The state Duma has released Golikov from the position of head of the accounting chamber

The state Duma has released Golikov from the position of head of the accounting chamber Moscow. May 17. INTERFAX.RU — the state Duma meeting on Thursday released Tatyana Golikova from the post of Chairman of the accounting chamber. The idea of the liberation Golikova from this post submitted to the state Duma the President of the Russian Federation. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has previously proposed to appoint her Deputy Prime Minister for social Affairs in the new government. Dismissal of Golikova opens the way for formal introduction at the state Duma of the candidates for the post of Chairman of the accounts chamber. As reported, the “United Russia” put forward on this post of the former Minister of Finance, Director of the Center for strategic research of Alexei Kudrin, the Communists propose his colleague in the faction Yuriy Sinel’shchikova, “revolutionaries” — the head of Committee for financial market Anatoly Aksakov,

The Duma postponed consideration of a question on criminal responsibility for the execution of sanctions

The Duma postponed consideration of a question on criminal responsibility for the execution of sanctions Moscow. May 17. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian state Duma on Thursday voted to defer the consideration of the question of introduction of criminal responsibility for the execution of sanctions of foreign States on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as for facilitating the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions. “We have received large number of complaints from the business community. Yesterday received a request from the RSPP and representatives from banking institutions with a request to conduct further consultations on the bill,” said speaker of the Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. According to him, in connection with the received appeals is required to hear the opinion of the relevant committees and subcontractors who work with this bill. “I would like to hear the opinion of the relevant committees and subcontractors who work with this bill, and offer

In Russia found living below the poverty line of deputies

In Russia found living below the poverty line of deputies From deputies of regional legislative assemblies in 2017 68 lived below the poverty line. According to their declarations, the income of these deputies was below the annual living wage. RBC reports that analysed the income declarations of regional parliamentarians. Thus 14 deputies declared zero income, most of these parliamentarians were in North Ossetia — four. Overall, the lowest average incomes recorded a Deputy in the legislative Assembly of Ingushetia (about million), the legislative Assembly of Kalmykia Republic (1.3 million rubles), Karachay-Cherkessia and the Republic of Altai (1.6 million), as well as in the legislative Assembly of the Republic of Tuva (1.8 million rubles). Most of the deputies with incomes below the poverty line in the legislative Assembly of Kabardino-Balkaria — seven people — and in North Ossetia — five people. Some are owned a lot of real estate meets the

Matvienko invited the officials to postpone the vacation to run tasks at a may decree

The Chairman Of The Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Press service of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation VOLGOGRAD, may 17. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko has proposed to the authorities to postpone the vacation until next year because of the need to adopt by October 1 of this year, actions for the implementation of the decree of the RF President on strategic objectives until 2024.

Zorkin called the case Skrobala example of misrepresentation of justice and law

The Chairman of the constitutional court Valery Zorkin © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS SAINT PETERSBURG, may 17. /TASS/. The investigation into the poisoning of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the UK is an example of the modern practice of falsification of justice. That opinion has been shared during the lecture at the St. Petersburg legal forum, the Chairman of the constitutional court Valery Zorkin.

Putin: Russia will not tolerate provocations in the Crimean bridge

Chapter Republic Of Crimea Sergey Aksenov © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS CRIMEA, may 17. /TASS/.Russian security services will not tolerate provocations in the Crimean bridge, said Wednesday the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov in connection with the publication in an American newspaper with a call to blow up the transport passage. “As for the security of the Crimean bridge, it is provided reliably and in full. Our armed forces and security forces are ready to prevent any provocative actions, wherever they came,” wrote Aksenov on his page in Facebook. In his opinion, the American publicist, who urged Ukraine to blow up the Crimean bridge, reflected “the beliefs of a certain part of the American political elite.”

The UN has predicted the decline of Russia’s population

The UN has predicted the decline of Russia’s population The population of Russia by 2050 will decrease to 132 million people. To such conclusion experts of the Department of economic and social Affairs of the UN, the forecast published on the website of the world organization. In China, the population growth will continue until 2030, and then will decline and will reach 1.3 billion people, which is even less than today’s indicators. In the end, leadership will pass to India, where in 2050, according to forecasts, will live 1.6 billion people. Just by mid-century the planet will populate 9.7 billion people. Rosstat in late January published a report, according to which the birth rate in the country declined sharply in 2017: 10.9 percent compared with the year 2016. According to the Federal service last year were born to 1.68 million Russians. It 203,4 thousand less than in 2016, and only

Russia is ready to share with the UK experience in the construction of bridges across the Straits

Russia is ready to share with the UK experience in the construction of bridges across the Straits The Russian Embassy in London said that Russia is ready to share the experience of highway bridge construction, if the British side wants to build a ferry across the English channel between Britain and France. “We are ready to share the experience of building such complex objects London, for example, across the channel, if there is interest,” — said on the website of the Embassy. The statement of the Embassy published after the Deputy foreign Minister of the UK, Alan Duncan called the opening of the bridge Crimea a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and an example of “irresponsible behavior” of Russia. Similar opinion came from Ukraine, Canada, NATO and the EU. The construction of the bridge length of 19 km and a cost of almost 228 billion. began in February 2016. The President

The Eurasian economic Union and Iran signed an interim agreement on free trade zone

The Eurasian economic Union and Iran signed an interim agreement on free trade zone The document provides for reduced or zero import customs duties on a wide range of goods. ASTANA, may 17 — RIA Novosti. A provisional agreement on creating a free trade zone between the Eurasian economic Union and Iran signed during the Astana economic forum. The document represents the first stage in the formation of a free trade area between the EEC and Iran. It provides for reduced or zero import customs duties on a wide range of goods. The implementation of the agreement will significantly increase the volume of mutual trade, which last year amounted to 2.7 billion dollars. “In the interim agreement provided for an effective dispute resolution mechanism, including arbitration. Arbitrators determine the parties agree, in particular, of the place of arbitration. Also created a joint Committee on high-level officials of the parties, provides

The state Duma has postponed the second reading of the draft on responsibility for the execution of sanctions of the USA

© Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, may 17. /TASS/. The state Duma meeting on Thursday postponed consideration in the second, mainly reading the draft law on criminal liability for joining the anti-Russian regime of restrictive measures on Russia for consultations with business. The deputies supported the proposal of the speaker of the lower house of Parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin.