Merkel said it was impossible for Europe to rely on US protection

Merkel said it was impossible for Europe to rely on US protection Moscow. May 10. INTERFAX.RU. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Thursday that Europe can no longer rely on the United States in the protection, and urged European countries to begin to control your own destiny. “Gone are the days when the US wanted to protect us. So Europe needs to take his own destiny into their own hands, and this is our challenge for the future,” lead the European media said Merkel. The statement of the Chancellor of Germany was made after earlier this week the us President, Donald trump declared that the United States out of deals with Iran and intend to restore sanctions against Tehran. After that, the foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas said in Berlin that recognize the importance of the agreement on the Iranian atom for the region and for the world, and try

Medvedev urged to consider the risks from the outside when executing the “may decree”

Medvedev urged to consider the risks from the outside when executing the “may decree” Moscow. May 10. INTERFAX.RU. The new government in the implementation of the “may” decree of the President of the Russian Federation will have to consider the risks, including the various international restrictions that can act against Russia, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “We don’t know what will be the international situation as it will evolve, what new challenges or limitations we probably will face, but in any case these risks, we must take into account”, — said Medvedev at a meeting on the issue of the measures for implementation of the presidential decree “On the national goals and strategic objectives development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024”. He stressed that improving the quality of life and longevity of citizens of the Russian Federation are the main priorities of the new “may” decree

A court in Riga arrested the activist Linderman

A court in Riga arrested the activist Linderman Moscow. May 10. INTERFAX.RU the Court of Vidzemsky suburb of Riga on Thursday sanctioned the arrest of Vladimir Linderman, who was detained in connection with an organized Russian Union of Latvia (STGS) and the Staff of protection of Russian schools Latvian parent meeting. The question on election of a preventive measure was considered at a closed court session, but the doors of the courtroom were more than ten supporters Linderman, the leader of RSL Tatyana Zhdanok and Joseph Koren. Defender Linderman Helen Kwiatkowski stated that the court decision will be appealed to the Riga district court. She added that will appeal to the Prosecutor General in connection with the circumstances of the detention of her client. Linderman was detained on 8 may in the framework of the initiated April 18, the criminal process against Zhdanok in connection with an organized STGS and

In Parliament has asked the national Council on TV to assess the statements of leading inter to May 9

In Parliament has asked the national Council on TV to assess the statements of leading inter to May 9 KYIV, may 10 — RIA Novosti. The head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on foreign Affairs Anna hopko addressed the national Council of Ukraine on television and radio with a request to assess the application of the leading TV channel “inter” at the concert to the Victory Day. Previously, the Internet was made public excerpts of the concert to the Victory Day on the “inter”; the leading recalled that at the hands of fascist invaders during the great Patriotic war killed 8 million Ukrainians, and “we cannot allow the streets of Ukrainian cities were named after Nazi criminals” and “their portraits with impunity wore during torchlight processions in Kiev.” The radicals then staged a picketing at the office “inter”. They are required not to broadcast “propaganda content”, but the channel has

Zakharova: the attack on the head of Rossotrudnichestvo is the desire to squeeze Russia from Ukraine

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS UN may 10. /TASS/. The attack of the radicals on the head of Rossotrudnichestvo in Kiev lies in the desire “to finally squeeze out” Russia from the Ukraine and to destroy the cultural links between the countries. This was stated on Thursday the Russian journalists in new York, the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, commenting on the incident that occurred in Kyiv on 9 may.

Putin and Erdogan emphasized the importance of the Iranian deal for global security

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, may 11. /TASS/. The presidents of Russia and Turkey Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a telephone conversation said that the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) on the Iranian nuclear program is essential for international security and agreed to coordinate further steps in this context. About it reports a press-service of the Kremlin.

In the Duma introduced a law on the punishment for the involvement of the youth into illegal acts

In the Duma introduced a law on the punishment for the involvement of the youth into illegal acts Moscow. May 10. INTERFAX.RU. The bill, which establishes liability for involving minors in unsanctioned rallies, assumes punishment in the form of administrative arrest up to 15 days and a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles. The relevant draft law initiated by the members of the faction “United Russia”, introduced in the state Duma on Thursday. The RF code of administrative offences is proposed to add a provision that States: “the involvement of minors in part in an unauthorized Assembly, rally, demonstration, procession or picketing, if this activity does not contain criminally punishable deeds shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles, or compulsory work for up to 100 hours or administrative arrest for up to 15 days; on officials

Syria’s air defense shot down more than half of the issued Israel 70 rockets

Syria’s air defense shot down more than half of the issued Israel 70 rockets Moscow. May 10. INTERFAX.RU. The Israeli army fired on Syrian territory, about 70 rockets, said the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation. “In attack he was involved in 28 Israeli F-15 and F-16, which are released in various parts of Syria about 60 missiles “air-surface”. Israel also was released more than 10 tactical missiles “ground-ground”, — said the Ministry of defence noting that the combat calculations Syrian air defenses shot down more than half of the missiles. Currently, damage assessment. “It targeted the locations of the Iranian armed forces, as well as the positions of air defense of the Syrian army near Damascus and in southern Syria,” — said the Russian defense Ministry. In the defense Ministry of the Russian Federation said that the airstrikes were carried out for two hours “under the pretext of

VTSIOM: more than 80% of Russians approve of Putin’s work

VTSIOM: more than 80% of Russians approve of Putin’s work MOSCOW, may 10. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin approves 81,2% of Russians, the head of the government Dmitry Medvedev positively estimate of 44.7%. This is evidenced by data survey of the national center for the study of public opinion (VTSIOM), released on Thursday. “The approval rate of the President’s performance by the average over the last week to 81.2%. Evaluation of the work of the Prime Minister and Government of Russia in the first week of may of 44.7%, 49.8% respectively. The average for the six years of operation, more than 55%”, — it is told in message VTSIOM. It is noted that the level of job approval of the state Duma since March fell from 43% to 42.3%, and of the Council of Federation, on the contrary, increased from 46,2% to 47.9%. In the ranking of confidence

Intervention in the elections of foreign NGOs may result in the denial of banking operations

© Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, may 10. /TASS/. Interference in elections in Russia foreign non-profit organizations will entail giving them the status of unwanted in Russia, which involves including non-banking operations. It follows from the bill, which initiates a group of state Duma deputies, among them – first Deputy head of the faction “United Russia” Victor Pinsky.