The state Duma approved in first reading a bill on criminal responsibility for the execution of sanctions

The state Duma approved in first reading a bill on criminal responsibility for the execution of sanctions for execution on the territory of Russia of the sanctions of foreign countries. The document was unanimously supported by all Duma factions. The state Duma has approved in the first reading a bill introducing criminal liability. The project was submitted to the Duma on the eve. According to the document, for execution of sanctions of the West will face a fine of up to 500 thousand RUB, the restriction of liberty for up to three years, arrest up to six months or imprisonment up to three years with a fine up to 200 thousand rubles.

The state Duma adopted in the first reading the bill on the counter

The state Duma adopted in the first reading the bill on the counter Moscow. May 15. INTERFAX.RU. The bill on the counter on Tuesday passed the first reading in the state Duma. This framework draft law — “On measures of exposure to (counter) the unfriendly actions of the United States of America and (or) other foreign States” — provides the President and the government broad powers to impose retaliatory restrictions a political and economic nature in relation to the United States and States that have joined anti-Russian sanctions. For its adoption voted all factions of the state Duma. At the same time, the deputies adopted a resolution which defined the basic directions of modification of this bill a second reading. In particular, it is planned that the law will not mention individual industries and products and it will allow you to get away from excessive concretization, and thereby expand opportunities

The court froze $33 million the former President of Argentina Kirchner on charges of corruption

The court froze $33 million the former President of Argentina Kirchner on charges of corruption MOSCOW, may 15 — RAPSI. A court in Argentina has seized 800 million pesos (about $ 33 million) the former President Cristina Kirchner in the framework of cases of corruption, it follows from the documents published on the official website of the judicial information of the country. The prosecution believes that the family Kirchner used her hospitality firm Hotesur to launder bribes. Just the case involves 19 people, including children, ex-head of Argentina’s MAXIMO and Florencia. Accounts of alleged accomplices Kirchner was also arrested by the court. Against Cristina fernández de Kirchner investigated several criminal cases. In particular, the ex-Argentine President accused of concealing the involvement of Iran in a terrorist attack in Buenos Aires in 1994. At the moment, Kirchner remains at large as a Senator with parliamentary immunity.

The state Duma adopted in the first reading the bill on the counter

© Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, may 15. /TASS/. The state Duma adopted in the first reading the draft law on anti-sanctions pressure on Russia, which introduced counter-sanctions against the United States and other countries. It is planned that the state Duma will consider the bill on second reading may 17, so that the law was adopted in whole on may 22. The bill on the counter The bill “On measures of exposure to (counter) the unfriendly actions of the US and (or) other foreign countries” was submitted April 13, leaders of all parliamentary factions and speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. The initiative was developed in response to manifested by “the US and its officials calls expressed in a hostile and unconstructive action for the introduction of sanctions against Russia as a whole, its citizens and legal entities”, stated in the explanatory Memorandum.

She urged the state Department to demand the release of journalists, “RIA Novosti Ukraine”

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, may 16. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova urged the state Department “not to bow and scrape” before the authorities of Ukraine, and to demand the release of detained journalists of the Agency “RIA Novosti Ukraine”.

Embassy in United States: Russia will not ask for permission for the construction of facilities in the regions

The building of the Russian Embassy in the United States © Anatoly Bochinin/TASS WASHINGTON, may 16. /TASS/. The Russian government will not ask other countries permission for the erection of infrastructure in the regions of the country. This is stated in a statement on Tuesday, the comments of the Russian Embassy in the United States in response to criticism from the state Department in connection with the opening of the Crimean bridge.

The Communist party in the Duma introduced a bill on moratorium on raising the retirement age

The Communist party in the Duma introduced a bill on moratorium on raising the retirement age Moscow. May 15. INTERFAX.RU — the Faction of the Communist party introduces a bill on a moratorium on raising the retirement age by 2030, said a member of the faction Oleg Smolin. He believes that “raising the retirement age will slow down technological progress, as it will generate a huge number of cheap excess labor”. The MP also said that as a result of refusal of indexation of pensions to working pensioners the Pension Fund lost $ 125 billion rubles more than was saved. “As a result of the fact that pensions are indexed not running in 2016, ceteris paribus a working pensioner receives approximately 22.5% less than the unemployed; he had short nearly 13% in 2016-m to year, almost six in 2017 and 4% in 2018 year. In terms of compound interest of

SBU broke into the office of RIA Novosti Ukraine

SBU broke into the office of RIA Novosti Ukraine KIEV, may 15 — RIA Novosti. In Kiev the staff of SBU broke into the office of RIA Novosti Ukraine. Morning the office called people in uniform with the inscription of the SBU. Eyewitnesses saw as Jack entered the building, where the office of the Agency. After that, inside the journalist stopped communicating. The Department stated that conduct investigative actions in relation to “mass-media controlled by the Russian Federation”. By words a press-the Secretary of SBU Elena Gutlyanskii, “the police found that they were used by the aggressor as part of the hybrid information war against Ukraine”.

Moskalkova proposed to introduce training courses for teachers in case of attacks in schools

Moskalkova proposed to introduce training courses for teachers in case of attacks in schools Moscow. May 15. INTERFAX.RU Commissioner for human rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova ready to develop a system of training of teachers rules of conduct in case of armed attacks in schools. “We need a system of training for teachers in the first place. We ask the Ministry of education that they together with our employees — and we have a special Department for family Affairs, children and fatherhood, and education is a unit — developed training and conducted them,” — said Moskalkova on Tuesday at a meeting with members of the faction “United Russia”, answering a question about the necessity of training for school staff in the event of armed aggression in school and receiving information about a possible emergency. The article“Epidemic” of school aggression She noted that developed from past experience is largely

The state Duma proposed to deprive of liberty for a term up to four years for the execution of sanctions of the West Russia

© Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, may 15. /TASS/. The state Duma meeting on Tuesday unanimously adopted in the first reading the draft law on criminal liability for joining the anti-Russian regime of restrictive measures on the territory of the Russian Federation. The initiative was made on Monday by the speakers of the state Duma and the Federation Council Vyacheslav Volodin and Valentina Matvienko, as well as leaders and representatives of all parliamentary factions. The bill amends the criminal code of the Russian Federation, which is supplemented by a new article 284.2 “Limitation or refusal to carry out normal business transactions or transactions to assist in the enforcement of restrictive measures imposed by a foreign state, a Union of foreign States or international organization”. 4 years in prison for the execution of sanctions against Russia The new regulations introduced liability for “acts or omissions” to implement anti-Russian sanctions, if they resulted in