History will not forgive the US and Israel, Erdogan said

History will not forgive the US and Israel, Erdogan said ANKARA, may 15 — RIA Novosti. History will not forgive the US and Israel, and the world will be a witness to this, said President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, commenting on clashes in the Gaza strip, which killed dozens of Palestinians. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Protests were held in Gaza on Monday amid the 70th anniversary of the founding of Israel and timed for the anniversary of the transfer of the U.S. Embassy from tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Israeli soldiers were shooting to kill protesters. According to recent reports, the clashes killed 61 Palestinians. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas declared three days of mourning. The situation in the Gaza strip on Tuesday discussing the UN security Council. “History will not forgive the US and Israel, we will witness this… the UN Resolutions provide for a waiver of any steps to change the status of Jerusalem

Putin signed a decree on the structure of the new government

Putin signed a decree on the structure of the new government In the Cabinet the Prime Minister will have 10 deputies. SOCHI, may 15. /TASS/. Putin signed a decree on the structure of the new government. Relevant information is contained in the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, reported the press service of the Kremlin. The Prime Minister will have 10 deputies, including first Deputy Prime Minister — Minister of Finance, Deputy Prime Minister — presidential envoy in the far Eastern Federal district and Deputy Prime Minister — head of staff of the Cabinet of Ministers. “To establish that the Prime Minister has 10 deputies, including one first Deputy Chairman of RF government — Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the government of the Russian Federation — Plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in far East Federal district and Vice-Chairman of

Sands: the new Cabinet will be formed within a week

Sands: the new Cabinet will be formed within a week Acting press Secretary of the President announced that the new government should appear before the beginning of the St. Petersburg economic forum. SOCHI, may 15. /TASS/. A new government will be formed before the start of the St. Petersburg economic forum. This was reported to journalists acting press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “Of course, [to the beginning of the SPIEF] it should be formed according to the Constitution,” — said Peskov. SPIEF 2018 will be held may 24-26. Peskov recalled that on Tuesday will host a meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, on which, perhaps, may be determined by the composition and structure of the new Cabinet. Answering the question of whether to require the President some time for approval of candidates to the composition of the new government, Peskov said: “I don’t

The state Duma responded to the “unfriendly actions” of the US

The state Duma responded to the “unfriendly actions” of the US The project of counter-sanctions and amendments to the criminal code adopted in the first reading. The state Duma unanimously adopted in the first reading the draft law on countering the us sanctions and amendments to the Criminal code (CC), which is responsible for the execution of sanctions of foreign States on the territory of the Russian Federation. For the second reading, which will be held on may 17, the draft law “on measures against hostile actions of the United States” will remove the list of specific fields and industries that can apply counter-sanctions. The Communists are asked to register in the law a clause stating that the drugs the President and the government in the list of sanctions made. Acting Plenipotentiary of the government in the state Duma Alexander Sinenko assured that the sanctions lists will be discussed with

Matviyenko urged the government to change its work style

Matviyenko urged the government to change its work style MOSCOW, may 15 — RIA Novosti. The style of work of the Russian government is too bureaucratic — matching is time-consuming, this needs to change, since the implementation of the may decree of the President required a forced mode of operation, believes the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. Earlier, the press Secretary of the head of the government Natalia Timakova reported that Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday will present President Vladimir Putin proposals on the structure of the government. More important (than the government) more. In many respects it is necessary to change the style of work. I mean, many things we have excessively bureaucratized. We must try to avoid it. It is necessary to change the system of coordination in the government, especially with regard to digital technologies. Now the decision-making system very long.Valentine Matvienkova Of The

The Prosecutor General of Ukraine saw treason in the actions of the staff, “RIA Novosti — Ukraine”

The Prosecutor General of Ukraine saw treason in the actions of the staff, “RIA Novosti — Ukraine” Moscow. May 15. INTERFAX.RU — actions of employees of media outlets, “RIA Novosti — Ukraine” fall under article of the Criminal code of Ukraine “high treason”, said the Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko. “The investigation has evidence of implementation of well-paid anti-Ukrainian attacks this structure, the participation of citizens of Ukraine (at the same time received the citizenship of the Russian Federation) in the disinformation war. The actions of these persons fall under the grounds of article 111 of the criminal code — high treason”, — Lutsenko wrote Tuesday on Facebook. In turn, the Deputy head of the security Service of Ukraine Viktor Kononenko said that the head of the “RIA Novosti — Ukraine” citizen of Ukraine Kirill Vyshinsky was given the task of conducting subversive campaigns in the Crimea, and later in support

Digital economy gets its authority

Digital economy gets its authority Dmitry Medvedev has suggested to create the Ministry of digital development and communications. As it became known “Kommersant”, the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has suggested to create the Ministry of digital development and communications. The new Agency may be formed on the basis of the Ministry of communications, which will be transferred to the authority in the field of digitalization of the economy. A candidate to head the new Ministry is the head of the Analytical center under the government of the Russian Federation Konstantin Noskov. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has suggested to create the Ministry of digital development and communications, told “Kommersant” a source close to the government. According to him, the proposal was sent by the Deputy head of the government apparatus Maxim Akimov, in charge of digital economy and who may be appointed Deputy Prime Minister. Press Secretary Dmitry Medvedev Natalia Timakova

“RIA Novosti — Ukraine” suspected of working for Russia

“RIA Novosti — Ukraine” suspected of working for Russia SBU conducted search in the editorial. This morning in Kiev employees of the security Service of Ukraine (SBU) conducted a search in the editorial office of the news Agency “RIA Novosti — Ukraine”. Its head Kirill Vyshinsky detained. Formal charges against the reporter is not voiced, but the representative of the SBU Elena Gitlyanskaya made it clear that the Ukrainian security forces “revealed the activities of a network of mass-media, controlled by the Russian Federation”. That the office of the information Agency “RIA Novosti — Ukraine” conducted a search, the SBU announced itself this morning. For a few minutes before it became known about the arrest of Kirill Levin — head of the publication. “From 10 in the morning there is no connection neither with Cyril Wyszynski, nor with other representatives of the Agency. When only one employee who is on

Zakharova: the threat of Ukraine after the opening of the bridge in the Crimea – an attempt to distract from their problems

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS CRIMEAN BRIDGE, may 16. /TASS/. Statement of Ukraine, made in connection with the opening of the Crimean bridge, are an attempt to distract the people of their country from internal problems and do not have real basis, has declared on Wednesday to journalists by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.