Tuleyev has not filed documents in the primaries of “United Russia” on elections to the Parliament of Kuzbas

Aman Tuleyev © Daniel Aikin/TASS KEMEROVO, may 15. /TASS/. The former head of the Kuzbass, the Chairman of the Council of people’s deputies of the region 74-year-old Aman Tuleyev will not participate in the primaries of “United Russia” on parliamentary elections of the Kemerovo region, told TASS in the Kemerovo regional branch of the party on Tuesday.

The DPRK proposed to hold high-level meeting and South Korea agreed

The DPRK proposed to hold high-level meeting and South Korea agreed North Korea proposed to hold inter-Korean high-level talks. About it reports Reuters, citing South Korean Ministry of national unification. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий Seoul agreed to Pyongyang’s proposal, a meeting is scheduled for may 16 at the point of negotiations Panmunjom on the border of two States. Currently there are negotiations about details of the summit. Presumably, the parties will discuss the resumption of dialogue between the red cross. Another point will be the meeting of relatives living on different sides of the 38th parallel. In addition, may be affected by the topic of athletes from the DPRK and the Republic of Korea under a single flag. In turn, the Agency Yonhap said that North Korea will send to the meeting a delegation of 29 members. It will include officials responsible for the areas of sport and Economics, as well as journalists.

Maduro has promised to arrange in Venezuela’s “economic revolution” if he wins the election

Maduro has promised to arrange in Venezuela’s “economic revolution” if he wins the election TASS, may 15. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has promised to fellow citizens to lead them to economic prosperity in case of a victory on presidential election on 20 may. This was reported by the Venezuelan news Agency. In recent years the South American country is experiencing an acute socio-economic crisis, inflation in 2018 is projected at 14,000%. “I am psychologically, mentally and politically prepared to in that case, if you make me President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for the years 2019-2025, to get you on the path to growth, prosperity and economic revival of the Motherland, we will build it together with the help of a great economic revolution,” — said the politician. He also “swore” that will end with speculators and “economic mafia” and Venezuela will move “towards stability, to the economic world.”

North Korea started to dismantle nuclear test site

North Korea started to dismantle nuclear test site North Korea began dismantling buildings at the nuclear test site, Pungere. It is reported portal 38 North, citing a report of the study group from the University of Johns Hopkins. Analysts have examined satellite images from may 7, and found significant changes compared to the last survey. This time it was torn down several key buildings, dismantled railway, leading into the mountainous part of the complex, also seen several overturned carts. The entrances to the tunnels remain open, several “important structures” remained intact. Experts believe that this is done in connection with the upcoming activities for the public closure of Pungere in the period from 23 to 25 may. On April 27, the Leaders of the DPRK and the Republic of Korea Kim Jong-UN and moon Jae-In held the first ever summit on the South Korean part of the demilitarized zone. The

Ryabkov: Moscow does not exclude Iran from the deal on nuclear program

Sergei Ryabkov © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, may 15. /TASS/. Moscow does not exclude Iran from the deal on its nuclear program. This was stated on Tuesday by Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov, speaking at a panel discussion on the situation around the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) at the discussion site of the club “Valdai”. “I think that to completely dismiss the scenario of Iran from the agreement if you fail to arrange the Iran-based to agree with the other participants”, – he said.

“We go East”: what has led to the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan

Soviet soldiers on BTR-70 during the crossing of the bridge across the Amu Darya in Afghanistan, 1988 © TASS Exactly 30 years ago, may 15, 1988, the Soviet Union started withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. For the nine months has left the country more than 100 thousand Soviet soldiers. How the decision was made to leave Afghanistan and what it brought out at TASS. “It’s just a Fig leaf” The timetable for the withdrawal of Soviet forces was approved in the framework of the so-called Geneva agreement, or the Agreement on settlement of the situation in the Republic of Afghanistan. Formally it was a negotiation between the Pro-Soviet government of Afghanistan headed by Mohammad Najibullah, and Pakistan, behind which stood Washington. The USSR and the USA participated in the negotiations only as “guarantors”. The Afghan armed opposition did not participate in the negotiations, having rejected the opportunity in the beginning.

Posner commented on the transfer of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

Posner commented on the transfer of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem RIGA, may 14 — RIA Novosti. The transfer of the U.S. Embassy from tel Aviv to Jerusalem testifies that the President of the United States Donald trump completely ignores the international community, said the program Baltkom is an online radio Baltkom on the situation in Israel, the Russian journalist Vladimir Pozner. “It is a demonstration that the US is in the face of trump’s completely ignoring the international community. The US, nobody put in a penny, but yourself. They believe that no consequences will be derived from strong positions and the US is really the strongest,” said Posner. According to the journalist, the current confrontation may cause a temporary reaction and blow up the situation. “It is difficult to suppose, I do not like to assume, but it is easy to predict that it is dangerous. Perhaps the actions

The Israeli foreign Ministry accused Hamas for the deaths of dozens of Palestinians in Gaza

The Israeli foreign Ministry accused Hamas for the deaths of dozens of Palestinians in Gaza TEL AVIV, may 14 — RIA Novosti. The Israeli foreign Ministry blamed the deaths of dozens of Palestinians in clashes with the military on the borders of the Gaza strip in the enclave’s ruling Hamas movement. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий Protests held in Gaza on Monday amid the 70th anniversary of the founding of Israel and timed for the anniversary of the transfer of the U.S. Embassy from tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Israeli soldiers fire at protesters. According to the latest data of the Ministry of health of Palestine, the death toll has reached 52 people, more than 2.4 thousand were injured. Palestinian Islamists, the foreign Ministry was accused of organizing mass protests, the participants of which crowds broke into the territory of the Jewish state and were met with fire. “Palestinian victims are to blame only Hamas,

The Embassy of the Russian Federation reported on the interrogations arriving in the UK the Russians

The Embassy of the Russian Federation reported on the interrogations arriving in the UK the Russians Moscow. May 14. INTERFAX.RU — AT the Russian Embassy in London announced the arrests and interrogations by law enforcement agencies in the UK Russian citizens arriving in this country. “The Russian Embassy in London began to receive reports of arbitrary detention and interrogation by the border guard service of the British police and Russian citizens who come here legally, that is, the presence of British visas”, — is spoken in the message published on the Embassy website. The Embassy advise all who have any similar problems at airports before or after passport control, to inform the Embassy via email [email protected] “on the basis of confidentiality for the assessment and prevention of possible discriminatory approach by the British authorities against Russian citizens arriving in the UK”.