In the state Duma proposed to punish the involvement of the youth to the meetings

In the state Duma proposed to punish the involvement of the youth to the meetings Deputies from “United Russia” proposed amendments to the administrative code, according to which the involvement of adolescents in unauthorized rallies will face the organizers a fine of up to half a million roubles or arrest for 15 days. The authors of the bill noted that the number of underage participants in such events is growing, however, emphasized that their initiative is not a youth, “from populist policies” that try to use children for their own purposes. One of the authors of the initiative, Deputy Secretary of the General Council of the party “United Russia” Yevgeny Revenko believes that the problem is “not so much in appeals to take part in the action, how many attempts to instill in youth the legal nihilism.” According to him, “truly free society can only be legal”. If someone doesn’t

Fox: meeting trump and Kim Jong-UN, is planned for June in Singapore

Fox: meeting trump and Kim Jong-UN, is planned for June in Singapore Earlier the US President declared that the place and time of his meeting with the DPRK leader will be announced in the next three days. NEW YORK, may 10. /TASS/. The meeting of U.S. President Donald trump and the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN scheduled for early June and will be held in Singapore. This was reported on Wednesday, citing its sources, the American channel Fox News. As stated in the media trump the time and place of his meeting with Kim Jong-UN will be announced in the next three days. However, he noted that we are not talking about the border crossing Panmunjom in the demilitarized zone between the DPRK and the Republic of Korea. The Associated Press, citing sources in the US administration, said that at the moment, Singapore is the most likely site of

Israel reported 20 released by Iran from Syria missiles

Israel reported 20 released by Iran from Syria missiles Iranian forces in Syria fired about 20 rockets on the positions of Israeli troops in the Golan heights, told reporters the spokesman of the Israeli army. According to him, information about the presence of losses or material damage was reported. “Around midnight, recorded the launches of about 20 rockets on the forward positions on the Golan heights from the Iranian forces, “al-Quds”,” — results “RIA Novosti” the words of the representative of the army. He noted that some of the rockets were intercepted by the battery ABOUT the “Iron dome”. Earlier it was reported that the siren worked on the border of Israel with Syria. Before Israel led the troops in a state of high alert, deployed air defense system and ordered to open bomb shelters on the Golan heights. On such measures, the authorities went after “abnormal activity” of Iranian

In the state Duma propose to extend the law of Dima Yakovlev

© Marat Abulhasan/TASS MOSCOW, may 10. /TASS/. Sectarian project, which proposes to extend the so-called Dima Yakovlev law on individuals, interfering in elections in Russia will make on Thursday in the state Duma. This was reported to journalists by the first Deputy head of the faction “United Russia” Andrei Isayev. “A group of colleagues representing all four factions, will introduce legislation act 2012 on the application of sanctions against those who violate rights of Russian citizens, – the law of Dima Yakovlev. There is a list of those against whom these sanctions will be applied, this list will be supplemented at the suggestion of colleagues the point that they can be classified as those who interfere in Russian elections”, – he said.

Trump said he did not consider himself worthy of the Nobel peace prize

Trump said he did not consider himself worthy of the Nobel peace prize WASHINGTON, may 9 — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that he does not consider himself worthy of the Nobel peace prize, but expects to win on the issue of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. “Everyone thinks so, but I wouldn’t say that. You know what I want to do? I want to finish it (the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula — ed.). Award that I want, is a victory for the whole world, not even for us, a victory for the whole world. This is the only award that I want” — he told reporters Wednesday, responding to a question whether he considered himself worthy of the peace prize. Earlier, a group of 18 members of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress, representing the Republican party, officially asked the Nobel Committee initiative

The Russian foreign Ministry reacted to new U.S. sanctions

The Russian foreign Ministry reacted to new U.S. sanctions MOSCOW, may 9 — RIA Novosti. USA, introducing new sanctions against Russia, trying to make up for the fiasco of a missile attack against Syria, which took place April 14, according to a statement on the website of the Russian foreign Ministry. The Department explained that in Washington once again announced additional anti-Russian sanctions. “Formally, Russia is trying to blame the violation of us law prohibiting the military-technical cooperation with Iran, North Korea and Syria, which is irrelevant to our country to have.” In reality, it is clearly on the banal desire to get even for the failed missile attack against the Syrian Arab Republic by the United States on 14 April together with UK and France in violation of international law.The Ministry of foreign Affairs Clarifies that such a conclusion was made based on the fact that the American sanctions

The US imposed sanctions against the Russian defense structures

The US imposed sanctions against the Russian defense structures The US administration decided to impose sanctions against a number of Russian, Iranian, North Korean, Chinese institutions and associations from Turkey and Saudi Arabia. She accuses them of violating the national legislation of the States on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The US state Department has posted a notice in the Federal register. According to the document, the list of restrictive measures fall 28 structures. Among them is a training center anti-aircraft missile troops in Gatchina, 18-th Central research Institute of the Ministry of defense of Russia in the Kursk, instrument Design Bureau in Tula, the 183rd guards antiaircraft missile regiment, Scientific-production concern “BARL” and the Main Directorate of the General staff. Yesterday, the U.S. government again imposed sanctions against the “Rosoboronexport” for violation of American law on non-proliferation in respect of Iran, North Korea and Syria. We will

Tsivilev declared participation in elections of the head of Kuzbass

The acting Governor of the Kemerovo region Sergey Tsivilev © Mikhail Metzel/TASS TASS, may 10. The acting Governor of the Kemerovo region Sergey Tsivilev announced his candidacy from the party “United Russia” for participation in elections of the head of Kuzbass, and also the consent to head the party list for election to the Council of people’s deputies of the region. He said this to journalists in Novokuznetsk after a meeting with representatives of the primary party organizations of all urban districts and districts of Kuzbass. “I agreed to go from the “United Russia” on elections of the Governor, and lead the list of “United Russia”. I believe in this team, I believe in this party and that party “United Russia” took an active part in the implementation of all of our ambitious targets that we set,” said he, answering the question of whether he would head the party list

Lukashenko opposed the “privatization of victory in the great Patriotic war”

Lukashenko opposed the “privatization of victory in the great Patriotic war” Moscow. May 9. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko stated that the Republic has always fought against the distortion of history and privatization of the victory in the great Patriotic war. “We, Belarusians, have always fought for preventing the distortion of history, especially the history of the great Patriotic war. We fought against this kind of charlatans did not think that we have to deal with another problem — the privatization of our victory,” — said Lukashenko, speaking at a ceremony in honor of Victory Day. The President stressed that “the Soviet people made a worthy contribution to the Great Victory and its share out of place”. As the correspondent of Agency “Interfax-West”, Lukashenko laid a wreath at the Victory monument in Minsk. Flowers to the monument were also laid by the sons of the President. Wreaths