Media: air defense of Saudi Arabia repelled rocket attacks from the Yemen in Riyadh

Media: air defense of Saudi Arabia repelled rocket attacks from the Yemen in Riyadh The rebel movement “Ansar Allah” has confirmed the launch of two ballistic missiles of type “Badr-1” in the air objects in Jīzān. MOSCOW, may 9. /TASS/. Saudi air defense shot down Wednesday over Riyadh a few ballistic missiles fired from the territory of Yemen. This was reported by Sky News Arabia. According to available information, the capital of the Kingdom heard a series of explosions. Another shell fired from Yemen in the southern province of Jizan, was also shot down by air defense of the Kingdom. In turn, the rebel movement “Ansar Allah” (Houthis) has confirmed the launch of two ballistic missiles of type “Badr-1” in the air objects in Jīzān. About attack in the Saudi capital, the Houthis have not declared. Over the past month, the Houthis have significantly increased the number of ballistic missile

Media: Iranian parliamentarians set fire to the US flag and the contract AGREEMENT

Media: Iranian parliamentarians set fire to the US flag and the contract AGREEMENT In the country’s Parliament has called for a “mutual and proportionate” action in response to the decision of the United States. TASS, may 9. Several Iranian parliamentarians set fire to the U.S. flag and a copy of the agreement on a Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) on the Iranian nuclear program in protest against Washington’s decision to withdraw from this agreement. This was reported by the Agency Tasnim. According to him, it happened this morning in the open session of the Parliament. As informed by Reuters, the Iranian Parliament has called for a “proportionate and reciprocal” action from the government in response to the U.S. decision. Trump on may 8 announced the release of Washington from the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program deal, which imposed limitations on the activity of Tehran in the nuclear field

Putin: Russia will not allow to wipe out the feat of the Soviet people who saved the world from fascism

Putin: Russia will not allow to wipe out the feat of the Soviet people who saved the world from fascism The President also said that the heroism of the veterans of the great Patriotic war of the Russians makes the current stronger. 33фотографии33фотографии33фотографии MOSCOW, may 9. /TASS/. It was the USSR determined the outcome of world war II, now the feat of trying to cross, but Russia will not allow to do it, said Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at a parade marking the 73rd anniversary of the Victory. “Today, the heroism of the people who saved Europe and the world from slavery, from extermination, from the horrors of the Holocaust try to erase, distort the events of the war, to bury the authenticity of the characters, to forge, to copy, to misquote history itself, the President said. — We are not allowed to do that ever again.” Putin believes

Barack Obama called the mistake the rejection of the nuclear agreement with Iran

Barack Obama called the mistake the rejection of the nuclear agreement with Iran The decision of Donald trump about the gap agreement on Iran’s nuclear program mistakenly, believes the former President Barack Obama. “At a time when we focus on diplomacy for the successful solution of the problem with North Korea, the rejection of the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) is jeopardizing the agreement reached with Iran the same objectives that we are trying to achieve with North Korea,” — said in a statement, Mr. Obama. According to Barack Obama, statement by Mr. trump means that “America turned his back on his closest allies and departs from the agreement, developed by the leading American diplomats, scholars and professionals in the field of intelligence.” Recall, Donald trump on Tuesday executed one of their key election promises — has announced the country’s withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran and re-imposed

U.S. Secretary of state brought from Pyongyang three detained American citizens

U.S. Secretary of state brought from Pyongyang three detained American citizens Moscow. May 9. INTERFAX.RU -U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo, is expected to return from his trip to North Korea along with three American citizens previously detained in North Korea, said Wednesday the press service of the President of South Korea. It is noted that Pyongyang is ready to take this step to demonstrate its good intentions on the eve of the upcoming meeting of Kim Jong-UN and Donald trump. According to Seoul, Pompeo will also need to bring the exact time and place of the summit. (Formerly trump reported that they are already defined). U.S. Secretary of state arrived in the DPRK the second time in a month and a half. The first time he visited Pyongyang unofficially before his appointment as head of the state Department. Both times the purpose of his visit was the preparation of

Mnuchin promised to use against Iran tools of the global dollar system

Mnuchin promised to use against Iran tools of the global dollar system According to the head of the Ministry of Finance of the USA, against Iran, impose “strict sanctions”. NEW YORK, may 9. /TASS/. The sanctions that the United States will impose against Iran, are very powerful and makes use of the tools of the global dollar system. With such an assurance was made on Tuesday on air of TV channel Fox News, the Minister of Finance of the United States Steven Mnuchin in light of the announced by the President of Donald trump’s decision to withdraw from the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) on the Iranian nuclear program. The Minister asked the question exactly how Washington hopes to influence the position of Iran, if the US is way out of SVPD themselves exclude themselves from the number of participants in the talks with Tehran. The sanctions in question,

U.S. Secretary of state arrived in North Korea

U.S. Secretary of state arrived in North Korea Moscow. May 9. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo arrived in North Korea, where he is expected to hold meetings in preparation for the us-Korean summit. Informed about the visit to Pyongyang Pompeo told the US President Donald trump. “At this very moment, Secretary of state Mike Pompeo sent to North Korea for the preparation of my forthcoming meeting with Kim Jong-UN. The plans are built, relationships are developing, I hope the deal goes through. And with the help of China, South Korea and Japan will be able to achieve a transparent and secure future”, — said Tuesday the trump at a press conference in the White house. At the end of April held a historic summit with the leaders of North Korea and South Korea, where parties announced the beginning of negotiations on the conclusion of a peace Treaty

The Senate Committee has accused Russia of cyber attacks on the infrastructure of elections in the United States

The Senate Committee has accused Russia of cyber attacks on the infrastructure of elections in the United States WASHINGTON, may 9 — RIA Novosti. The U.S. Senate Committee on intelligence circulated a six-page unclassified excerpt from the report, which accused Russia of attempts to interfere in the elections in 2016 but has not confirmed any effect of this “intervention”. “In 2016, cyberdeadly associated with the Russian government spent an unprecedented coordinated cybercampaign against election infrastructure States,” the report said. It is argued that the objectives of the cyber attacks were from 18 to 21 statewide. “At least in six States associated with Russian leaders went on scan and had attempts of intentional access on the voting web sites”, — said in the document. In addition, the Committee argues that Russia has taken “a wide range of intelligence activities aimed at the voting process in the United States.” “This started at

Lavrov will discuss with the German foreign Minister nuclear deal with Iran, Syria and Ukraine

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, may 10. /TASS/. The acting foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov and foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas will hold on Thursday in the Moscow talks, the main topics which will be the situation with the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program, Syrian conflict, and cooperation in the framework of the “channel four” (Russia, Ukraine, France, Germany). The heads of depodesta will also consider the situation in key areas of bilateral cooperation.

Trump’s lawyer was suspected of receiving money from Russian oligarchs

Trump’s lawyer was suspected of receiving money from Russian oligarchs A team of spectacular Muller interviewed on this occasion the owner of group “Renova” Viktor Vekselberg. Moscow. May 9. INTERFAX.RU — Investigators spectracolor the so-called “Russian case” Robert Mueller was questioned by Russian businessman Viktor Vekselberg on payments for hundreds of thousands of dollars, which after the presidential elections conducted US structure associated with his company, in favor of private counsel to Donald trump Michael Cohen, CNN television reported, citing a source. According to the source, the payment to the priest allegedly transferred connected with Vekselberg, a new York company Columbus Nova. In addition, the investigators asked the businessman questions about donation in the amount of 300 thousand dollars, which made cousin — American Andrew Intrater the chief of the Columbus Novа, the inaugural Fund of trump and funds campaign. Intrater also was questioned by investigators of Mueller, told CNN