians will be able to automatically obtain a number of services: calculation of the parent capital, the entry of a child in kindergarten, sending documents by place of residence, the invitation to receive a passport. The authors of the report also point to the need to develop the officials of the “digital mentality”, to abandon the traditional paper services and go to the

Experts have estimated chances of candidates for the post of Prime Minister

Experts have estimated chances of candidates for the post of Prime Minister Candidate for the position of Chairman of the Russian government remains the main intrigue on the eve of the inauguration of President Vladimir Putin. MOSCOW, may 4 — RIA Novosti. In the opinion of the majority of deputies and experts interviewed by RIA Novosti, the most likely to become head of the new Cabinet of Ministers is current Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. However, the short-list also includes a number of existing Ministers, the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina, the Chairman of the accounts chamber Tatyana Golikova, Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin and head of the Center for strategic development Alexey Kudrin. Earlier, the Chairman of the Duma Committee on state construction and legislation Mikhail Emelyanov (“Fair Russia”) has told RIA Novosti that the deputies likely to approve the candidature for the post of the Russian Prime Minister

Zakharov: London blocks leaks to the media, which could clarify the matter Skripal

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. London intentionally blocks leaks in the media on the case of poisoning in the English Salisbury ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal, who could prove the involvement of the British authorities in this anti-Russian provocations. This was at the briefing on Friday, said the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

Zakharova: Russia is interested in the reasons for the termination of funding “White helmets” from the United States

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. Moscow is interested in the reasons for the termination of funding non-governmental organizations (NGOs) “White helmets” from Washington. This was at the briefing on Friday, said the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

The state Duma may 8 may to consider the candidacy of the Prime Minister, if it is made

© Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. The state Duma plenary meeting on Tuesday, may 8, may consider the candidate for Prime Minister if it is submitted to the President of the Russian Federation. This was announced on Friday, TASS first Deputy speaker of the lower house of Parliament Ivan Melnikov.

The Prosecutor General’s office opened an income for Seagulls 2017

The Prosecutor General’s office opened an income for Seagulls 2017 The Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika in 2017 had revenue of $ 11.7 million rubles this is stated in the Declaration, published on the website of the Prosecutor General. In 2016, the Seagull has earned 9.3 million rubles, in 2015 — RUB 8.8 million In property the attorney General is only the car GAZ 13 (Chaika) in the apartment area sq. m. 203,6 Spouse Chaika declared the same amount as a year ago of 8.2 million RUB her property is half of the apartment with an area of 203,6 sq. m and non-residential premises with an area of 175 sq. m. Among Vice Gulls the most revenue in 2017 received the chief military Prosecutor of Russia Valery Petrov. Last year he earned about 7.4 million rubles In property of the Petrov — ½ of the land area of 1225

Zakharova said on three occasions “lies” of London in connection with the case Skrobala

Zakharova said on three occasions “lies” of London in connection with the case Skrobala She recalled the words of the Czech President, who said that “Newbie” was developed in his country. Moscow. May 4. INTERFAX.RU Official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said about the “many lies” from the UK government in connection with the case Skrobala. “The first lie of the government’s Theresa may that British experts have established the country of manufacture of the chemical, which allegedly poisoned Skrobala, officially denied the British experts in the person of the head of the laboratory of Porton down”, — Zakharov wrote on his page in Facebook. In her opinion, “the second lie of the government Theresa may regarding the alleged presence of Russia’s motive for poisoning Skrobala in connection with the historically “bad behavior” of our country denied the Russian side, including bringing the facts of regular violation of

Guardian: Britain has developed a plan to strengthen the isolation of Russia

Guardian: Britain has developed a plan to strengthen the isolation of Russia Britain intends to use a large international summits scheduled for 2018, to strengthen the isolation of Russia. About it reports the Guardian with reference to the representatives of the foreign office. According to the newspaper, diplomats expect to develop a General strategy to combat misinformation, which supposedly disseminates Russia. In addition, Britain wanted to strengthen the position of the Alliance against Russia, which arose in the international community after the poisoning Sergei Skripal. Platforms, which will discuss measures to strengthen pressure on Russia, should become the G7, G20, NATO and the European Union. Earlier, foreign Minister of Britain, Boris Johnson said that the G7 countries will create a special group to study the “harmful behavior” of Russia.