Putin has not yet taken any decisions with regard Kudrin

Putin has not yet taken any decisions with regard Kudrin SOCHI, may 11. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin at the moment has not taken any concrete decisions regarding the future employment of the head of the Center for strategic research of Alexei Kudrin. This was announced by acting press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “While some decisions by the President are not accepted on this account, he said. — If and when they are adopted, we will immediately inform you, but there weren’t any solutions.” Peskov said that the Kremlin never announces upcoming personnel decisions. Earlier it was reported that most of the faction “United Russia” in the state Duma in favour of proposing candidates to the President Alexei Kudrin on a post of the head of the accounting chamber. On Friday told TASS one of the participants of the operational meeting of the parliamentary majority to discuss the

Putin does not consider the idea of the possibility of three presidential terms in a row

Putin does not consider the idea of the possibility of three presidential terms in a row This was stated press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. SOCHI, may 11. /TASS/. The proposal to allow three consecutive presidential terms for one and the same person is not on the agenda of Russian President Vladimir Putin. This was stated to journalists by acting press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, commenting on a proposal of the Chechen authorities. “It’s not the question on the agenda of the President”, — said the representative of the Kremlin to journalists.

Putin and Merkel discussed by telephone the US withdrawal from the “nuclear deal” on Iran

Putin and Merkel discussed by telephone the US withdrawal from the “nuclear deal” on Iran After the unilateral US withdrawal from the Joint comprehensive plan of action (AGREEMENT) to resolve the issue of Iran’s nuclear program, the AGREEMENT will still need to save for international and regional security. It discussed the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a telephone conversation, said on the Kremlin website. In addition, the two leaders touched upon a few more questions. Among them — Syria, preparations for the visit of Angela Merkel in Russia and domestic crisis, the report says. The German Chancellor also spoke about the results of the trilateral meeting with President of France Emmanuel Makron and the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, stated the same. On Tuesday, may 8, the us President Donald trump announced the US withdrawal from the AGREEMENT. In the near future against Iran

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation called counterproductive attempts by the US to put pressure on North Korea

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Roman Canasuc/TASS MOSCOW, may 11. /TASS/. Calls for Washington to exert pressure on the DPRK amid the readiness of Pyongyang to the dialogue incomprehensible and counterproductive. This was stated on Friday, the Russian foreign Ministry in connection with the holding in Washington on may 3-4 of the expert meeting on review of implementation of the “sea” of the sanctions provisions of UN security Council resolutions on North Korea.

The state Duma has resolved the issue with imported drugs

The state Duma has resolved the issue with imported drugs In the state Duma decided to remove the ban of import American drugs from bill on the counter. On Friday, may 11, said the first Deputy Chairman of the state Duma, first Deputy Chairman of the CPRF Central Committee Ivan Melnikov, reports “Interfax”. Thus, for the second reading of the bill removes the provision that in the variant of the first reading indicated the possibility to impose an embargo on imports of medicines from the United States or other countries supporting sanctions against Russia. “The direction of the revision (of the bill of counter — approx. “Of the tape.ru”) one basic. We are talking about making a second reading to exclude from the bill mentions specific industries, specific goods and services that are now prescribed in the bill. To leave only what sanctions can be applied,” he said. The draft

The head of the HRC criticized the decision Maxim Shevchenko to retire from Council

The head of the HRC criticized the decision Maxim Shevchenko to retire from Council Moscow. May 11. INTERFAX.RU. The head of the Council on human rights (HRC) Mikhail Fedotov said he did not consider equitable grounds on which a member of the HRC, journalist Maxim Shevchenko has declared its intention to withdraw from the Council. “Maksim me about his decision, did not say anything. His proposal to hold a special meeting devoted to the events of 5 may, had been circulated to all members of the Council, and we have a rule according to which the relevant permanent Commission should prepare such a meeting. The preparations for this meeting began the next day, namely on may 6,” said Fedotov “Interfax”. He noted that the necessary inquiries were sent to law enforcement agencies and authorities, “the answer is no, but some materials have already arrived”.So I don’t see any grounds for

The defense Ministry announced the development of methods to monitor nuclear tests

The defense Ministry announced the development of methods to monitor nuclear tests MOSCOW, may 11 — RIA Novosti. Russian military experts in the field of control of nuclear tests, note the presence abroad, improving development with the purpose of concealing nuclear explosions, so in the Russian Federation to develop new methods of tracking such events, said in an interview with RIA Novosti head of the special control Service (SSK) Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation Colonel Igor Tokarev. He recalled that in accordance with the Treaty banning nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water of a country with nuclear weapons, began to carry out only underground nuclear explosions can be detected solely by means of seismic monitoring. Discreetly to carry out such tests technically easier, and development in this direction are being improved.Igor Tokarevnikolai SSK of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation

RF MFA: Mirzayanov tied agent “Newbie” with Russia for political reasons

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Roman Canasuc/TASS MOSCOW, may 11. /TASS/. Former Soviet chemist, Vil Mirzayanov had no true knowledge of how to create chemical substances, and the formula “Newbie” (according to the British side, that this matter on March 4 in Salisbury was poisoned ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia) made on the basis of the data of the American Institute, linking it with Russia for political reasons. This is stated in the Memorandum submitted by the delegation of the Russian Federation at the 59th session of the Executive Council of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW). The text of the note issued on Friday, the Russian foreign Ministry.

Zakharov: Ukrainian “snipers” threatened the employee of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in the walls of the headquarters of the UN

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS The UN, on may 11. /TASS/. The participants of the military operation of Kiev in the South-East of Ukraine threatened Russian diplomat in the walls of the headquarters of the United Nations. This was reported on Friday to journalists the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. According to her, the incident occurred may 9 after the organized Ukrainian side event on the theme of propaganda and false news, which was announced as part of the session of the UN Committee on information. “This event went to the Russian representative – an employee of the Department of information and press, who worked on the session of the Committee. He explained the Russian position on the charges, which flew from the Ukrainian side – the whole event was absolutely anti-Russian bias. As we understand, the Ukrainian delegation did

The Ministry of justice of Russia did not recognize the decision of the court in the Hague for compensation for the annexation of Crimea

The Ministry of justice of Russia did not recognize the decision of the court in the Hague for compensation for the annexation of Crimea The Russian authorities do not recognize the decision of the Hague Tribunal in the case of compensation of Ukrainian companies for the assets they lost after the annexation of Crimea. On 10 may, writes RBC with reference to the press service of the Russian Ministry of justice. Russia does not recognize the decision of the Hague court “due to the lack of arbitration jurisdiction for consideration of the claim”, explained the press service. The decision of the court on may 10, reported Ukrainian UNIAN news Agency. It was reported that we are talking about compensation in the amount of $159 million The justice Ministry told RBC that the amount of compensation — $140 million excluding interest awarded. The publication notes that in April 2017, said about