Vladimir Putin went on the fourth

Vladimir Putin went on the fourth The President took office and compared Russia with the Phoenix. 18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий The seventh in the history of Russia and the fourth for Vladimir Putin, the inauguration ceremony of the solemn inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation took place in the Kremlin. During his speech, Mr. Putin again called on Russians to unite to achieve common goals, has announced that the country’s security ensured and emphasized that “beauty and power” of Russia in its identity. NewsSmartphones instead of applause: how was filming Putin during the inauguration By noon, when according to tradition is the ceremony, Vladimir Putin moved into the St. Andrew hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace from the study. Within five minutes the audience for the live broadcast were able to observe how Putin walked silently along the halls of the Kremlin, examining the paintings hanging in the corridors, and then

Volodin called the entry of Putin as President a new stage in the development of the Russian Federation

Speaker Of The State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, may 7. /TASS/. Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has expressed the opinion that the inauguration of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin means the beginning of a new stage in the development of the country.

The government of Dmitry Medvedev resigned

The government of Dmitry Medvedev resigned Moscow. May 7. INTERFAX.RU. The Russian government led by Dmitry Medvedev had resigned in connection with the beginning of a new period of Vladimir Putin, who earlier today took office as President. In accordance with article 116 of the Constitution, the Prime Minister signs the resignation of the Cabinet before the new head of state. It is expected that the name of the new Prime Minister, the country will know in the near future. Six years ago, the name of the candidate for the position of head of the government was named by Putin in less than two hours after the inauguration ceremony. Read also: Medvedev said he has no plans to retire Resignation, in addition to the Prime Minister, for his deputies and Federal Ministers. The present government is composed of nine Deputy Prime Ministers, including one first, and 22 of the Federal

Vladimir Putin has entered a post of the President of Russia

Vladimir Putin has entered a post of the President of Russia MOSCOW, may 7 — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin, re-elected for new presidential term, took office of the President. 18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий The inauguration ceremony was his fourth. To lead the country he will be the next six years. The inauguration was held in the Grand Kremlin Palace, was attended by over five thousand people. Putin took the oath on the Constitution and made an appeal to the Russians. The appeal to the Russians After the oath, Vladimir Putin has acted with an inaugural speech. He stressed that “conscious of its enormous responsibility before the people and Russia,” and stated that it is committed “to do everything for a peaceful and prosperous future of the country.” The President called for the purpose of his life “serving the people and the Fatherland,” noting that “Russia will be powerful, and people will live better.”

Bloomberg Kudrin announced a new post with “limited influence”

Bloomberg Kudrin announced a new post with “limited influence” In contrast to him, the government may be appointed Putin’s adviser Andrei Belousov. Russian President Vladimir Putin is considering to appoint the Chairman of the Board of the Center for strategic development Alexey Kudrin at a high position for establishing economic ties with Europe and the United States, Bloomberg reported, citing unnamed Russian officials familiar with these plans. According to the interlocutor of Agency, in the new posts Kudrin will lead the recovery of economic growth in Russia. However, even in the case of appointment of its impact will be limited, says Bloomberg. To create a counterweight to Kudrin, Putin could appoint his economic Advisor Andrei Belousov to the post of Deputy Prime Minister, said four government officials. Belousova Agency calls a “strong supporter of the role of the state in the economy” and notes that in his new position, he

The Inauguration Of Vladimir Putin. Video stream

The Inauguration Of Vladimir Putin. Video stream Vladimir Putin, re-elected for new presidential term, shall take office of the President. The ceremony takes place in the Grand Kremlin Palace. During the download an error has occurred. In 2018 he won the election with record support — it receives more than 56,4 million voters. Traditionally, the ceremony takes place in front of the presidential residence — Grand Kremlin Palace. Read also: How was the inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий