The Armenian President has appointed the Minister of defence

The Armenian President has appointed the Minister of defence YEREVAN, may 11 — RIA Novosti. The President of Armenia Armen Sargsyan appointed former acting Minister of emergency situations Davit Tonoyan’s defense Minister, said his press service. “To appoint David Tonoyan Minister of defence of the Republic of Armenia”, — stated in the decree published on the presidential website. Earlier, Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinian said Tonoyan will be appointed Minister of defense. Tonoyan was born in 1967 in Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan). He graduated from the Geology of Yerevan state University and the Military-diplomatic Academy of the Russian Federation. In 1986-1988 he served in the Soviet army. Since 1994 worked in the Ministry of defense of Armenia, was a representative of the armed forces of the country to NATO, he headed the Department of international military cooperation and defense programs and defense policy Ministry of defense. In 2010-2017 years was the

The state Duma recommended to allocate funds placed under US sanctions for Russian companies

The state Duma recommended to allocate funds placed under US sanctions for Russian companies Moscow. May 11. INTERFAX.RU. The state Duma recommends to the government to allocate funds from the budget in the years 2019-2021 to support companies affected by sanctions the U.S. and other countries, said first Deputy speaker Alexander Zhukov to journalists on Friday. “We recommend to the government of the Russian Federation resolution of the state Duma in the preparation of the budget for the next triennium to provide measures of support for the organizations affected by the sanctions,” he said. According to first Vice speaker, and necessary funds, companies and industries that need assistance to be determined by the government. Earlier, the head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin and President of the chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation Sergey Katyrin has asked the state Duma to develop the legislative mechanism

Mogherini believes that the EU needs a professional army

Mogherini believes that the EU needs a professional army ROME, may 11. /TASS/. The creation of a professional army is necessary to ensure the security of the European Union. This was stated on Friday by the EU high representative for foreign Affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini, speaking at the conference “State of the Union” (The State of the Union) in Florence. “For safety we need professional army,” — said Mogerini. She noted the need to combine “hard power and soft power”. “Keeping the peace requires diplomacy, dialogue, in other words, the soft power, but sometimes [required] and hard power,” she said. The head of European diplomacy said that currently the world is in “chaos”. “The mood of our world — the destruction and mutual insults, when it will not help solve any of the problems. We need calm, reasonable, patient compromise,” concluded Mogherini.

Faction EP agreed with Medvedev that Kudrin nomination for the post of head of the accounting chamber

Faction EP agreed with Medvedev that Kudrin nomination for the post of head of the accounting chamber Moscow. May 11. INTERFAX.RU. The faction “United Russia” has discussed with the party leader, Prime Minister the question of the nomination of the head of the Center for strategic development Alexey Kudrin on a post of the head of the audit chamber, said the leader of the faction in the state Duma Sergei Neverov. “We certainly discussed the matter with the Chairman of the party, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev — the matter has been agreed,” — said “Interfax” on Friday Neverov. Thus, “United Russia” will offer the state Duma to consider Kudrin for appointment to this post, added the politician. “We want the opposition parties could control the power structure is absolutely normal,” — said Neverov. He noted that while these positions, you first need to conduct a dialogue with society, Parliament, “and

Medvedev is not Putin presented proposals on the structure of the government

Medvedev is not Putin presented proposals on the structure of the government MOSCOW, may 11 — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev have not yet submitted to Russian President Vladimir Putin proposals on the structure of the government, reported the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “While this has not been done,” said Sands, answering the journalists ‘ questions. The Russian Cabinet of Ministers resigned after the accession of Vladimir Putin as President for a fourth term on may 7. The next day the state Duma approved the candidacy of Dmitry Medvedev proposed Putin as Prime Minister. In accordance with the Constitution, now the Prime Minister shall not later than one week after appointment, submit to the President proposals on the structure of the Federal bodies of Executive power. The day before, answering questions of journalists, Peskov said that to expect this as this and next week.

In the state Duma spoke about the possible division of the Ministry of education into two departments

In the state Duma spoke about the possible division of the Ministry of education into two departments Moscow. May 11. INTERFAX.RU. The Ministry of education and science may be divided; education, probably, will be overseen by the current head of Department Olga Vasilyeva, science Deputy Minister Grigory Trubnikov, said the Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on education and science Oleg Smolin. Information on the likely division of the Department confirmed sources “Interfax” in the Russian Academy of Sciences and Ministry of education. “The issue of division of the Ministry of education and science, indeed, discussed, and already more than 10 years. And, it seems that the decision in that year can be taken,” — said Smolin on Friday, “Interfax”. He added that “if we talk about the pros and cons of, on the one hand it is logical to combine the Ministry of science, Ministry of education, since we

The head of the Israeli defense Ministry appealed to Assad called for to expel the Iranians from Syria

The head of the Israeli defense Ministry appealed to Assad called for to expel the Iranians from Syria TASS, may 11. The Israeli defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman during his visit to the city of Katzrin (Golan heights) correspondence addressed to the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and offered to expel the Iranian troops from the territory of the SAR. This is stated in a Friday press release of the Ministry of defense of the Jewish state. “To expel from the land of Qasem Soleimani (General, one of the leaders of the Corps “revolutionary guards” — approx. TASS), and the forces of “al-Quds”. They do not help their presence in Syria poses you problems and only brings harm. Expel the Iranians and then may come a completely different life,” said Lieberman. In his speech he also praised the success of the Israeli army and has warned of a possible euphoria. “We need

The National Interest: Russian hypersonic complex “Dagger” has no analogues

The National Interest: Russian hypersonic complex “Dagger” has no analogues Russian MiG-31 with hypersonic missiles “Dagger” have no analogues in the world, confirmed a columnist for the magazine The National Interest Dave Majumdar. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий “No one in the world ballistic missile air launch, so Moscow is rightly said that “Dagger” has no analogues outside of Russia”, — said the author. Mr. Majumdar drew attention to the fact that “Dagger” is able “to maneuver in flight and fly in unpredictable paths”, making it difficult to intercept. “In the end, “Dagger” is really a formidable weapon,” — said in the article. During the download an error has occurred. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has presented a complex “Dagger” among the novelties of Russian arms during his speech to the Federal Assembly. Demonstration of a hypersonic missile was one of the highlights of the Victory Parade. See also: Not gonna get us.

Russian counter-sanctions will become a universal

Russian counter-sanctions will become a universal The Council on law-making under the Chairman of the state Duma discussed the comments and suggestions of regions and experts to the bill on the counter. This is the second discussion of amendments made by the legislature in response to US sanctions. 20 APR in the Duma, there were consultations with representatives of business and scientific communities, in its results for the completion of the project there was created a working group, headed by Vice-speaker of the state Duma Alexander Zhukov. According to the Vice-speaker Ivan Melnikov, from the bill will remove language regarding specific products. The analyst Ekaterina Shulman on his page in Facebook has published a new text of the bill. It is much more General than was originally: “The prohibition or restriction of import on territory of Russia of products and (or) raw materials, countries of origin which are hostile foreign